Becoming the Luna

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

He leans back and smiles at the quiet man who had apparently placed the complaint against Nikka.

"Hi, I'm Dream, The Alpha's secretary."

The man watches him with shrewd black eyes, dirty blonde hair cut shorter at the back and longer in front. "Keiran Banes." He offers a hand which Dream shakes.

Nikka just watches on in disbelief, having never been told off before.

"The Alpha is currently busy so he sent me to come find out what's wrong."

Nikka looks disgruntled at this but the mention of Dale is enough to get her to acquiesce.

"That's exactly what I would like to know, Mr. Banes shows up in my boutique this morning, starts harassing my workers and claiming he owns the place."

Dream didn't need a lie detector to know that Nikka was full of it but he quietly takes notes on the pad, wondering how Keiran could be so calm.

"Go on, Nikka." Dream prompts.

"Well, yes…" Nikka starts to mumble, losing steam. "He says that he's going to kick me out of my own legally contracted store, he even put a hold on the redecoration that was going on."

Dream turns to Keiran after she is done, waiting to hear what the other man would say.

He was dressed in a fitted white shirt, platinum cuffs glinting from his wrists and Dream could see how easily he wore all that money.

"Well, I own a good deal of shops in this section and had to come down here myself after numerous complaints and many of my emails were ignored…"

"I keep telling you, I didn't see any email whatsoe…"

"Nikka, please, if you would let Keiran speak." Dream cuts her off, smiling inwardly at the way that makes her swallow up her words.

He could tell she was off put by his presence and that was exactly what he wanted, in dealing with members of Dale's Pack, he was learning that things had to be done in ways far different from what they allowed.

It worked to throw them off their game.

"Thank you." Keiran says, the barest hint of a twinkle in his bottomless black eyes. "As I was saying…" the 'before this thing interrupted' was loudly silent.

"Put simply, Miss Clay went against the contract by not only modifying the building but attempting to enlarge it, you can imagine the trouble this would pose for the nearby shops." Keiran continued calmly.

Dream just takes more notes, it wasn't his place to try and resolve things and he wasn't even interested in doing any of that.

He knows Nikka would be difficult about the whole thing even if she ends up being in the wrong - which was most likely - and only Dale would have any sort of control over the situation.

"I never saw anything in the contract that prohibited putting up decorations." Nikka grumbles like a petulant child.

Dream sees a tick go off on Keiran's forehead, black eyes flashing a momentary silver.

"I believe there's a clear difference between repainting and pulling down an entire wall, don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you." He corrects sharply.

Nikka goes quiet at this, lips set in a hard line. "There he goes again spouting false facts that are mostly hearsay but I would really like to be professional about this so I'll wait on the Alpha's decision." She says magnanimously, getting stiffly to her feet.

Dream does the same, already done with the store and the people in it. 

"Thanks for coming." Nikka says flippantly, gesturing a hand to the door.

"Sure." Dream nods vaguely, making his way out.

Keiran leaves as well and there's a few seconds of awkward silence between them as they make their way down the corridor.

Dream is given a reprieve when they get to the main part of the store itself, people moving around but they also get outside at the same time.

Dream checks the time, realising that he had spent more time than he thought, it was almost noon, he needed to get a cab quickly so he could go home early today, he needed to tell his mom and sister about his new job and also move in.

Dale needed all the help he could get.

He's so lost in thought that it takes Keiran calling his name to snag his attention.josei

"Huh?" He blinks, squinting against the glare of the sun against Keiran's black car, he doesn't know much about cars but he could tell that this was one expensive piece of transportation.

"I noticed you didn't come with a vehicle, you're heading back to the Pack House right? So am I, I could give you a ride if you want?" He says, voice level.

This catches Dream off guard but it was a better choice than waiting under the sun for a cab. "Um… yes, thank you." 

He gets in the front seat, clutching his tablet to himself, Keiran seemed nice at least, nicer than all the cronies back at Starry Outfitters but he couldn't explain why the Werewolf unnerved him.

The journey back is quiet and Dream appreciates this, it was bad enough sharing the same enclosed space with Keiran who looked like he drank expensive wine for breakfast, having to hold a conversation with him too would be a nightmare.

Absently, he wondered what the Werewolf wanted to do at the Pack, see Dale no doubt because Keiran didn't come off to him as a person that lived at the Pack House.

The journey is even faster in Keiran's car and Dream knows he had guessed right when the other's car catches a lot of attention, he could guess that Keiran didn't come to the Pack House often.

"Thank you for the ride." Dream appreciates when he gets down, Keiran doing the same.

Keiran pushes his hair back and a gold hoop at the tip of his left ear catches the sunlight. "Sure." He says, his calm demeanor in place and Dream can't help but wonder if the Werewolf ever got ruffled.

No one could be so calm and bland all the time, he gives one more nervous smile before turning around.

He catches Keiran taking out a cigarette though but there was no reason to stay and talk anymore, the Werewolf still unnerved him.

He crosses the foyer in swift strides, uninterested in bumping into another cool girl wannabe, he's had enough of those types of females at the boutique, right now, he just wanted a cup of coffee and his quiet office.

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