Becoming the Luna

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Shana scoots closer to me, gently holding my hands.

I lie down back on the bed, my heart thumping uncomfortably. "You're going to tell me to stay away from Dale aren't you?" I ask quietly.

Virgil has always been like that, controlling and that involved people around me, the only reason my mom can access me is because she's my mom and Shana is a crazy buffalo who doesn't give any fucks about Virgil's opinion, well, most times.

So I'd never dated or even had my first kiss yet but I'm really not complaining, maybe I'm asexual - it might be hereditary.

"Nope." She smirks, popping the 'p'

"W-What?" I'm stunned. "Why?"

"Because Dale's the first person I've ever seen who's almost as bad as Virgil, let him get a taste of his own medicine." She giggles villainously.

"This is all about that time he wouldn't let you play with me, isn't it?" I close my eyes.

She audibly pouts, patting my hand gently. "That was eons ago."

I sigh as she pushes her hand through my hair, gently untangling it. "And you kept on insisting to play with his pretty doll."

"In my defense, you looked like a pretty doll, so tiny and cute and he kept on carrying you around. Selfish bastard."

"How diplomatic of you." I snort.

"The doctor is here." My mom says cheerily, coming in with a harassed doctor.

I struggle not to face palm, knowing I was going home this evening even if my mom had to move an entire hospital wing to our house overnight.

The doctor quickly checks me over, something like terror in his gentle brown eyes, pushing his glasses upwards constantly, like he was terrified my mom would make real her threat - whatever it was, if he wasn't done fast enough.

"He should be fine, there's no lasting damages from the internal injuries. All he needs now is lot's of healthy food and bed rest. Most likely, you will have to keep him out of school for a..." We don't hear the rest of his advice because my mom has already shoved him out.

"Let's go home baby." She cheers happily. "I can't tell Virgil you've woken up yet or we'll get thrown out of the hospital, again so you'll see him at home."

I sit up again and throw off the sheets and look down, I'm in a hospital robe. "Y'all better have clothes for me or I'm jumping off the top floor." I threaten.

"Of course we brought clothes for you." My mom says bringing out cutoffs and a suspicious looking piece of cloth.

I narrow my eyes at her, gingerly getting up. "Why does that look like your see through silk blouse?" I step off the bed.

"Why would I give you that beauty, you wouldn't know style even if it asked you on a date." She denies with sass.

"Sounds like a lie but okay." I agree, collecting the clothes. "Now turn around, let me get changed." I order pettishly.

My mom scoffs but obliges. "Like there's nothing I haven't seen before." She mutters behind closed eyes. Shana falls face down on the hospital bed.

I quickly get dressed, wincing at the ghastly shade of my soft tummy, it's all black bruises with shades of purple. I sigh, slipping the suspicious shirt on, at least Virgil would have already confronted Tyrone before seeing the damage.

"Mom!" I yell in outrage when I get a good look at the shirt, "It's your stupid, see through shirt." I wail.

They turn around with knowing smiles on their faces. "I told you it would be perfect." Shana rolls on the bed, resting on her elbow and side.

"There's a bathroom here, come see yourself." My mom says excitedly, sometimes I really believe that she wanted a baby girl but when I confronted her about it, I got nothing but this. - "Ew! Why would I want a baby girl" -  So that confirmed that she really did want me.


My shoulders are grabbed and I'm steered to the tiny bathroom. I peek in the mirror and I'm devastated.

"Mom! I look straight out of one of those 'littles' website." I complain, tugging on it, the cloth went down one shoulder and left nothing to the imagination. "And it's pink! That's it, I'm jumping off the top floor."

"You aren't jumping anywhere." She swings an arm around me, her eyes momentarily clouding over as she sees the bruises around my neck. "I was in a hurry, in my defense and you look better than I ever would in that shirt."

I peek at myself in the mirror again and frown. "I'm not seeing whatever you are both seeing, all I see is me drowning in your oversized shirt." I complain, raising a hand up, the sleeves totally envelopes my tiny fingers.

"You look adorable." Shana gushes like she wants to put a leash around my neck and show me off.

"Just don't go 'uwu' on me and we'll be fine." I say walking out of the cramped bathroom.

"Let's go before Virgil decides to come check on you." My mom says, leaving the room.

I roll my eyes and start to follow behind her when she pauses. "Hold my bag Shana." She says suddenly.

"Sure thing Renee." She agrees, elated at having to carry my mom's fancy bag.

"Mom, what are you..." I let out a yelp as she picks me  up like a child.

"Throw your arms around my neck, I'll carry you to the car." She offers. josei

I can't even refuse because she's already moving, she has me in her arms, tucking me comfortably against her. I hide my face in her neck as everyone on the hallways stops to stare at us.

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