Becoming Legend

Chapter 273

Chapter 273: Cool

They had to run if they wanted to make it to the exit. There were explosions behind them as the dome started to crumble above.

With the Array activated, the dome that houses the ruined castle slash prison for S'vokalt has started to deteriorate its natural structure.

As the lava flowed endlessly from the exits, the ruined plaza has started to get flooded by it. The temperature was rising, the army that remained suspended outside the ruined plaza climbed up the inclined plaza, while others went to the ruined castle. After all, they were still made of flesh. And flesh was meant to smell roasted when heated.

Ned and Katolin darted towards the edge while the Evolved Kruthik followed them. This massive beast made the ground tremble as it was defiled of anger since it followed to chase the human invaders instead of aiding S'vokalt.

Most of the lava went to the crater inside the ruined castle. The dome was filled with the roar from the army of Kruthiks as they could do nothing but to watch their Mother eaten alive by the lava.

—Or so Ned thought. Although the lava was filling the crater, S'vokalt's rocky and scaly skin was tough enough that the lava couldn't burn it.

But she could feel the pain at least as the temperature around her rises.

Ned and Katolin split from the Evolved Kruthik's charge.

Katolin rolled while Ned fell on his back.

The massive beast turned its eye to Ned and charged at him once more.

But before it reaches Ned, Katolin conjured a Lightning arc blocking his way toward Ned. The beast halted. Sensing that Katolin was more of a threat than Ned, it changes direction toward her.

Behind Ned were the smaller Kruthiks. Some of their spiky limbs that were dipped on the lava turned to charcoal. But others that were able to make it up the ruined plaza charged to him.

Ned rolled, evading a spike. But his roll wasn't far enough that one of the smaller Kruthiks jumped and landed above Ned.

Ned recalled the broken Butterfly and stabbed the beast on its chest. The tip went deep to its Core, completely stopping it along with brown liquid oozing from the wound.

Katolin could barely fight the massive beast with her body clad in too much pain. The black to black cloak Ned gave could barely hold any longer with its tattered surface, and holes that made her skin almost visible.

The air around her swoosh and whistle as she evades the massive spikes of the beast. Instead of using her mana to conjure a spell, Katolin decided to use them to produce a pair of limbs that fought fairly well against the beast. But all she had done was to evade with no spells to land a counterattack. Her eyes darted Ned, pleading of any plan Ned had.

Ned had none.

With the beast and lava and an Evolved Kruthik surrounding them, Ned got no other plan: from plan A to Z, Ned doesn't have any left.

With the lava at almost half a meter above the surface, the once so dark dome was now lit with red and orange and smoke oozing from the dead bodies of the smaller beasts.

The world around them shook, making the walls of the dome cracked together with rocks falling.

Not far from them was the ruined castle, its wall was shining in red from the light of the lava. S'vokalt roared with chains clanking and lava splashing under its massive limbs.

"I don't have any plans left," Ned muttered to himself. He then jumped backward and evaded the spike of the smaller beast. But before he lands, a spiking spike scraped his shoulder. Ned hissed from the bitter pain and spun and kick the spiky jaw of the beast and followed it up with a quick thrust from his Butterfly. Hitting the eye of the beast with precise control. After which, his hands were shaking, and her eyes were sunken devoid of energy and sleep.

"Ned!" Katolin shouted after deflecting the tip of the massive spike. This, however, made her pushed backward and further away from Ned. "Are you all right?"

Ned nodded at Katolin's selfish question. No matter how she was battered from her fight against the massive beast, Katolin was still thinking of Ned.

"I won't let you die," Ned said and thought: ICE, now is the time for your grand plans? Your protocol won't let me die in here, right?

[You have got less mana left.]

ICE responded with what seems to be a disappointment.

[No energy to spare.]

And her voice keeps coming to Ned.

[If you use the bodies of the smaller beast.]

Now, this was something Ned has been waiting for.

[And leave your first subject.]

Ned frowned.

[You will make it in time before the place is completely flooded with lava.]

"No," Ned muttered, "I won't leave her no matter what."

[Then I have got no choice but to force you and control you to make it in time.]

"Can you do that?" Ned asked and rolled to his left, evading by an inch the smaller beast's charge. "To control me even if I don't want to?"


[But if we are talking about your survival.]


[Yes. The system will do everything to make the host in safety.]

Ned extended the Butterfly cutting the neck of the beast that he bumped into after his evasion.

[Even if it means to hurt the host both physically and internally.]

