Because I Was Excluded Out of the Class Transfer, I Decided to Steal My Classmate's Lover

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Youre My Lascivious Kitten

Chapter 106: You're My Lascivious Kitten

The results of the class meeting, which had been held mainly by the Otaku group, were finally finalised.

The agenda was how to prepare for the expenses required to stay in the town until the creation and completion of the dragon car.

For the time being, it seemed that it was decided to make money by receiving a request for subjugation in the Adventurer’s Guild.

In addition to the four members of the Otaku group who had registered ahead of time, Kanami, Saki, and other saints with specialised combat skills decided to take on the task.

There were two other male students. And Sakuya, who had an elemental hard body, and Hibiki, who had a demonised Crimson Metamorphose, seemed to be reluctant to participate.

The traumatised and mentally unstable Shigenobu Torao and Hirokatsu Yamashiro were not among them.

In addition, they seemed to have been out on their own for the past few days.

They were being so blatantly suspicious. Even the most ignorant Ran would find it uncomfortable and difficult to face.

Niigaki Takeo also seemed to have noticed something unusual about Torao. He had decided not to be a part of the registration team, but to spend his time watching over Torao and providing emotional support.

As usual, Subaru Kiryuin and Reika Joougaoka had decided to stay at the inn and act as bouncers.

In the luggage room, they sometimes exuded an air of ennui, but there was no one in the class who could point this out.

(ennui:boring,nothing to do)

Same went for Ran. It was not like Kanami and Aya were in a position to say anything about other people’s affairs.

Aya Mikoshiba, who could perform unlimited large-scale magic, did not register like the rest.

The reason for this was that she had received several orders for more materials from the engineer who had been entrusted with the production of the dragon carriage.

The parts were supposed to have been delivered according to the plans that Yuri had copied, but apparently they kept failing and they were informed that they did not have the required number of parts to complete the project.

Some of the saints suspected that they were being scammed, but decided not to make any unnecessary complaints.

There was no proof of this. If the relations were to deteriorate and the car was never completed, they would be in deep trouble.

As there was no money involved in generating the parts, the saints agreed to give up this matter as a learning experience and let Aya do her best.

“I’m sorry. I’m imposing such a role on Aya.”

“It’s okay. Anyway, my infinite magic skill is an attack on a specific target. Even if I didn’t have to do this work, I’d still be sent into battle anyway. I’ve come to think that it’s not so bad to be relied on.”

[It was my job to boil the bath,] Aya said, as if it were nothing.

Of course, it was different in the original world. When she first moved to the new world, Aya was kept at a distance as she was a delinquent girl who was difficult to handle, but now she was a member of the class and everyone relied on her.

Aya sat in the corner of the girls’ room and worked quietly. The sight of a delinquent girl with long brown hair stoically working on something was quite moving.

As Ran stared at her, Aya’s cheeks turned slightly red.

She glanced at Ran and opened her mouth without stopping her work.

“It’s kind of embarrassing when people look at you so closely…”

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Even if you say don’t worry about it-Oh! I’ve made it too big…”

Aya looked at the lump of earth, which was now as big as her face, and slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

Aya was working very hard, and Ran wanted to help her. But as it seemed that staying any longer would only be a distraction, Ran decided to leave.

—So Ran and Misuzu, who was also on standby, decided to go for a walk around town.

It was in the name of gathering information, but what they were really doing was dating.

Yes, a date.

When Ran was kicked out of the palace and still living in the cave in the courtyard,Ran wanted to have a date with Misuzu, so he asked her thenif she had a day off.

Unfortunately, Ran didn’t get a chance to rest at that time, and the matter was left in the dark.

Now, he and Misuzu were given the opportunity to walk around the town alone.

“I’ve got a date with……Misuzu. It’s just the two of us, walking together, it’s too good to be true.”

Even before Ran was transferred to another world, he had been secretly in love with one of his classmates - Nekoyama Misuzu.

The miraculous setting that he had dreamed of, Ran was very excited.

“……Aa, I’m getting emotional, I’m about to cry.”

