Becoming the Luna

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Hushed giggles and camera shutter sounds are what rouses me the next day, I blink open my eyes, momentarily groggy with sleep only to get a face full of a red Shana and my mom, struggling to keep excited squeals in.

I roll my eyes, wondering what they were on about now. I want to move but I can't and I try to take stock of my position.

I'm wrapped around Virgil who equally returns the favor already used to my nightly cuddles, one of my hands are buried in his hair as his head finds it's home on my chest.

We're lying side ways and I'm already coloring up from this compromising position, what if Dale sees us like this?

I try to move my other hand that's thrown backwards but it just gets tangled in ---



My other hand is buried deep in Dale's hair, his face buried in the crook of my neck as he spoons me from behind.

Now I'm a horrible shade of purple, I'm so embarrassed. I throw a glare at my mom and best friend who look like they are about to start sobbing from happiness.

I'm caught between pretending to go back to sleep or wake them up and suffer the consequences.

None is a better choice! Because just now I'm starting to get very conscious about the muscled bodies wrapped around me.

There's no way I could even escape without waking them up - I really should have been serious about workouts - but they just make me feel like death, plus no matter how much I try to exercise nothing ever changes.

So I'm stuck in their middle, unable to move them and wondering just why the hell I woke up yesterday. If I hadn't woken up yesterday, I wouldn't be here right now being cuddled to death by very hot guys.

I close my eyes in frustration. Yes! I know exactly what to do. I'll hold my breath and try to kill myself before any of them wakes up and I die from embarrassment - because, honestly suicide sounds way better.

I hold my breath, a little difficult to do without pinching my nose and clamping down my mouth but I'm desperate enough.

"What are you doing?" Virgil rumbles against my chest, amusement in his husky, morning voice.

I choke and start gasping. "Y-You're a-aw-awake!"

He nuzzles against me. "Yeah." He murmurs in his scratchy voice that makes tingles run down my spine. "For a while now." He adds, his hands slipping under my sweater to place them on my bare skin to pull me closer. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"W-What? No. I-I m-mean y-yes. W-Wait! N-no." I stutter hard, panicking.

He squeezes tighter and I gasp in slight pain but I'm distracted now so I forget to hyperventilate, Dale buries his face deeper in the crook of my neck, his hands also finding a spot on my exposed skin and I just want to die.

"Calm down Hay." Virgil says soothingly, sighing against me, then he goes quiet like he'd fallen asleep once again.

I try not to squirm, discarding my elaborate plans of killing myself before I manage to wake Dale up this time around trying to commit suicide.

I try not to move, I really do but Dale and Virgil keep on squirming, so much that I know they aren't asleep anymore but I'm not sure I want to test it. Moving parts of their body subtly, they keep on finding new reasons to rub on me.

I'm so red that it would take a really long while of sitting under a cool shower to get myself back to the normal temperature.

"Alright!" Shana voice slices through the room, I hadn't even noticed when they left earlier - probably to have a complex conversation on where our 'budding love triangle' was at now.

"Get up you two assholes!" She yells, whacking the air mattress with a palm.

I cringe into myself harder when they just ignore her, content to keep on cuddling me to an early death.

"Virgil! Dale! Don't make me repeat myself, she threatens and I can imagine her dangerous expression. "We need to get ready for school and you'll kill Hayden if you don't let him go right now."

"Go away Shana." Virgil grumbles, unhappy with the interruption.

"It's rude to interrupt a person's sleep." Dale tags on, the two idiots are agreeing for the first time since they met and it's over torturing me.

"What's taking so long?" My mom wonders, coming in. "Why aren't you up... What the hell!" She exclaims, definitely sighting us.

"I have a hose that I'm not afraid to use." She threatens and they grudgingly separate from me, I'm still curled up into myself, eyes tightly shut, face red.

"That's more like it." She hums going out.

"See you after school." Shana chirps cheerily going out after Dale, probably heading home.

She'll definitely be back with Virgil, I wonder if Dale will come too. I sit up, planning to stumble to my bed to continue my interrupted sleep. My whole body still hurts and I just want to sleep the entire day away.

My leg barely touches the floor when Virgil appears beside me, picking me up without warning. "Eek!" I squeal, fisting his shirt in both hands as I'm lifted from the ground.

"I-I thought y-you h-had already left." I stutter, my face red as he absently carries me to my room, like it's reflex for him to want to pick a guy up and take them to their room.

"I'm going now." He replies, setting me on the bed, the usual kiss to my fore head then he's gone.

I flop on my bed, emotionally exhausted from the rollercoaster I went on yesterday, maybe I should run away.

Do I even think I could manage to do that?

Nope. I don't even need to think, I know I couldn't. Other than the obvious fact that I wouldn't know where to go, I don't think I've ever left the house alone - the backyard doesn't count.

I think I fell asleep because when I open my eyes again, bright sunshine is streaming in.

I feel marginally better than yesterday but I still get up gingerly, the sharp pain in my abdomen had faded to a dull throb but I wasn't about to throw some acrobatics around and get it started up again.

"Mom! Mom!" I call out, making my way slowly down the stairs.josei

"In the kitchen baby!" Her voice floats over to me and I recalibrate my direction.

"Mom? What are you doing?" I ask her, moving closer, she notices my gentle movements and frowns, rushing over to me.

"Are you in pain? Shit I forgot to give you your pain medications last night, I'm so sorry, I shoul..." Her hands are patting me down and she's constantly kissing my curls.

"Hey, hey mom." I hold her face. "Calm down, I'm okay, better actually and you know I hate pain meds they make me feel groggy and nauseous." I explain to her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, besides if I was in pain you'd know."

She grins at this. "Actually I would and Virgil would have fed you pain meds till you were numb all over."

I unconsciously shudder. "So what were you doing?" I ask, trying to look around her.

"Just making a little something." She shrugs, a tell tale excitement on her face that has me biting my lips in worry.

"You were cooking?" I widen my eyes. "Julia didn't come over today?" Julia is our Portuguese cook cum nanny cum cleaner.

Without her I'm pretty sure my mom would have done something fatal, she comes in thrice a week to clean, cook and boss my mom around like her youngest daughter and she loves Virgil, would probably murder for him.

"Actually she just left, didn't want to wake you up and she also made a ginormous pot of chicken soup for you but I also wanted to do something for you." She adds sheepishly and I smile.

"And what's that?"

"Fruit salad!" She announces, going to bring a huge glass bowl of cut up fruits, thoroughly buried in cream.

"Thank you so much mom but I need to clean up first." I turn around as she puts it in the fridge. "Where's Apple?" I look around for that white fluffy ball.

"I'm not sure, she was keeping me company a while ago, Julia nearly burst into tears at the sight of her and I had to rescue the poor kitten before she drowned her in cream."

We both walk into the sitting room to see Apple making concentrated efforts to get on a pillow that had fallen to the ground.

We stand for a while just watching her struggle, caught up in her cuteness.(The Author just really loves cats... Incase you hadn't noticed)

"Should we help?" I find myself asking, feeling a little cruel watching the kitten struggle helplessly.

"We should." My mom agrees but stops me as soon as I make a move. "Just not now, she's too adorable to pass up on."

I roll my eyes, stepping forward to help Apple up on the pillow were she promptly curls up at the fluffy center and falls asleep after nuzzling into my palm.

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