Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 356 356

Chapter 356 356: Photo After Bath!

Chapter 356 356: Photo After Bath!

Power stone guys??????


Without much thought, he swiftly entered his number into her phone.

"This is my number."

"Can I contact you?" Sylvie asked eagerly, her gaze shifting between the smartphone screen and Lucas's face.

"Of course," Lucas replied, his heart fluttering at her enthusiasm.

"Thank you. I'll definitely get in touch," Sylvie exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Lucas couldn't help but let a mischievous thought slip from his lips. josei

"Would you mind taking a photo of your breasts after a bath as a thank you?"

Silence fell between them as Sylvie processed his words. Instantly regretting his comment, Lucas attempted to backtrack.

"...I'm joking," he quickly added, realizing the inappropriateness of his request.

He scolded himself for teasing Sylvie in such a manner. The image of her eye-catching breasts had lingered in his mind, leading to his careless remark.

"Should I take the photo?" Sylvie asked, her voice hesitant.

"Don't. If something goeswrong, your personal details might spread across the Internet," Lucas advised, concerned for her privacy.

Sylvie flinched, trembling as if caught in an earthquake. Her fear was evident, and Lucas felt a pang of guilt for his thoughtless joke.

"So, what would happen then...?" Sylvie questioned, her voice filled with genuine worry.

"What do you mean? Didn't you just see it? Instead of female students, suspicious men would swarm in, and a fan handshake event would take place," Lucas explained, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yikes! I don't want that...!" Sylvie exclaimed, her distress evident.

"You don't, huh?" Lucas responded, his tone softer, touched by her vulnerability.

"I don't like anyone other than Lucas," Sylvie admitted, her words laced with sincerity.

Lucas's heart skipped a beat, his own feelings stirred by her confession. He couldn't help but wonder why she made an exception for him, why she singled him out among the others. It was a moment that made him realize the impact he had on those around him, and it filled him with a mixture of joy and responsibility.

Gently, he reached out and placed a hand on Sylvie's shoulder, offering her reassurance.

"I appreciate your trust, Sylvie. I promise to always be there for you," Lucas said, his voice filled with sincerity.

As their eyes met, a connection forged through a simple photograph, Lucas couldn't help but feel that this encounter was the start of something meaningful.

Sylvie bashfully twisted her waist, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She couldn't help but wonder if she was the only one who had seen it.

"No, I said not to take pictures," I replied, trying to reassure her.

"Ah, so it's not allowed between friends, right?" Sylvie asked, seeking clarification.

I nodded, confirming her understanding. "That's right, it's not allowed between friends."

But deep down, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. If Sylvie had been my girlfriend, I would've asked her to take erotic selfies every day, cherishing those intimate moments between just the two of us. However, I knew I had to respect our friendship and the boundaries we had set.

As I pondered these thoughts, a familiar voice interrupted my reverie.

"Beep. Lucas, Class D. Authentication complete," the automated announcement echoed through the hallway.

A sense of relief washed over me. The student ID ban had been lifted, allowing access to our lockers once again.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I opened my locker to find it filled with numerous high-quality men's magazines. It wasn't particularly surprising, considering the lack of textbooks related to my major. But beneath the magazines, something unexpected caught my attention.

"Insight · Scarlet activated," the automated voice announced.

To my surprise and dismay, I discovered Sylvie's underwear nestled among my belongings. It was her cherished pink underwear, stolen before our physical education class.

A wave of guilt washed over me as I realized that I was the devious man who had lured innocent Sylvie into this situation. I couldn't believe I had stooped so low.

"Sylvie," I called out, my voice tinged with remorse.

She turned towards me, her expression curious and slightly puzzled. "Yes?"

I extended the stolen underwear towards her, my face burning with shame. "This... I'll give it back."

Sylvie's face flushed crimson as she looked at the underwear set in my hands. Her voice trembled as she replied, "Ah, um...?"

"Don't say anything, just take it," I urged, desperately wanting to make amends for my actions.

Sylvie quietly received her underwear back, her gratitude evident in her eyes. I knew words alone couldn't erase the hurt I had caused, but I hoped this small act of returning what I had taken would convey my remorse.

As we stood there in silence, the weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. Sylvie broke the silence, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Are you done with it?" she asked tentatively.

Surprised by her question, I struggled to find the right words. "Did you think I would wear women's underwear?"

Sylvie hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well..."

I quickly reassured her, realizing the misunderstanding. "No, no! I didn't use it, I promise."

Her suspicions lingered, and she couldn't help but ask, "You took it but didn't use it? Why? Is this... tacky?"

Caught off guard, I found myself in an unexpected exchange of questions and answers. I had never anticipated discussing stolen women's underwear with Sylvie. I had never stolen a woman's underwear in my life, and yet here we were, trying to navigate this unusual situation.

I looked at her with sincerity, wanting to put her worries to rest. "Did I ever say it was tacky?"

Sylvie seemed taken aback by my response, her expression softening. "Uh-huh."

I continued, my voice filled with earnestness. "If it's on your body, it doesn't look tacky, no matter what it is."


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