Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 167 - 167

Chapter 167 - 167: What Kind Of Love Can We Guys Talk About, Isn't It Good To Be Behind The Scenes?

He found out.

This was Orochimaru's first thought.

This is a bit unreasonable. After all, these forbidden techniques have been sealed in Konoha's forbidden room. No one has ever seen it. Uehara is just a little ninja from the Country of Rain. How did he see found out?

Just as Orochimaru began to doubt Kabuto, he saw Kabuto suddenly said: "Naraku-sama, Orochimaru-sama has given you the forbidden technique. If you doubt us, you should not make this transaction..."

"I have no doubts!"

Uehara looked at Orochimaru with a chuckle and said: "I just asked Orochimaru-san to help me experiment it. Is there any problem?"

"Forget it."

After a trace of malice appeared in the pupils of Orochimaru, he slowly raised his head to look at Uehara: "However, there is a problem with the Impure World Reincarnation. Some ninjas reincarnated from the pure world with stronger combat power is hard to control."

Uehara was stunned but then he suddenly smiled: "It's okay, I can just kill Kabuto right now and let you use the technique of Impure World Reincarnation at him. It is okay right?"

"I can do it myself!"

Kabuto glanced at Uehara then pushed his glasses and uses his Chakra scalpel, ready to cut his throat at any time.

"Stop it, Kabuto!"

Orochimaru's face was extremely ugly and stop Kabuto.

Because the scrolls were originally fake, once he used the Impure World Reincarnation with the handseal of Dead Demon Consuming Seal, Uehara will know that the scroll is fake.

If Orochimaru chooses to turn his face at the final moment, it would still waste his life in vain and also make him lose a talented medical ninja.

"Oh, then show it!"

Uehara smiled lightly and looked at Orochimaru, he continued: "Didn't you tell me this is the Impure World Reincarnation?"

As he spoke, the smile on Uehara's face instantly converged and he slammed a fist against Orochimaru, smashing the ground under him!

Uehara's face was like a block of ice that was hard to break and he said coldly: "Orochimaru, the most important thing for a person is credibility! How can you gain a foothold in the Ninja world without credibility! You even deceive a young man like me, are you still a human? "


Orochimaru glanced at Uehara silently.

Are you qualify to say such things?

Orochimaru looked at Uehara coldly and said: "If you hadn't forcibly asked for my research results, I will not choose to lie to you."

The expression on Uehara's face stiffened for a second, then he said in a deep voice: "I can kill you at any time and prevent your resurrection!"

This sentence directly choked Orochimaru.

After a while, Orochimaru shook his head, and said sentimentally: "Naruku-kun, for a ninja their powerful ninjutsu is more important than their life..."

Orochimaru's voice even trembled at the end.

At this time, Orochimaru was helpless.

Uehara even felt that if he press Orochimaru too tightly will be a bit too much...

After a while.

Uehara stretched out his palm, pulled Orochimaru to his feet, and helped him slap the dirt on his body: "Okay, okay, isn't it just three forbidden ninjutsu and two summoning scrolls? Whether you want to hand in or not I don't care, after all, I can kill you anytime."


Can this guy say something more humanely?

But it sounds like things are turning around...

Just as Orochimaru was a little grateful, Uehara continued: "It's just that you already give me the scroll just now. If you obediently hand it over, you can live and continue to study; but if you don't give it to me, I will kill you right now and you will die miserably."


Orochimaru doesn't know what to say anymore. Is this little bastard have a heart of stone?

It looks like there is no room for talking.

If he chooses to fight, his winning chances are very slim.

After all, Uehara had a card under his hand, he can summon Pain to fight together, and there was a summoned beast that could kill Manda with one punch.

Orochimaru sighed faintly, looked at Kabuto, and whispered: "Kabuto, help me prepare three scrolls again!"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama."

Kabuto's face was also helpless.

Orochimaru cut his finger again.

One day, he must recover the humiliation he suffered today!

After an hour.

The three scrolls fell into the hands of Uehara.

[Side mission: Obtain the Yamata no Jutsu (Eight Branches Technique) (1/1), the mission has been completed. The reward is 100 gold coins.]

[Side mission: Obtain the Fushi Tensei (Living Corpse Reincarnation) (1/1), the mission has been completed. The reward is 100 gold coins.]

[Side mission: Obtain the Edo Tensei (Impure World Reincarnation) (1/1), the mission has been completed. The reward is a skill Children of the Grave.]

