Becoming Legend

Chapter 295

Chapter 295: Thought Provoking

But something was amiss about Teklavit.

Even though he was brimming with mana that of a High Elf, he was human. No matter how Ned sensed him, he was a complete human. It's just that, his mana gotten stronger the moment he imbued himself with the green flame.

Ned dashed to Teklavit the moment the latter landed on one foot. He'd rather think about Teklavit later.

"Well." Ned smiled as he stopped before his opponent. "Let's push each other then."

Following Ned's pump of mana was Teklavit enraging in flame.

"Wow... That is something I can't do."

[That flame wrapping him?]

"Uh-huh." Ned nodded in accordance with ICE's response.

[That is something you have yet to learn. It increases his defense as well.]

[But I bet my system. His body was taxing by now.]

To prove ICE's assumption. Teklavit's flame was raging in a different direction but his breathing was rapid to the point that the flame around his mouth was steaming.

"Well. You sure you can hold on?"

Damn. This kid's good even without relying on his mana. Ned thought as he stopped before Teklavit with his arms raised to conjure a spell.

To compensate and be with Teklavit's level. Ned circulated more of his mana from his body and increases his consumption.

Now, with mana pumping his veins, Ned increased his strength and speed. He was now using 40% of his strength.

The two vanished in the sight of the twins. But to Hunter Quentin, they were like invisible forces cutting through the winds.

But what surprised him the most was Ned able to catch up with his student easily as though the first five minutes of their battle was Ned gauging Teklavit.

Hunter Quintin also knew that Teklavit was extraordinary with his mana both density and reserve were far superior to his age.

At first, Hunter Quentin was reluctant to accept Teklavit as his apprentice. But with the help of Master Claire, his long time friend, he's got no other choice but to give his approval.

Not knowing, Teklavit was his lucky find. To have an outstanding student, even though he was a failure to his House, so much that he joined the order called Ghostblood to compensate for all his losses, pay his debts, and increase his reputation for the sake of his House's name. Teklavit was one of a kind with his mana control at such a young age. Perhaps, if he ever becomes a Hunter under his guidance, people from his House would once again look up to him.

So, for months, Hunter Quentin taught Teklavit techniques and spells befitting his magic. It was at this moment that Hunter Quentin learned Teklavit wasn't just a dual element mage, but he could conjure three kinds of elements and was high Tiered to start:

Terra Magic Tier 3. At Tier 1, Terra magic was hard to control due to the need for a massive amount of mana. But in Teklavit's case, his mana, according to Hunter Quentin's view, was limitless. At Tier 1, Terra Magic mages could conjure spells made of mud, and soil, and at late stages were much harder kind of Terra magic. At Tier 3, Teklavit was able to conjure Terra magic in crystal form. Much better than his Terra magic Tier 2 that conjured stones.

His second Magic was Fire element also at Tier 3. This was the surprising part since Hunter Quentin saw red, orange, and the strongest flame he knew so far was blue. But in Teklavit's case, he's got a green kind of flame. He never saw this kind of flame during his time with other Hunters.

Next was the Tier 3 Wind magic. Teklavit could freely control the wind around him that his strongest spell was a blade made of invisible energy. wrapped with air that able to cut almost anything.

Teklavit was his lucky find. But he's got two problems:

One. When enraged, Teklavit was losing his focus eventually losing his personality. He has heard of this, this was the kind of people that loses their personality when they're done taking Burner. But Burners were forbidden in the kingdom. Hunter Quentin even followed Teklavit for a day but all he does was roam the market. He was afraid that Teklavit was enjoying the powers the Burner was giving, but he wasn't. Teklavit never tried Burner, he was even unfamiliar with the word Burner. For now, Hunter Quentin was able to subdue Teklavit on a rampage. This was far better than having a weak apprentice. Maybe, if Teklavit becomes a Hunter, he might find a way to control his raging strength. So, Hunter Quentin gets along with it.

But there's the second problem. For all Hunter Quentin knew, no one in his peer could much Teklavit's magical strength and control. Seeing how powerful his student was, he was proud that someone under him would become a Hunter even though he wasn't perfect.