“You’re exaggerating, Ran. It’s not such a big deal for us to go out together.”

For Ran, who had no friends, walking shoulder to shoulder with someone he liked, was a rare and special experience.

He decided not to be too self-deprecating and not to dwell on his past disgrace.

“I’m happy because it’s just me and Misuzu.”

“Nyanhehe…… It’s true that the thought of being alone with Ran may be embarrassing.”

Misuzu scratched her cheek and squinted her eyes.

In order to give the impression of a high school uniform, both of them were wearing a high school uniform.

They naturally stuck together and became lovers. Misuzu looked up at Ran and showed her cat teeth[Nyahaha].

“Oh no, I’m seriously too happy……”

Ran’s senses had been dulled by too much hard play, but this seemed like a very enjoyable time.

It was a different kind of enjoyment from sex.he looked so natural, like she was taken from her everyday life.

The flower Ran had been secretly following from the corner of the classroom was now right next to him, showing her sincere love for him.

When Ran stroked her hair, she jumped up and down with happiness. For this moment - just this moment - Ran felt like he was back in his world.

“I thought that I wouldn’t get any results before I was able to collect information.”

Ran didn’t want to spoil the atmosphere. He didn’t want to touch unrealistic and fantastic words like “demon king” or “hero”.

For now Ran wanted to have an ideal youth as a high school student.

“What’s the matter, Ran-kun?”

Misuzu tilted her head back and looked up at Ran.

That was a sly move, but it was good

Ran’s face broke into a smile at the endearing gesture.

“Oh, you’re so cute. I want to give you a hug. I want to gobble you up………wa-it, I can!”

Muttering quietly, Ran reached for Misuzu’s shoulder.

He pulled her closer and hugged her like crazy. He could feel the warmth of Misuzu’s body.

The petite Misuzu was completely wrapped up in Ran’s arms.

Misuzu was surprised by the sudden embrace, but she didn’t resist, she made a ‘gororo’ sound and made a pleasant noise from her throat.

“Misuzu. I like you, Misuzu. ……”

“Aaa, Ran-kun. I’m so embarrassed!”

Perhaps because they were doing the hugging in the middle of the street, people started to stare.

They quickly left the scene while Misuzu’s ears, peeking out from her bobbed black hair, were red.

Misuzu’s mouth was agape and she looked a little angry.

Maybe because she was not used to this kind of thing, Ran might have made a mistake from the very beginning.

“I’m sorry, Misuzu, I should have behaved in a more appropriate manner.”

Hugging in public was something only an over-cheerful couple would do.

They left the crowd and walked to the back of the restaurant. As they entered a deserted alley, Misuzu looked up at Ran with a sultry expression on her face.

“It’s nothing for you to apologise fornyaa-”

“No, if I just hold back, Misuzu won’t have to be embarrassed.”

“It was just flirting with Ran-kun,but……we were interruptednyaa.”

Misuzu said it regretfully and pinched her reddened earlobes.

The direction of the bewilderment was different from what Ran had expected.

“……I thought you were mad at me for hugging you so suddenly.”

“I don’t think I’d feel uncomfortable being hugged by you.”

After making sure that no one was around, Misuzu put her arm around Ran’s back.

This time, no one would interrupt them. They continued their embrace in peace. A few passers-by looked at them with curious faces, but no one bothered to make a move on the young man and woman who were madly in love.

“… Ran-kun’s daily charging is complete.”

“I need more.”


He pulled Misuzu close and squeezed her again.

After doing this several times, they finally made their way to the main street.

Hand in hand, they walked down the street. It must be a shopping street. There were a number of stalls lining the street.

“Oh, look at that, Ran. The fruit hanging there has a funny shapenyaa.”

Misuzu pointed to a familiar fruit.

It looked like the fruit at the cave where Ageha had led Ran to eat when he was thrown out of the palace and had nowhere to go.

Remembering this, Ran felt a pang of sadness as he realised that it was the only thing that kept him from going hungry.

“I wonder if it came from the garden of the royal palace. If so, it was a delicious fruit with a lot of water.”