[Children of the Grave: Put a death mark on the head of the target, slowly harvest the life energy of the target until the target dies; after the target died, the soul and body will be enslaved and continue to fight for 45 seconds. The skill consumes 100 Chakra points and a cooldown time of 60 seconds.]

Orochimaru's ninjutsu seems to be unpopular because the system only give him the lowest reward.

As for the Children of the Grave, this skill looks a bit tasteless.

But if the target's body and soul are enslaved, the target can still fight with all its strength!

However, Uehara already has the Impure World Reincarnation, so this skill looks really tasteless!

Uehara get a White Zetsu casually and the Chakra in his hand entered into the White Zetsu's body to awaken it.

Immediately afterward, Uehara took out Obito's body and took off his Sharingan.

Obviously, what he wants to do is self-evident.

There was a trace of envy in Orochimaru's eyes. He likes to collect powerful ninja bodies. Although Obito's performance earlier is not very good, no one will deny that Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan is powerful.

"Oh, right."

Uehara turned his head and looked at Orochimaru, he said: "Orochimaru-san, can you sponsor me with a coffin? And also Hashirama cell?"


Orochimaru's expression suddenly became even more unsightly. What did Uehara take him for? Did he always see him like this?

Half a minute later.

After Uehara awakened White Zetsu's body was injected with Hashirama cells by Orochimaru, it immediately successfully awakened Mokuton. This scene made Orochimaru's heart ecstatic!

It's a pity that this awakened Mokuton White Zetsu can't live long.

Orochimaru knew in his heart that Uehara wanted to use this White Zetsu as a sacrifice for Impure World Reincarnation, and his face was a little regretful: "A Mokuton ninja used as a sacrifice for Impure World Reincarnation, isn't it a pity?"

"Only in this way can we maximize the power of the reincarnated people!"

Uehara shook his head, slowly closed his palms, and continued softly: "If the power of the reincarnated body is too strong, it will easily lose control. Of course, I don't care but Orochimaru-san your strength …"


This issue does require attention.

But Uehara obviously attacked him verbally. He give him whatever he wanted. Why did he still humiliate him so much?

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!" (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)

Uehara's palm fell to the ground, a string of seals quickly formed and appeared on the ground. Obito's body quickly turned into ashes enveloping the body of White Zetsu!

In the pure land.

While Obito's soul was still confessing his mistake with the short girl Nohara Rin, his soul suddenly flew out and returned to the ninja world!

After a while, Obito was brought back to life with the help of this White Zetsu!

It's just that there are still a few cracks on his face, which are a little different from the First and Second Hokage Impure World Reincarnation...

Kabuto softly uttered his question: "Is White Zetsu still not qualified as a sacrifice for Impure World Reincarnation?"

"No, it's qualified enough."

A trace of enthusiasm flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

Because the previous sacrifices were not qualified enough, the First and Second Hokage were not able to exert their full power, and their power was limited by the sacrificed body.

However, White Zetsu's body will definitely allow them to exert enough power. If they can use too much power, some cracks would appear on their faces.

These cracks show that their power is large enough that even the most qualified materials cannot restore their heyday!

Obviously, Obito is not weak.

The emotions on Obito's face after the resurrection were obviously irritable.

Obito right now still only had one Mangekyou and an ordinary three-tomoe Sharingan.

Uehara couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Obito looked at the people present coldly, and suddenly clenched his fists: "Bastard, how dare you disturb my reunion with Rin! You promised me!"

Uehara raised his eyebrows because the will of Obito is so amazing that it has almost broken free from the shackles of Impure World Reincarnation!

Worthy of being the Jubi Jinchuriki in history!

Even with the unrequited love for a little girl alone, it can make his will so strong!

Uehara raised his fingers and concentrated on using his powerful chakra to control Obito to walked into the coffin while ignoring the angry expression on his face.

If the impure reincarnated person wants to break free of control, he must be strong enough to break free of control.

However, these premises are that the ninjutsu user does not compete for control. josei

If he were to switch to Orochimaru now, perhaps Obito could break free from the restraints by his own will and strength, but it was Uehara who controlled him.

Uehara covered the coffin, causing Obito to fall into a deep sleep. He patted the coffin and sighed: "What kind of love can we guys talk about? Isn't it okay to concentrate on being the man behind the scenes in the ninja world?"

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