Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 151 - 151

Chapter 151 - 151: I'm Little Tight In Money, Kisame!


The country of fire.


Konoha's senior consultant temporarily resolved all foreign enemies by peaceful means.

Jiraiya also went out personally and began to supervise and investigate the henchmen of the Third Hokage, looking for Anbu that claims to have been monitoring Naruto, and also to avoid the dark secrets of the Third Hokage being used by others.

This news must not be leaked out!

If it is the thick-skinned guys like Kazekage, Tsuchikage, and Raikage, they won't care what the people see them, they will do it as long as it is beneficial to the village.

However, Hokage settings are different.

It's just that no matter how Jiraiya tracked down the Anbu who had been responsible for protecting Naruto, he never been found him so Jiraiya could only temporarily define him as missing-nin.

Unfortunately, Jiraiya also found out many of the dark histories of Sarutobi Hiruzen, such as secretly supporting Orochimaru and Danzo in conducting experiments in Konoha.

This dark history directly disintegrated Sarutobi Hiruzen's good old man image. At the same time, he found the information about this Anbu dedicated to doing the dark things of Sarutobi.

This information is very detailed.

Curiously, the code name of this Anbu is Orphan.

The Konoha senior consultant and Jiraiya believed that this Anbu, code-named Orphan, might belong to Sarutobi himself, and had been acting alone without any partner.

After all, his code name is Orphan.

Kabuto handed the grilled fish in his hand to Uehara and said: "Naraku-sama, during this time. Konoha was tracing the Anbu who Naruto heard that night. It seems that the little gift I left for them when we left should be soon discovered."

"What gift?"

"Some dark history of the Third Hokage-sama."

Kabuto pushed his glasses meaningfully and said softly: "I always think that as a qualified spy, we must not let people notice the problem of the two people who shouldn't appear in one place.

Otherwise, it is easy to suspect us, even if it is a little bit of doubt, it will bring a problem to us.

Whether it is Orochimaru-sama or Naraku-sama, they have attracted too much hatred in Konoha's collapse plan, and I can just use this to make Konoha fall into greater chaos. "

Kabuto wanted to use a series of factual evidence. The person who blew himself up at Naruto's window that night must be Sarutobi and an Anbu ninja.

Kabuto did not hide his plan.

Now that Konoha has begun investigating this matter, he will soon arrange for a Konoha Anbu code-named Orphan to defect and revealing the news about the dead Sarutobi instigating the Kyuubi Rampage and the killing of the Fourth Hokage and his wife.

After Kabuto talked about his plan, he added a very philosophical saying: "Since you are going to do a show, you must give your all."

"You are really a talent!"

Uehara sighed. Kabuto, this guy deserves to be the real man behind the scenes in the Ninja world in history by arranging everything carefully.

Uehara raised his eyebrows suddenly and asked curiously: "Do the Third Hokage really have such a dark history?"

"Yes, Naraku-sama."

After Kabuto nodded his head, he whispered: "How can a Hokage, who has been in charge of Konoha for nearly 40 years, be a kind old man? Some people will whitewash their dark history with peace and compassion."

As a spy, Kabuto knows a lot.

It's just that a subordinate with a high intelligence quotient can faintly set off Uehara's unqualified behind-the-scenes man because Uehara is not as careful as Kabuto!

Uehara thought for a while and he couldn't help but frowned when his grilled fish become cold: "I don't want to eat it anymore. Konan-sensei in the village makes grilled fish every day, here you also make grilled fish for me!"


Kabuto's face suddenly became a little embarrassed: "It's too late at this time. I will go to the nearby village to buy some food tomorrow."

"No need."

Uehara shook his head and said softly: "I'll go directly to that guy Kisame. Do your own thing and don't let me down."


Kabuto bowed his head respectfully, watching the pile of cards slowly appearing at the feet of Uehara, and then disappearing in front of him.

