Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 369 369

Chapter 369 369: More Discount!


Power stone guys☺️☺️☺️


"You're going to earn a lot of money as a hunter, right?" Kelly asked with confidence.

"Absolutely," I replied, determined to succeed.

Steeling my resolve, I approached the senior who was handling the payment, a glimmer of mischief in my eyes. "Excuse me, senior. Could you please give a bit more of a discount?"

"What? No," the senior replied, caught off guard by my request.

"Is my 'face discount' only worth 100 coins? Please take a closer look," I said, approaching her cautiously and gazing at her with a hint of charm.

The senior's face gradually flushed with a deepening shade of red, her composure wavering under my gaze. It seemed my attempt at a persuasive tactic was working, albeit unexpectedly.

"..." The senior hesitated, clearly affected by my approach.

I smiled inwardly, realizing that sometimes a little charm could go a long way.

"Alright, fine," the senior reluctantly agreed, her face still flushed from our previous negotiation. She seemed a bit flustered by my persuasive tactics.

Taking advantage of her momentary vulnerability, I continued to negotiate, pushing for a better deal. I suggested taking a picture together as an additional discount.

"Let's take a picture, and how about 50 more coins off?" I proposed, flashing a charming smile.

The senior hesitated for a moment, clearly torn by the idea. "A picture? Well, I suppose that wouldn't hurt."

We posed together, linking arms and capturing the moment in a series of selfies. The senior's colleagues watched with amusement as we snapped the pictures.

Grinning triumphantly, I returned to Lucas, proud of the outcome. "I managed to negotiate it down to 400 coins. How does that sound?"

Lucas's eyes widened in surprise. "So it's possible to get such discounts just with your charm?"

I chuckled, pleased with the successful outcome. "Indeed. A little charm can go a long way."

The senior proudly showed off the pictures we had taken together to her colleagues, who seemed impressed by our negotiation skills.

Kelly, on the other hand, teasingly remarked, "If they were male seniors, I'm sure you could have done the same with them too, right?"

Blushing slightly, I replied, "I...I don't think I could. Just the thought of it is embarrassing."

We continued our banter, enjoying the lighthearted moment. But as the conversation shifted, Lucas asked a question that caught me off guard.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he inquired, his voice filled with curiosity.

Taken aback by the sudden question, I shook my head, blushing slightly. "No, I don't. I've never had one."

There was a momentary pause as the air between us seemed to crackle with unspoken thoughts and emotions. I couldn't help but wonder if Lucas was interested in me in that way.

Returning to the topic of the weapon, Lucas asked, "Do you like it?"

Smiling softly, I nodded. "Yes, I think it would complement the Personality Discharge skill quite well."lights

Lucas chuckled, realizing the peculiar name of the skill. "How did they come up with a name like Personality Discharge?"

We shared a brief laugh, the tension from earlier dissipating. It was a relief to be able to enjoy a light-hearted moment amidst the chaos of the academy.

"Shall we head back? Sylvie is waiting," Lucas suggested, breaking the momentary silence.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's go."

As we walked back together, Lucas expressed his gratitude for buying him the weapon. "Thank you for buying me the weapon."

I smiled warmly at him. "You're welcome. Just work hard and pay me back. I didn't give it to you for free, you know?"

Lucas carefully holstered the Glock we had purchased together, making sure it was secure. He decided to store the remaining ammunition in his inventory, planning to replenish it as needed.

"Now that I've bought it, I can't help but think about adding a compensator," Lucas pondered aloud, considering future upgrades.

"You can always work towards that once you've paid off your debts," I suggested, offering a practical solution.

Lucas nodded, determination in his eyes. "Yes, I must work hard. Life in the academy isn't easy, but I won't give up."

As we returned to the bustling academy, Lucas found himself surrounded by male students who were eager to recruit him to their squads. His pace quickened, seeking an escape from the persistent offers.

But before he could make his way through the crowd, a group of male students approached me, attempting to lure me into joining their squads.

"You said your name is Sylvie? Come with us," one of them said, with a hint of persuasion in his voice.

"If you join our squad, we'll distribute more coins to you. Double the amount. How does that sound?" another added, trying to entice me.

I glanced at Lucas, feeling a mix of discomfort and relief. I couldn't leave him to deal with the situation alone.

With a determined expression, I stepped closer to Lucas, taking his hand in mine. "I'm sorry, but I'm already in a party with Lucas. I can't join any other squads."

The male students seemed taken aback by my response, muttering among themselves. One of them muttered, "D-class..."

Lucas's face brightened as I stood by his side, a sense of loyalty and support evident in my actions. We walked away from the disappointed suitors, their voices fading into the background.

We continued our journey together, the bond between us growing stronger with each step. Lucas couldn't help but feel grateful for my presence and the friendship we shared.

As we navigated the challenges of the academy, Lucas couldn't help but reflect on thejourney we had undertaken.

The incident with the male students served as a reminder of the advantages that came with being tall and well-built, leaving Lucas feeling a mix of gratitude for his own attributes and sympathy for those who didn't possess them.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle🏰 . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. 🏰

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