“Ran’s recommended fruit…… I want to try it!”

Misuzu looked at Ran with a twinkle(kirakira) in her eyes. Ran almost loosened his purse strings, but he came to his senses just in time.

The money in Ran’s possession was not a fund that individuals were free to use.

It was part of the street money that had been distributed evenly because it was too dangerous to keep it all in one place.

Aside from using it to buy food for everyone, it would be unpleasant to use it because Ran was asked by a girl to pay for a gift.

“I’m afraid it’s not a good idea, isn’t it……”

She knew what Ran was talking about when she saw Ran still contemplating.

In the end she gave up on buying anything and decided to go window shopping.

“Wa, that decoration is shaped like a catnya.”

“It’s true. It’s just like Misuzu’s hair ornament.”

“If we make it a brooch, Ran-kun and I can wear the same onenya.”

There was a lot of excitement about the products on display, but surprisingly only a few shopkeepers were insistent on offering them.

It seemed that the way they behaved before they came to the shop made it clear that they were not customers who would drop money.

Ran was a bit worried that they might be seen as bad people but there seemed to be a lot of chilled-out customers, and they also didn’t get any unwanted looks.

After a while, the main street became less crowded.

They thought they had entered an alleyway, but apparently not.

Suddenly there was a sweet smell in the air, and a woman dressed in more revealing clothing than a swimming costume disappeared into the building, lavishly exposing her lusciously grown limbs.


Misuzu looked up with anxious eyes and hugged Ran’s arm.

A tall and stout man passed by and looked at Misuzu with a licking gaze.

The scary look in his eyes made Ran involuntarily take a protective stance for Misuzu.

“Neh, Ran-kun…… The air feels weird since a while ago……”

Misuzu, who lacked such knowledge, didn’t seem to have a clear idea of what this place was like. However, she still sensed a strange atmosphere, and she tightened her hold on Ran’s body.

This was the first time that even a healthy high school boy like Ran had ever walked past one of these shops. These shops were, after all, adulterated streets lined with brothels and boarding houses.

A woman with a devilishly horned model figure emerged from the shop. Like the previous woman, she had a provocative piece of cloth wrapped loosely around her breasts, exposing a violent cleavage.

Her waistcoat, which was about to slip off at any moment, was stirred by the wind, creating a subtle area of invisibility.

“Amazing, her style is outstandingnyaa…”

Mizusu muttered to herself with an exhale, as if she was fascinated by it.

Her slit eyes twinkled mischievously, and the devilish woman turned her back.

There were wings on her back. Misuzu looked down at her and was shocked. The only fabric on her was the waistband and tube top in the front, and from behind she was almost naked.

Her buttocks are bare and her arrow-shaped tail hangs down from her waist.

The tail swayed as she walked, “Furin, Furinun”. The sweet temptation was an instinctive and destructive blow to Ran.

“… I think it’s better not to look too much.”


They changed direction and hurried back to the main street.

They finally made their way back to a wholesome part of town where there was plenty of traffic, but the slutty air made their heads feel clammy and heavy.

“My face feels so hotnyaa.”

“Your face is all red, Misuzu. I think you’ve got a fever.”

Her eyes were moist and droopy, and her ears were flushed.

Her lips were soft and moist, and her breath was hot and irresistible.

“Let’s take a break. Let’s find a place where we can settle down.”

In spite of pretending to be calm, the truth was that Ran’s head had been melting for a while now.

It was like a ripe fruit packed with sweet desire.

The same went for Misuzu, the corners of her eyes might seem to be relaxed but her cheeks were red and flushed.

“…… I like over there-nyaa.”

Without hesitation, Ran followed Misuzu’s direction.

Ran was going to have to use some of the street money. On this occasion they had no choice

It was to look after a fellow classmate who was unwell. Not for any particular reason.

The building was clearly designed for that purpose, but neither Ran nor Misuzu was in a state of mind to keep it that way.

With his fingers intertwined and Misuzu’s body heat on his shoulder, Ran walked into the “rest area” without a second thought.


“-I’ve done it.”

