Becoming the Luna

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

I wake up in a panic, unnecessarily terrified that Virgil has left again until I feel his arms around me and I'm quick to relax, heaving a sigh of relief that didn't last very long.

I slowly take in my current position, my face steadily heating up, somehow we both moved into a spooning position which I'm pretty sure it's all me and Virgil most likely adjusted to make me more comfortable.

Our legs are tangled together and his much larger body dwarfs mine, his arms are wrapped so high and tight around me that he nearly pushes my sweater off with how far in his arms are, his face buried in my neck.

It couldn't possibly get worse, or so I think because as if on cue my mom swings open the door, I really need to start giving her a heads up when ever Virgil or Dale is around.

"Oh no! Why do I keep doing this to myself." She groans in misery and I wince, hearing her rush out again.

Virgil just tucks me in closer and I'm here burning up brain cells trying to figure out if he's awake or not, after a while I just give it up, deciding to get up anyway.

I start by testing how much give his hold has but it just makes the fairly tight hold get even tighter. "Where are you going?" He asks huskily, his face still tucked in my neck.

"Not outside that's for sure." I mutter, wondering how to explain to my mom that I don't have multiple boyfriends, she's probably back under the blanket again.josei

Virgil pulls back so that just his hands are wrapped around me, I'm already moving when he takes his arms away but I had relaxed too soon because he just holds onto me with his hands, rubbing his hands up and down my body.

His fingers make goosebumps erupt all over my sensitive skin, the pads of his fingers brushing over my nipples which makes my breath hitch and my back arch a bit.

"Goo' morning." He mumbles into my neck.

"M-Morning." I stutter slightly, catching his hands, effectively stopping that steady movement which is slowly driving me crazy. "I'm surprised you stayed." I say absently, managing to get out of his hold --- I needed to pee --- which he reluctantly allows.

He just quietly watches me try to clamber over him without offering any help even though my movements are clumsier from sleep. "I said I would." He says simply watching me with a fond smile when I finally make my way over.

I trudge to the bathroom and relieve my bladder, wanting nothing more than to go back and curl up beside Virgil, I had major plans to sleep half the day away.

I decide to brush my teeth before going back, disliking the sour taste in my mouth.

The door swings open and I jump, nearly spilling sticky toothpaste all over my hair.

"Oh it's just you." I sigh when I see that it's Virgil.

"Who else would it be?" He asks incredulously.

I lean over to fluff up his already tousled hair. "The Boogeyman?" I shrug.

"He's not real." Virgil says blankly, casually reaching up into the cupboard above our heads to get out his toothbrush.

I decide to not worry about how their things seem to just show up, finding out how wouldn't make it stop anyway.

I start to rinse off my face but pause when I see Virgil taking Dale's toothbrush out of the canister before replacing it with his.

"Um, what are you doing?" I ask, slightly confused with my hands against my face.

"What does it look like?" He asks patronizingly, yanking open the cupboard and tossing Dale's toothbrush unceremoniously in.

"A child throwing a tantrum?" I say in a muffled voice behind my palms, there's no way I can reach the toothbrush and Virgil wouldn't bring it down himself… whelp! It would have to wait till Dale came over again.

Which I can't help but feel like would happen soon, I'm starting to see a pattern that I'm not sure how to feel about.

"I don't share." He says in a miffed voice, putting paste on his toothbrush.

"It's just toothbrush space." I prod, wiping my face with a towel.

"You wouldn't mind if I shuck his clothes out the window then?" He asks hopefully.

I blink briefly in horror. "What? Of course I would." I say sternly.

"Exactly." He mumbles, concentrating on his teeth.

I just shake my head and walk out, beelining to the bed. Shana knew what she was talking about when she said that the only reason Dale was still around was because of me.

I flop on the bed, rolling around a little to find the warmest spot so I could curl around it.

I wonder if Virgil would decide to get going now because call me selfish but it's cold and I need to cuddle.

I smile softly when the bed dips beside me, rolling over to him. 

Sleeping with Virgil is as familiar as sleeping with a sibling but there's nothing brotherly about the way he slips his hand up my sweater.

His other hand sinks into my hair to angle my head slightly so that his face can find its home in the crook of my neck, his legs tangle up with mine and I'm too busy sinking into the warmth of his body to remember how to use a blanket.

I feel him mouth over the spot where my face meets my neck and I vaguely note that the resulting hickey would be too high up to cover up, strangely that doesn't even bother me, it's Virgil anyway.

I fall asleep easily, nothing on my mind but how easy it is to fall asleep in his arms, the sky could be falling down outside and I would still fall asleep if Virgil just wrapped his arms around me and told me to go to sleep.

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