Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 372 372

Chapter 372 372: Is It Dead?!

Power stone guys☺️☺️☺️


Lucas made it clear that their success in clearing the dungeon relied entirely on Kelly's capabilities. "Are you okay, Kelly?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

However, Kelly's determination burned brightly, fueled by her recent encounter with Lacy. "You mean a horse? This is a place to act, even if you can't eat! Just follow me!" she declared, her voice resolute and filled with determination.

Lucas smiled at her fiery spirit. "Alright, let's go in!" he agreed, his voice carrying a sense of anticipation.

Sylvie, standing beside them, offered her support. "Let's go together, Lucas," she chimed in, her voice filled with trust and camaraderie.

With their resolve solidified, the trio prepared to embark on their dungeon exploration. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement, determination, and the anticipation of new challenges.

[Participating in the dungeon]

[Participants - Kelly, Lucas, and Sylvie]


As soon as we descended into the Golden Orc Fortress, Kelly's excited scream filled the air. "It's the 'Golden' zone with the highest earnings! The competition here is really fierce. It's such a rare dungeon to find within the Academy!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

lightsΝοvel Lucas responded with a hint of skepticism, "You like it that much, even though it hasn't been cleared yet?"

Kelly's determination was unwavering. "Clear? Of course, we must! Now, let's all check our belongings and weapons before proceeding," she suggested, recognizing the need for preparation.

The trio assessed their equipment, ensuring they were ready for the challenges ahead. However, Sylvie seemed concerned about something. Lucas noticed her holding his hand tightly, her small, white hand contrasting with his strong, masculine grip. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, but he quickly reminded himself to stay focused. This was a perilous dungeon, and they needed to remain vigilant.josei

Acknowledging the change in landscape from their previous venture, Lucas observed, "Last time, it was a forest." The current surroundings appeared as ancient ruins buried beneath the desert sands. A wide, dark corridor stretched out before them, illuminated by sunlight and fine sand pouring through a gaping hole in the ceiling, resembling a cascading waterfall.

Kelly, warming up her body, turned her gaze back to Lucas. "Lucas, have you ever demonstrated your skills to Sylvie? It might be best to warn her beforehand to avoid any surprises," she suggested, her concern evident.

Lucas contemplated her suggestion. Revealing his abilities was a valid point, but explaining them posed a challenge. He wasn't entirely certain about the intricacies of his skill, Personality Elimination, or how it would affect Sylvie.

The compatibility between his talent and the Sex Bitch Collectors in "this world" was extraordinary, but he considered it a powerful finishing move due to its ability to bypass defenses. He decided it might be better not to mention it.

Just as they were discussing this, a green monster, larger than a goblin, appeared before them. Kelly drew her sword in response. "Sylvie, behind you!" she warned, preparing for combat.

Reacting swiftly, Lucas reached for his Glock and took aim. He knew he needed to act decisively. "Sylvie, cover your ears!" he instructed, anticipating the loud gunshot.

Bang! The bullet struck the orc's head, but its resilience surpassed Lucas's expectations. The creature staggered but was not entirely halted.

Lucas reassured himself, knowing he could still utilize his skills after delivering the initial blow. He pondered whether his attack would provoke the enemy into Elimination, but he decided it was best not to mention it. He hadn't fully comprehended the intricacies of Personality Elimination, and it was a concept that required further exploration.

Observing the orc's weakened state, Kelly believed the situation was under control. "There's no need to strike it further," she declared confidently. Lucas's powerful skill, Personality Expel, had already done substantial damage. The orc clutched its belly and began to stagger, its intentions to assault Sylvie now thwarted.

Curious and slightly repulsed, Kelly backed away. "What is this?" she inquired, her voice tinged with disgust.

Lucas attempted to explain, "It's akin to an orc's soul." He compared it to the concept of a soul, emphasizing that it wasn't a tangible entity physically expelled from the body. He believed Sylvie would understand if he described it as materializing the essence of the orc's being.

Sylvie, still trying to grasp the situation, asked hesitantly, "Is it dead?"

"No, the personality jelly is still connected to the main body," Lucas explained. It remained attached like a Bluetooth device, maintaining a strange connection between the two.

Curiosity piqued, Lucas decided to test the connection. He lightly nudged the mindlessly approaching personality jelly with his foot. Almost immediately, a moan escaped from the main body, indicating that the connection was indeed intact. It seemed that everything was proceeding as expected.

Kelly couldn't help but express her surprise. "How odd... I didn't do much, but it feels like it's being severely affected," she remarked, noticing the orc's distress.

Lucas nodded in agreement. Even as a seasoned hunter, he found this method discomforting. It was telling that even someone accustomed to taking the lives of demons would feel uneasy about such an act. Perhaps it was due to Kelly's virtuous nature, but Lucas couldn't ignore the discomfort himself.

Realizing it was time to end this, Lucas took action. Stepping on the essence jelly, he began a quiet chant, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "Become a Pocket Pussy," he uttered, utilizing the essence jelly as an ingredient to create a new embodiment.

As the pocket pussy took shape, the connection with the main body weakened significantly. It was as if the main body had turned into an empty shell. Lucas explained to Sylvie, "This is my skill," trying to convey the significance of his actions.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle🏰 . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. 🏰

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