It was only after they had paid their bill and were in their assigned room that Ran regretted his actions.

He got his hands on some street money and took Misuzu to a cheap hotel.

He didn’t mean to do that.

“I knew I wanted to end the date with a Misuzu as a dessert, but I had no idea that we’d end up in this cheesy resting place.”

The room they were given was very small and only had a bed for one person.

Fortunately, it seemed to be clean and tidy.

There were no desks, chairs or anything of the sort, and it really seemed to be just a place to “rest”.

“The walls seem to be very thin……I mean, if I listen closely, I can hear someone in the next room moaning.”

The mood was nothing like it used to be.

Even Misuzu, who had regained her composure, had no idea why she chose this place.

“I wonder what happened to me earliernyaa.”

Sitting down on the bed, Misuzu tilted her head curiously.

“Are you all right now?”

“I’m fine nownyaa. I’m sorry, Ran-kun. It’s my fault, You had to spend everyone’s money.”

“It’s all right. I’m just glad that Misuzu is looking well.”

As if relieved, she leaned onto Ran.

The uniform was familiar. But the scenery around them was very different.

It reminded him of the first time he had sex with Misuzu. When he ran his hands up her hips and legs and she leaned onto me.


Ran took Misuzu in his arms and placed his lips on hers. Her legs, wrapped in black knee socks, were stretched out.

Her lips were soft, and her tongue brushed against his. Her breath was hot and sticky and spread in Ran’s mouth.

It had been a long time since they hugged each other in their uniforms.

Misuzu moved unsteadily in his arms. Soaking up the warmth and deep kisses, they fell into bed.

“I just want you to wait a minutenyaa.”

She said with a melted face and reached into her luggage compartment.

She rummaged around. In the end, Misuzu clutched a cloth felt-like fabric in her hands.

It was a set of two small triangles and a string.

“I made this with some leftover fabric from my luggage.”

The cloth goods seemed to have a hair clip or something attached to them.

Misuzu put the triangle on her head and tucked the string-like object into the back of her skirt.

“What do you think…?”

She looked a little embarrassed and posed with her fingers curled into a “nyan”.


What Misuzu put in her hair were her homemade cat ears.

The cord-like thing extending from her waist was probably her makeshift tail. She wiggled her hips on the bed, making sweet sounds like “nyannya”.

“Nyahehe,I wonder if you like this kind of thing, Ran-kun… nyah…”



Forgetting to comment on her attire, Ran hugged Misuzu as hard as he could.

He pushed her down on the bed and covered her up. Her small body was completely wrapped up in Ran’s arms.

Her hot breath was blown on Ran’s neck. The tip of her tongue licked his skin.

Misuzu crawled her tongue with a cheerful face. Her gestures made Ran feel very seductive.

“I like you, Misuzu.”

Ran was about to put his hand on her skirt, when suddenly he stopped.

Misuzu had prepared cat ears and even a tail for him. Ran thought it would be a shame to take it off.

This time, he wanted to connect with Misuzu while wearing the uniform.

Ran reached for her thighs. A navy blue skirt and black knee socks created an absolute zone.

It was silky smooth to the touch. When Ran stroked it carefully, Misuzu wriggled tantalisingly.

“What happened to you when you stopped in the middle of taking my cloth offnyaa?”

“Misuzu is so cute with her cat ears on, I wanted to do it with you today while wearing it.”

Misuzu heartily agreed to Ran’s request.

Raising her legs, Misuzu slipped down her shorts, leaving her skirt on.

Her pussy was soft and slippery, split open. A single strand, like a virgin vagina, was wet with love juice, as if it could not wait.

“You’re already so wet, Misuzu……”

“Ever since I passed that strange woman I’ve been filled with naughty feelings just looking at you, Ran-kun.”

Ran took off her bra and squeezed her breasts from the top of her sailor suit.

She shook her head with her cat ears and made a charming sound.

“Nya, Funyu-! Fuya, Fuyan!”

“Misuzu’s nipples are erect! I can see it even through your uniform.”