After a long time, Kabuto slowly raised his head, holding the grilled fish in his hand he said regretfully: "Naraku-sama seems to be a little bit ignorant of world affairs... The stray children in the country of fire can only stay in the garbage dump because they can't fish!"

Kabuto touched the scroll of his ninja bag because Uehara really did not take the funds used to build the orphanage.

Kabuto couldn't help sighing and said: "It's just that compared with Orochimaru-sama, Naraku-sama seems purer!"

In the silent jungle.

Kisame and Itachi marched in the direction of Konoha.

They heard the news about the Chunin exam chaos in Konoha, and also learned about the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but Itachi did not know about Danzo's death.

Therefore, Itachi plans to return to Konoha to warn Danzo, and by the way, see if his little brother Uchiha Sasuke is safe.

When passing by a roadside shop, Kisame saw a young man gorging on the shop making his mouth bulge.


Kisame grinned and looked at the young man: "Do you think that down-and-out guy looks like the intern of our organization..."

"It's really similar."

Itachi raised his head and looked at it carefully for a while, his face suddenly looked a little strange: "Huh? it is Uehara Naraku, right? Why is he here?"

This seems inappropriate.

It is said that this guy had just assassinated Konoha's Third Hokage in Konohagakure and even used the reputation of the ninja demigod Hanzo to force Konoha to sign an alliance agreement.

After this news came out, if Hanzo were really alive, it is estimated that the head of the person who signed the agreement, Uehara Naraku, would be screwed off.


A bamboo stick stuck at the feet of Kisame.

Uehara looked at Kisame with a blank face, and then stretched out his hand he said: "Kisame-senpai, Itachi-san, I'm a little tight lately, let me borrow some money."

"To be honest, I dare not let you borrow."

Kisame shook his head quickly, ignoring that he was actually Uehara's spy, and explained in a low voice: "I can't bear this responsibility because if anything goes wrong, Konan-senpai will ask me for the detail."

Kisame grinned and continued: "I heard that Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, is very active recently in the country of fire, so I dare not to let you borrow my money..."


Uehara murmured "coward" and turned to look at Itachi. If it weren't for Itachi, he would definitely grill a shark fin today.

However, when in private, Kisame would be extremely respectful to Uehara and perfectly portrayed the attitude of a spy.

But when they met on the outside, Kisame always pretending to be unfamiliar.

Itachi directly avoided the borrowing money talk and instead asked: "Uehara, why are you still here and haven't returned to Amegakure?"

"I have no travel expenses!"

Uehara chuckled and smile.

After being silent for a while, Itachi untied his collar, took out his wallet, and changed the subject abruptly: "You just said to borrow money, how much do you need to borrow?"

"One million Ryo?"

After Uehara opened his mouth and said a big number, he continued: "Next time I can grant you an extra 1.5 million Ryo of activity funds."

"I don't have that much."

Itachi took out a stack of money and handed it to Uehara: "I only have one hundred thousand Ryo here. Don't tell Konan-senpai that I lent you."

"I understand."

Uehara took away the money in good faith: "What about you guys, does Pain-sama give you any mission? Is there a place I can help both of you?"

"As expected of the financial officer of the organization, you talk with money!"

Kisame glanced at Itachi intentionally and laughed in a low voice: "Hehehe...We want to take the opportunity of Konoha's chaos to investigate Konoha Jinchuriki, see if we can take him away."

"This mission is not so simple..."

Uehara glanced at these two people he lowered his voice and said: "You are right, the whole Konoha is now a mess. But bringing back the Kyuubi Jinchuriki will expose Akatsuki's existence and you might also die"


Itachi's eyes moved slightly and then he sighed: "This is the leader's command. We can only do it even if we give up our lives."

"Akatsuki will not accommodate the incompetent."

Uehara blinked his eyes and said softly: "If you fail, the organization might send the new candidate intern to complete this, but don't worry this person is much weaker than you."

Uehara chuckled and continued: "If Itachi-san wants to, you can kill the new member at any time. I believe the people in the organization will not blame you."

"Thanks a lot."

Itachi nodded.

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