Becoming the Luna

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Hayden drifted through the house in nothing but one of Virgil's shirts, he was tired and didn't feel up to cooking, it was fine anyway, it had been a while since they had all eaten together.

He made himself a cup of iced tea and walked over to the balcony to watch the sky, there was still a little time before the sun would set but the sun wasn't bright anymore so it didn't hurt his eyes.

The full weight of his new status falls on his shoulders and he appreciates this moment alone with his thoughts, although he tended to overthink at moments like this.

Like why Virgil wouldn't make love to him ever since his rut, sure they got handsy even more often than before but that was all.

He didn't want to come off needy besides Virgil's rut had taken a lot out of the both of them... he was just nitpicking, he should stop that.

And put the effort into something more meaningful like finding his dad or more about his new Werewolf status, or even better, adopting a child.

He sipped at his tea, arms balanced against the railings as a soft breeze blew, good thing the balcony faced the woods, he wasn't exactly properly dressed.

Virgil had said something like the monthly Pack run which happened every full moon and that now he would be required to run along with the Pack.

It was horrifying because Hayden couldn't even see himself turning into a wolf not to talk of running with a lot of other wolves.

Virgil had promised he would run with him first to prepare for the run.

He sighed forlornly, he hadn't still seen Shana or Mae or their sweet daughter, he hadn't seen Dream either and he was relieved that they had a date set for the next day.

The sun started its descent slowly and Hayden wondered who he was, the Werewolf world, although he had been a big part of it for so long was still an uncharted space, he was excited and anxious.

The sun set fully, the sky going from a beautiful array of kaleidoscopic colors to a soft blue, the sky darkening.

He notes that the moon is almost full, the gentle, glowing, white orb soothing him.

His remaining tea had long gone warm and he carried it inside with him, it was too dark to stay out anymore.

There was still some time before dinner, what would he spend the time doing? He wasn't too eager to go anywhere plus it was quite late and Yanis didn't particularly seem receptive to any visitor at the moment... Until it hit him, his cat!

His poor Apple that he had been quick to abandon for so many days, he was quite sure she had disowned him.

He pulled on sweatpants, grabbed his phone off a side table in the bedroom and hurried out, Luke's Grandmother was a sweet, little, old lady but he didn't want to take advantage of her kindness plus he misses his cat and her cute little cat babies.

He made sure to lock up before leaving, Virgil had his own keys to the apartment anyway, anyone could just wander up the fourth floor and while Leon and Darian did their jobs, a little preventive measure couldn't hurt anyone.

He practically skipped down the hallways, in high spirits now that he was going to pick up his cat.

The third floor was mostly empty, a stark difference from how it was when they first came back but it was nearing dinner time so that meant that children would be rounded up inside homes to get ready to go eat and the rest would be in the kitchen proper preparing dinner.

He had often considered going down there to join them but he wasn't sure how he would be received but now that he was really part of them, maybe he could finally build up enough moxie to go.

Just as he stepped off the last stair he looked up to see Dream coming in his direction with Darian and holding luggages.

"Dream?!" He exclaims, hurrying to his friend.

"Oh Hayden?" Dream mutters with wide eyes, letting his friend hug him. "I didn't expect to bump into you." He says wearily, instinctively taking in a deep breath of Hayden's scent whether to ground him or to reassure himself that his best friend is just like him, maybe both.

"Me neither." Hayden responds, looking around.

"Good evening, Luna." Darian greet stoically, lips drawn in a taut line.

"Hi, Darian," to Dream whose hand he still held, he looked the other over and could visibly see and also smell his upset. "Are you okay? I had no idea you were moving?" Hayden asks innocently with wide eyes.

"I'll take the luggage up." Darian cuts in when it seemed like they would be at their reunion for a while.

"Thank you." Dream says sincerely, knowing that Darian detested every minute of this but still choose to offer his help. "Here's the key to my office, the key to the apartment will be on the table.

"Sure." Darian accepted the keys in a gruff voice, hoisting the bags and continuing the journey up.

Darian had refused to go through the Dark Moon Pack House no matter how much, Dream had implored him, at the end of it all he had no other option but to acquiesce to following through Crimson Pack House.

Hayden wanted for the warrior to leave. "Office? Dream, what's going on?"

Dream squeezes Hayden's hand to comfort himself. "It's a bit of a long story, where were you headed?"

"Um, to pick up Apple, Julia has been pet sitting here all this while."

"Well since I technically live next door now, why don't we both go pick her up, then we'll catch up?" Dream suggests.

"Sure, sounds like a plan, I still can't believe you live so close now." Hayden replies, as they make their way over to Julia's apartment.josei

Dream just sighs. "Me neither."

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