Becoming the Luna

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

"I hope so." Hayden mutters, leaning his weight on Dream, they were roughly of similar height so it was oddly comfortable, he rests his head on Dream's shoulders and closes his eyes.

He instinctively knew that Dream was right… he wasn't pregnant.

For some reason a soul crushing sadness envelopes him and he starts to sniffle, did he lose the baby before he could even realize the life that might have been?

What if because he was part wolf there was something wrong with him and he couldn't have a baby?

That would be infinitely painful and worse than the inability to give birth at all, not that finding out only to realize that because of some cruel streak of fate, he wouldn't get what he was supposed to.

Dream doesn't bat an eyelid at his friend's escalating emotional state, he understands him so he could easily guess Hayden's thought track at the moment.

Slowly he guided them around the sofa to sit on it, letting Hayden bury his face in his shoulder.

"It's highly unlikely that you conceived, Hay." Dream coos softly. "If you did, Virgil would have told you." He thinks?

Hayden lifts his head at this, eyes blazing amber, tears streaking down his face. "Really? Do you really think so, Dream?" He threw his hands up in exasperation, tears running down reddened cheeks. "I mean he didn't even think to tell me something as important as this…" his voice cracks on his words and he buries his face in Dream's shoulders again.

He had no idea why this was making him so emotional but there was no stopping this train.

A knock sounds on the door at this and Dream frowns, Hayden was still distracted, could it be Virgil? He hoped so, he wanted to give the Alpha a piece of his mind, preferably with a saucepan in hand.

Yanis frowns when there is no response, he had felt antsy with the way he had brushed off Hayden earlier, he just really needed to use the bathroom, he wasn't about to tell Hayden that though.

Hayden couldn't be mad at him right? He worries, deciding to try the door, what if Hayden wasn't even in and he was just here stressing over absolutely nothing.

So you can imagine his surprise when the door slowly swings open, he steps in, a little confused at his findings.

Dream's eyes go wide at the person that had come in, that is definitely not Alpha Virgil, hell the person wasn't even a Werewolf, how did they get in the Pack House? The fourth floor and the Alpha's apartment for that matter.

"Minou?" Is the first word the beautiful stranger says, his French accent titillating.

Hayden lifts his head up at this, just as Dream is about to demand who the nosy stranger was, after beating him unconscious with his shoe because who knew? French hottie over there could be a serial killer.

"Yani?" Hayden says, his voice cracked and sobby. 

Dream watches speechlessly as Hayden tries to hide his tear-streaked face from the newcomer that was… a Yani? What the fuck is a Yani?

French hottie moves closer, steps careful and the closer he comes, the better looking he seems to get, he has the face of some kind of super-star.

Well, Hayden was super rich, it would be no surprise if he knew someone like that.

"Minou?" Yani calls again, voice feather soft and all of Dream's suspicions jump out the window, he wanted someone to call him like that.

Hayden hums, hands still covering his face to hide away from Yani.

Yanis squats in front of his precious friend, it is a struggle to keep his emotions in check, he also didn't want to jump into conclusions but Werewolf or not he was going to hurt whoever was making his Minou cry.

"What's wrong, mon Minou?" He asks carefully, worry lacing his tone.

"I'm fine, Yani." Hayden sniffles, trying to put up a brave front.

"Sure, I'm supposed to believe that when you're crying buckets." He says in a hard voice. "It's Virgil isn't it?" He prompts when it seems Hayden isn't saying anything.

It takes Dream a lot of effort to not blurt out the words dancing on the tip of his tongue.

"It's not." Hayden attempts a smile, feeling like he was overreacting for something that might not even have been. "Really, I'm fine." He reassures Yanis, dropping his hands from his teary face to reach for the other.

He needed to talk to Virgil and he didn't want the matter escalating more than it needed too, it would be bad enough if Yanis was somehow convinced that Virgil was the reason he was upset, it would worsen drastically if he found out that now by some means, his best friend could now get pregnant.

Hayden wasn't interested in going down that lane with Yanis, he really wasn't and there was no way to explain the situation without incriminating Virgil or telling him just that.

He knew it would be a big of a stretch of Virgil and Yanis living together in the same space, considering how overprotective his friend got, like an older brother he always wanted.josei

If they clashed so early into Yanis arrival then all hope was lost.

Yanis decides to let it go, knowing that Hayden had his stubborn streak, especially when he was protecting others, this only served to ground his conviction that Virgil was the reason behind Hayden's tears.

He glances to the other person in the room, that he might have blatantly ignored and deduced that this was the Dream, that Hayden had gone on and on about.

He tries to not stare too hard but it's difficult, was it a thing with… what did they call it now? Omegas?

Slightly long blonde hair provides the curtain fall to a delicate oval face, smoky blue-grey eyes studying him openly.

He keeps Hayden's hands in his, inclining his head in Dream's direction. "I apologize, I'm Yanis, you much be Dream, Hayden has said a lot about you." He introduces politely.

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