Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 328 328

Chapter 328 328: Deeds!

Chapter 328 Chapter 328: Deeds!

Power stone guys??????


The executives chuckled at my feeble display of defiance, their laughter echoing throughout the room. The Student Council President, however, remained composed, her gaze unyielding.

"...I'm sure you could have negotiated a peaceful resolution with the alleged victim if you had approached the situation with a more agreeable attitude," she suggested, her words tinged with a hint of intrigue.

Even amidst this chaotic ordeal, it seemed that the Student Council President found me somewhat attractive. But a negotiated agreement? Who was this alleged victim?

"Eissa, please recite Lucas's disciplinary record. If there is any discrepancy from the truth, do not hesitate to correct it," the President commanded, her voice carrying an air of authority.

Very well, I thought to myself, preparing myself for what was to come. Let them throw their accusations at me—I would refute each one with all the strength I could muster.

"Well, let's see," Eissa started, clearing her throat. "He was caught ejaculating on Hena's personal belongings, including her clothing and underwear."

As the evidence photos were presented, my heart sank, and a cold sweat trickled down my spine. Was I already doomed?

"And there's more," Eissa continued, her voice filled with a mix of disapproval and disgust. "He was witnessed wandering the halls with women's underwear draped over his head."

Me? I couldn't believe my ears.

"And let's not forget," Eissa added, a hint of anger creeping into her tone, "he was caught with a pornographic magazine, claiming it bore a resemblance to none other than the esteemed Student Council President herself. He even had the audacity to share it with his fellow students."

Tension mounted in the room as the Student Council President's forehead furrowed, her brows knitting together tightly.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of frustration wash over me as I listened to the litany of indecent accusations being hurled my way. It seemed as though there was an endless stream of sordid offenses being attributed to me, each one more shocking than the last.

The room was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the sound of the damning evidence being projected onto a screen by a beam projector, showcasing my alleged misdeeds.

"I can't believe you stooped so low as to take videos in the women's restroom," one of the executives remarked, her voice tinged with disbelief. The accusation hit me like a punch to the gut, as I never thought I would be accused of such a despicable act.

To my surprise, despite the overwhelming evidence stacked against me, I managed to avoid expulsion, at least for now.

As the weight of the situation settled upon me, I found myself contemplating how to get out of this crisis, desperately searching for a way to salvage my reputation.

However, any hope of redemption seemed futile as the undeniable evidence continued to be projected, further tarnishing my image.

Through the audio recordings that accompanied the visuals, I cringed at the sound of my own voice uttering lewd remarks and crude comments.

"Dude, doesn't she look just like the student council president? Check this out. Silver hair and natural huge breasts!" one of the voices exclaimed, accompanied by raucous laughter. It pained me to hear those words, as they were a stark reminder of the fabricated nature of the evidence against me. josei

To make matters worse, there was a laundry list of absurd minor offenses listed, ranging from attire violations to other seemingly trivial transgressions. The sheer number of accusations was staggering, with eighteen instances of improper dress highlighted alone.

When the Student Council President turned her piercing gaze towards me and asked if I saw anything that contradicted the truth, I could only respond with a defeated "No." It was a hopeless situation, with the evidence overwhelmingly stacked against me, enough to make me appear guilty ten times over.

The realization that there seemed to be no way out of this predicament filled me with despair. It was all too obvious that I was being set up, manipulated like a pawn in the game orchestrated by the Adult Games.

In that moment, a flicker of understanding illuminated my mind. This was all part of the game's design, a deliberate ploy to thrust the protagonist, someone like me, into a role of complete humiliation and degradation.

It seemed absurd that someone with my personality would be subjected to such perverted escapades with the heroines, but that was the nature of the game.

This forced "sweet potato" event, as I began to label it in my mind, wasn't meant for me to earnestly defend myself and reclaim my honor. It was a plot device, a contrived scenario meant to push the boundaries of my endurance and force me into a corner.

As I though of the strange circumstances that had befallen me, a realization dawned upon me.

Was the Student Council President herself one of the heroines? It seemed plausible, considering her prominent role in this twisted game world.

With my current abilities, I knew there was a surprisingly simple way to escape this situation. I could manipulate this absurd reality by activating the "Lucky Pervert Encounter," a power I got when I came to this adult game world.

Through this ability, the unsavory plot devices designed to frame me as a criminal would be replaced by the student council's supposed educational program, and the alluring student council executives in this room would become mere secondary trophies in my conquest.

However, before I could set my plan into motion, the cold-eyed Student Council President delivered the final blow.

"There's no place for you in this academy, Lucas," she declared, her voice dripping with disdain. "Leave. We will handle the necessary procedures on our end."

I couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't expelled me sooner, and her response provided some semblance of an answer.

"Because the woman who suffered because of you didn't want to see you punished," she explained, her tone tinged with a hint of sympathy.

"But if you dare to come near this academy again, rest assured, things will be different."


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle?? . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. ??

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