“Ra,Ran-kun…! I’m so embarrassed, please don’t say that. Nyaaun!”

The sight of Misuzu panting and wearing cat ears made Ran’s heart beat faster.

The warmth of being in the presence of a pet animal and the sexual desire of being in the presence of an attractive member of the opposite sex were at odds with each other.

Ran undressed and pulled down his trousers. His swollen alter ego was on the verge of exploding.

He lifted Misuzu’s legs and ran his tongue over her thighs. It was smooth to the touch.

When Ran rubbed his cheek against her leg through her knee-high socks, Misuzu covered her face with her hand, looking embarrassed.

“I’m more embarrassed than I thought, compared to when I wear my regular clothes.”

“Don’t you think that makes it all the more fiery?”

“Nyaa…! Mou~ You look like a pervert, Ran-kun!”

Misuzu said in a teasing tone. The expression on her face was not one of disgust, but rather one of anticipation and excitement for the coming lovemaking ritual.

Their lips met in an overlapping way. Their hands clasped each other and they kissed deeply again and again.

Ran stroked her hips through her sailor suit, and as he moved his fingers down to her lower belly, Ran grabbed Misuzu’s arm.

“It’s okaynyaa…”

“Yeah, but I haven’t even touched it yet.”

Her mouth was closed and her eyes were moist. When Ran put his hand inside her skirt, her vagina was ready to accept Ran’s cock.

“My crotch has been… unbearably hot for a while nownyaa.”

She lifted her legs and opened her crotch. With her cat tail hanging slackly from her skirt, Misuzu let out a raspy “Fu-ho”

When Ran put his hand over her vulva, which was melted with sweet honey, Misuzu’s hips twitched.

Misuzu showed such a sensitive reaction just by touching her.

‘Is she about to be swallowed up by the immoral pleasure of making love in the clothes she usually wears? Or is it…’

“…… Looks like someone’s starting to use the room next door.”

From the other side of the thin wall, a woman’s voice, sexy and high-pitched, could be heard all the way to the room where Ran and Misuze were staying.

Apparently, their partner was quite a sex fiend. The bed continued to make a creaked sound as he relentlessly made his female partner moan.

“…… Maybe they can hear us, toonyaa?”

Misuzu was excited about urinating secretly in the bushes and having sex outdoors.

Maybe Misuzu actually liked to have sex in such an open place.

“Sheesh, I’m getting a little excited thinking about it.”

Ran didn’t have the taste to show it off to anyone. But to do it in a situation where the girl he loved was happy was the first priority for him.

Misuzu, who made her girl’s parts melt into a throbbing mess. Ran looked at her with compassionate eyes and put his mouth to her ear.

“If Misuzu moans a lot, they might hear you.”

“Nyah, ha, nyahhhh -!”

Biting her reddened ear sweetly, Ran inserted his erect member into Misuzu’s vagina.

The sensation of the boiling hot and wet honey pot made Misuzu feel like she was about to ejaculate.

Like Misuzu, Ran had been very excited for a while now. Ran thought it was because Misuzu was in her cute uniform with cat ears and tail. josei

“Nya, Nyaa, Nyahau…Ran,-Kun! Is more intense than usual, nyah!”

She turned her body upside down, not bothering to keep her voice down, and made a rasping sound of pleasure.

The depths of her vagina contracted in time with her moans. The countless folds of her vagina were entwined, ready to be squeezed out of her.

“…Misuzu. W-wait…you’re a little fierce…”

“Nya, Nyafun!……You’re the one who suddenly put it in so deep, Ran-kun!”

Her bob-cut head with cat ears swayed from side to side, exposing her lustful face.

She bit her cardigan and tried to keep her voice down. It seemed that she was very excited, with her whole body full of lewd stimulation,making her body more sensitive.

“Ran-kun, Ran-kun!”

Misuzu Nekoyama who gave colour to the grey school life.

This was the sailor suit that she wore in her daily life. It was a sight to see her in such a familiar outfit, but in such a lascivious way on the bed.

“We are wearing our uniform and my classmate is so cute while panting, it’s too good…”

The sound of Misuzu’s voice tickled the inside of Ran’s ears.

