Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 336 336

Chapter 336 336: Mila Furious Messages!

Chapter 336 Chapter 336: Mila Furious Messages!

Power stone guys??????


Before he could respond, a notification flashed in his mind.

[Skill: 'Sex Bitch Aptitude Detection' acquired!]

[Sylvie Isis]

[Walkthrough Difficulty – None]

[Sex Bitch Aptitude: SS-Rank]


[Underwear – Sexy mint-colored lace underwear set]

[Sex Bitch Trait (★) – An erotic body that won't allow semen to build up in the testicles]

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Lucas couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and amusement at the explicit details provided by the system. However, he knew he had to maintain his composure.

Sylvie, always by his side despite his mischievous nature, noticed his unease and offered her support.

"Are you okay? Want to touch my breasts during the break?"

Lucas sighed, his voice tinged with exasperation. "I told you not to do that."

Sylvie pouted, concerned for his well-being. "I just felt like you were a bit low..."

Lucas couldn't deny that Sylvie's antics had provided him with some entertainment, but he needed to focus on the situation at hand.

"It's not that. I probably haven't eaten enough. Let's have a meal together later."

Blushing, Sylvie covered her chest and stammered, "Uh, my baby food... hasn't come out yet... I'll try... later..."

Lucas's face turned crimson, realizing the unintentional innuendo in Sylvie's words. "Not that kind of food..." josei

Feeling lightheaded, Lucas wondered if it was wise to continue playing this game. The events unfolding were getting increasingly surreal.


Finally, it was lunchtime, and Lucas accompanied Sylvie to the cafeteria. As they stood in line, waiting for their turn at the kiosk, whispers and murmurs filled the air.

"Is that him?"

"He's a second-year student, Hole Man."

"What an impressive hero."

Lucas couldn't help but notice the effects of his newfound fame. It seemed that his talent had already garnered attention and notoriety among his peers. He couldn't help but wonder if this was akin to using a student card as a payment card, with his talent now becoming his defining feature.

As he approached the kiosk, Lucas attempted to use his student ID to pay for his meal, only to be met with a series of beeps indicating that his student ID functions had been suspended.

"Wait, Student Council President? My ban hasn't been lifted yet? Am I going to starve?"

Just as his worries started to mount, Sylvie appeared beside him, swiped her own card, and handed it to him.


Lucas looked at Sylvie with a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Can I use this?"

Sylvie's voice held a note of caution as she replied, "This time, you have to repay it within two weeks..."

Lucas nodded, understanding the terms. He realized that Sylvie had gone out of her way to help him, even though he had previously teased and harassed her. It was an unexpected act of kindness that he couldn't fully comprehend.

The game was the game, but he was still himself, and he knew he needed to find a way to make money and repay Sylvie's generosity.

"I'll have... udon," Lucas decided, grateful for the meal that Sylvie had provided.

As Lucas stood closer to Sylvie, a pleasant scent enveloped him. It was a subtle blend of shampoo and her natural fragrance, creating an intoxicating allure. He found himself drawn to her beauty, though her eyes remained partially hidden by her front bangs.



Lucas couldn't help but feel his eyes drawn to the faint outline of Sylvie's mint-colored bra beneath her school uniform. He quickly scolded himself, realizing that he needed to maintain control over his thoughts and desires.

Shaking off his distractions, Lucas attempted to engage in casual conversation with Sylvie.

"It's different from your usual menu, huh?" he remarked, trying to divert his attention elsewhere.

Sylvie nodded, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "My taste has changed."

As they placed their orders, Sylvie opting for udon and Lucas choosing the tonkatsu set, the total came to 5 coins, the currency used in this world.

Lucas, filled with gratitude for Sylvie's generosity, offered her a slice of his tonkatsu. "Here, have a slice of tonkatsu. Consider it a token of gratitude. I'll definitely pay you back for the meal later."

Sylvie hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's fine for friends not to repay borrowed money..."

Lucas interrupted her gently, his tone earnest. "...that's what Lucas always said..."

He fell silent, his words hanging in the air. Lucas was determined to establish clear boundaries when it came to borrowing and lending with his friends. He wanted to repay Sylvie's kindness, even if it meant going against the norms of their friendship.

Sylvie, touched by Lucas's sincerity, portioned her udon into a smaller dish and handed it to him. "Here..."

Lucas couldn't help but appreciate Sylvie's kind-hearted nature. In that moment, he felt a deep sense of remorse that the game had forced him to describe her character in such explicit terms.

"Ah, Sylvie, do you happen to know the lock pattern on my phone?" Lucas asked, realizing that having a phone would be crucial to understanding more about this world. Sylvie, taking a moment to savor her udon, opened her eyes and remained silent for a brief moment, carefully choosing her words.

"I forgot the pattern," she finally replied.

Lucas, undeterred, decided to give it a try anyway. To his surprise, the phone unlocked easily. He couldn't help but marvel at the capabilities of his childhood friend.

The screen displayed a pop-up notification from his younger sister, Mila, who had blonde hair.

[Mila]: Hey, idiot.

[Mila]: What on earth are you doing at school?

[Mila]: Hole Man? What on earth is that?

Lucas sighed, realizing that rumors had spread quickly throughout the academy. He knew he had to respond.

Me: It's my talent, a 'Hole Collector.'

Almost immediately, Mila read his message.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle?? . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. ??

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