Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028: Island Survival 28

Chapter 1028 Island Survival 28

A wicked smile of rebirth appeared on her face.

This situation lasted only three seconds.

Fu Anan was blown by the cold wind and fell back to her simple temperament. This is what she discovered belatedly. In the sheepskin vest on her body? What about the survival cards and mutton jerky in her space?

After decades of hard work, I returned to before liberation.

I didn't expect that the materials I had saved so hard would become someone else's. She now has nothing but the vest and shorts she was equipped with at the birth point!

The twenty-first day of the game

start from zero

Fu Anan turned around and looked at the lake he fell into just now. Even the sea urchins were caught in it. In this situation, all the materials on the island have been collected, right?

Where does she go for supplies now?

A weak wind blew by, making her rub her arms, and she was so cold!

She walked barefoot in the woods, shaking and swishing. Some regret, why didn't I hide all the supplies when I was looking for death. Now there is not even a parachute cord, and I can't even do a pair of flip flops.

She sighed very dejectedly.

Just then, she suddenly found a vine.

Slender and tough.

It can also be used as flip-flops or instead of rope.

Fu An'an regained his energy in an instant, squatted down, grabbed the vine, and pulled it up. About two or three meters away, the vines couldn't move.

Following the direction of the branches, a section of it was buried in the soil. The soil looked like it had been refurbished not long ago, and the color was quite different from the surrounding ones.

Fu An'an was suddenly impulsive and impulsive, and took a wooden stick to dig down. It wasn't very deep, and then she dug into something. Pull it all out, and it's a complete parachute nylon cloth, and there are some ropes, small accessories, and the like.

It took half a day, and Fu Anan had bark brand slippers and a nylon fashion suit again.

This also gave her a great hint.

For those players without space ability, it’s okay if they have less supplies, but if they have more supplies, how should they take them away?

What can’t be taken away is destroyed or hidden?

If you hide, where do you usually hide?

Fu Anan brought these players into himself.

If she wants to hide...

Buried in the ground, the first good choice.

The second is hanging on the tree, some dense woods, it is a good place to hide things.

The third is tree holes, or other places with many ravines

And these players usually move in places with water sources, so a lot of supplies may be placed nearby.

In order to fatten herself up and take revenge, Fu Anan started to act.

Game Day 22

At the beginning, it was mainly luck, not just looking for it. What she's mostly looking for is to see who's buried something. There are very few things buried in the ground, and there is only one useful nylon cloth, and more are some animal internal organs or other items, the kind that will vomit if you see too much.

Game Day 23

She's getting a little hands on.

She found eight survival cards in a forest, which was quite a reward.

But to say where the most fertile place is, it should be the camp these players are looking for.

On the twenty-fourth day of the game, Fu Anan really found one. She wasn't sure if this was where the food was stored or where the players lived, but she just found the food.josei

Inside are some hunting dead animals. The furs of these animals were all shaved, and the meat was thrown in the hole. Some looked fresh, and some stink in such a cold day.

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