He pulled his hips and pushed his fully erect meat rod deep into her vagina.

“Funyaaaaa”-Misuzu shouted loudly and her whole body convulsed.

Apparently,they both had already reached their peak.

The piston movement, which had become a little rough, was gradually loosened. As Ran continued to pump slowly, Misuzu weakened, as if she was enjoying the sensation.

“Ran, Kunn……The way you’re touching me today, Ran, is even more erotic than usual. ……”

“You’re more sensitive than ever, aren’t you, Misuzu?……”

Ran could hear the ‘kupo,gupo’ sound.

Misuzu put her fingers in her mouth while looking at her lower abdomen with a sloppy look.

“You’re looking even more intense today, Ran-kun.”

Misuzu pulled out the tip of her finger and tied it with sticky saliva.

The gesture was so seductive that Ran coulnd’t help but be taken aback by it.

“…Misuzu in uniform is cute. It’s strange. It should be the same clothes as usual.”

“Maybe it’s the cat ears and tailnyaa…”

Still looking dreamy from her climax, Misuzu curled her fingertips and striked a cat pose.

She was so adorable that the instincts that had almost calmed down were rekindled.

Ran was concerned about Misuzu and slowed down his pumping. But his growing desire overcame his concern, and gradually the intensity returned.

“ah, ah, Nya…Ran-kun, Nyaun!… A little too intense, Nyaa!”

The bed began to creak. Ran wraped his arms around Misuzu, covering her with her small frame.

Misuzu put her arms around Ran and squeezed his back. She held his hips with her knee-high sock-clad legs, while saying, “Bikku! Bikun!!” And her body convulsed.

“I’m sorry, it’s too……suddenly. Misuzu is just too cute……”

“Nyauu! Nyahehe……I’m a bit surprised, but I’m very happy to hear you say I’m cute!”

Misuzu clung to Ran like a koala and made an embarrassed sound.

They intertwined their bodies through their uniforms and hugged each other tightly.

Misuzu’s body heat could be felt from her whole body. The scent of her sweet milk mixed with sweat drifting softly in the air.

She had black hair with a bob cut that looked great with cat ears. Her body was modest, but supple, like a work of art.

Ran tilted his face and kissed her. The soft little tongue of Misuzu wriggled in his mouth.

Everything about her was lovely. All of Ran’s senses were searching for Misuzu.

“I like you, Misuzu. I like you, Misuzu, you’re so pretty”

“Ran-kun! Ran-kun, Ran-kun, Ran-kun!!

The back of her vagina contracted strongly. The sensitive parts of her body were being tortured and she knew she was close to her limit.

As they moved their hips, they embraced each other with all their might.

They hugged each other tightly and passionately, as if they wanted to devour the being they loved.


“Nya, Nya! Nyaaun……!”

After inserting himself deep inside Misuzu, Ran finally reached his climax.

He turned his head back and released a gush of semen.

Ran poured into her womb a dense genetic material.

After a few minutes,Ran carefully and slowly pulled the rod out of her vagina and let out a long breath.

Released from his embrace, Misuzu threw her limbs on the bed and gazed at the ceiling with glazed eyes.

Drool was dripping from the corners of her mouth. She seemed to be in a state of ecstasy.

“Are you all right, Misuzu ……?”

“……I can’t feel my back and stomach, I don’t think I can movenyaa.”

Thick semen overflowed from her pussy.

A sense of conquest and satisfaction washed over him, and he sat down on the bed with a satisfied look on his face.

“It’s amazing how a little change of scenery can excite younyaa.”

“It wasn’t too expensive, maybe we can come here again?”

“No, We can’t do that. It’s not right to spend everyone’s money. Just this once, you get a special dealnyaa”

Misuzu, still clad in her crumpled uniform, discharged a post-event atmosphere. Lying down next to Ran, Misuzu squinted her eyes in happiness.

As Ran laid next to her, he carefully combed her black hair.

Alone in bed with his classmate, he was able to relax with her until the end of the prescribed time.

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