[What use am I. If the only purpose I was built cannot be fulfilled?]

"Were you asking me?"

[No. It is just a phrase.]

"Then, no," Ned said not abiding by ICE's request.

Ned then rolled to his left, called off the Butterfly back to the inventory, and dashed towards the Evolved Kruthik with all his might.

[What are you doing?]

"I will..."

Ned slid to prevent the smaller ones from stabbing him above his neck.


And dashed then threw a straight at the smaller beast that blocked his way toward the massive beast.


He then grabbed the neck of the smaller beast he just punched and rolled over its back and pushed the beast so that its body will block the smaller beasts that were chasing him. He continued forward.

"Together with her."

Ned reached the massive beast.

Unknown to the Evolved Kruthik, Ned had already climbed its back, skidding its rough scales, and summoned back the broken Butterfly.

The massive Kruthik caught Katolin by the leg and raised her upward, ready to maw her.josei

Katolin smiled seeing Ned behind the back of the beast. Remembering something from Ned's memory via his blood, Katolin threw a finger while she was upside down.

Ned leaped from the beast with the broken Butterfly ready to stab the back of its neck.

Under Ned's display. Aside from the Core under the beast's belly, and its eyes, the neck was one of its weak spots. The back of the neck to be precise.

Midair. Under Ned's display in red, a digit appeared.

[30 seconds.]

Ned reached the back of the beast's neck and stabbed it with his sword. After a not so perfect stab, Ned recalled the broken Butterfly back to his inventory.

The Evolved beast let go of Katolin as it tried to reach for Ned with its pincer-like limbs.

Ned jumped down and landed beside Katolin. He then reached for Katolin and grabbed her by the arm.

The sudden attack made the Evolved Kruthik roar in both agony and pain as its brown blood leak from the wound.

"That was... " Katolin said looking at Ned as he grabbed her to stand. "Very cool!"

"Cool?" Ned asked.

"Yeah. Cool!"

Ned smiled with sweat leaking his forehead.

They took the jerking movement of the massive beast as a cue and ran towards the edge of the ruined plaza, near the castle.

[25 seconds.]

What's with the countdown? Ned asked through his mind.

[At exactly 23 seconds. If you did not make it to the mouth of the cave.]


[As the one aiding you to survive will control your body and cast aside your first subject and ran towards the exit.]

[Spare me from your anger. But it must be done. Even if it means to use her as bait.]

[19 seconds.]

Ned knew ICE would do it. He was controlled twice, and he doesn't want it anymore. But Ned understands ICE. If he was given, if Ned was given choices. He would cast aside Katolin, and any of his friends if it means the survival of Master Will. He, at least, knew what and why ICE was doing this.

"Then I better hurry up," Ned said and pulled Katolin closer to him and grabbed her by the waist upon reaching the edge of the ruined plaza.

Behind them, dozens of spiky headed beasts, and the Evolved Kruthik started to rampage with its eye glowing in red. To their left was the roaring in the pain of S'vokalt along with the massive chains clanking. And to their front was the river of lava in bright red.

From Ned and Katolin's spot, there was inclined pavement (judging from the design and inclination, this must be where this old civilization used to move their carriages) that was almost 20 meters then another 20 to 25 meters from the inclined pavement to the mouth of the cave or their exit. All these were surrounded with lava and dead bodies of the smaller beast together with some rocks that were yet to be devoured by the lava.

Ned jumped to the nearest body with Katolin by his side he held. Katolin followed along with Ned as he felt Ned's arm wrapping her waist.

Their trail was followed by the army of the beast. Realizing that they won't make it to the human invaders, they stopped along at the edge of the ruined plaza with the lava under them. But the Evolved one won't let them just leave after all they have done. It pushed the smaller ones and used their body as their stepping stones. It roared in anger with its glowing eye boring Ned and Katolin as it dips its limbs to the bodies of its comrades.

They were left with 15 seconds left upon reaching the inclined pavement. From there, the bodies were scarce and could barely be seen.

"No... no... " Ned said under his puffing breath. "No!" He then roared seeing that their path to the exit was now covered with lava.

"It will be fine, Ned." Katolin free herself from Ned's caring arm then guided her remaining mana to her back and produced a pair of her limbs.

With a smile and a wink, Katolin grabbed Ned by the waist and carried him.

"What are you doing?" Ned had to ask—he must.

[11 seconds.]

"Saving us."

Katolin's limbs touched the lava.

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