Or so he thought. If only he befriended Ned from the start. From the day he sensed his extraordinary power the moment he entered the Forgotten Pint. If only he believed the rumors circulating the Hunter's Guild, that some kid with silver hair took down a Grade B beast. One of the strongest magical beast the Association was in custody, he could have a smiling face by now. Even though he's just a Gold Rank Hunter, his House would be proud of his student passes the Hunter's Exam. If only...

Now, unable to say a word, his eyes squinting as he followed his student and Ned in a fight of speed and spells.

The stone barrier he erected with his Terra magic reveals a crack on both sides.

"Outstanding," He whispered then swallowed a lump of saliva.

To break things and landscapes created with magic, one must either be the conjurer or one must use force or magic much stronger than the spell that was conjured.

But the two fought uncaring with their surrounding, the stone wall Hunter Quentin built cracked as though it was made by some worthless Hunter. This made him think, what if Ned fought with all his strength?

Ned smiled as he pummeled Teklavit on the ground. To his surprise, the Fireball he conjured and shot to Teklavit did nothing with this green flame protecting his body.

Ned has yet to conjure Wind spells, but he also knew, Wind spells were less effective against Teklavit's flame. All it would do was to increase the flame.

Ned appeared in the center of the courtyard as Teklavit stood with exhaustion creeping his body, and scratches on his face even though he was protected by the green flame.

After the sun sets, they were left with nothing but darkness as the moon has yet to show itself. But this darkness means nothing to both of them.

The green flame from Teklavit was more than enough to light the courtyard in greenish luminescent light.

The twins were embracing as the battle unfolds before them. All they could hear were whistles that broke the wind and flashes of light as the two were clashing.

Teklavit stood then left an afterimage as he appeared behind Ned along with his hands trying to backhand him.

Ned ducked and threw his shoulder behind him, stopping Teklavit's follow up attack. After Ned spun to meet him, he conjured Fireball in the fastest way as he could. Ned's increase in mana consumption, led his Fireball to take off a layer of Teklavit's flame. He then followed up with another Fireball but failed to hit Teklavit after Ned caught a glimpse of light shot out coming from his right.

A crystal spear was conjured moment before Ned could release his Fireball.

Teklavit's conjuration was fast enough that it left Ned with nothing to escape. Instead, Ned conjured a Windlance. A Windspell much faster in terms of conjuring time, but less in damage. But the spell did what it was meant to be, to block the spear from impaling Ned.

"H-hunter Quentin." Su'aya pulled the Hunter's sleeves to get his attention. "That attack just now was out of control. Teklavit is trying to kill Ned."

He knew, of course, Quentin knew that the attack just now was meant to kill Ned through his Core. But he couldn't stop the fight. If only Ned wasn't there, his dreams, his House, would come true. All he needed was Teklavit to win the Hunter's Exam and be recognized. That was all he needed, just a little more.josei

But no, Ned was smiling.

"T-this kid." For a moment, Hunter Quentin took a step backward, he wasn't supposed to do that. But how come? "How come a kid on death's doorstep has the guts to smile. How? Why?"

"This fight was thought-provoking," Ned said after he flipped backward and landed with complete control of his body. "But it should end here."

With Teklavit showing his strength, Ned now has some idea how the other Hunters would fare in terms of strength. That is if Hunters were able to conjure Tier 3 spells. Then, Ned might have a big chance of joining the league of Hunters.

But with just his spells alone, Ned wouldn't be able to defeat Teklavit. According to Quentin, no weapons are allowed. Not that they needed weapons, Teklavit's crystal-spear alone was more cunning than any weapons sold in the market.

To win the fight without harming much of Teklavit. He needed to increase his gear to the second.

"This will be quick." Ned canceled any mana flowing in his body and focused all his thoughts on his energy. At 75%, Ned began his Overclock.

"You are strong," Ned said and as soon as he does, he left multiple layers of afterimages and appeared behind Teklavit. Hitting his nape through the green flame. "Let's talk about how you got that power?"

Teklavit's flame faded in an instant Ned hit the back of his neck. He fell with the white of his eyes remained open.

Ned then appeared behind Teklavit and whispered, "Now. Let's talk, Quentin Sir."

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