Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 274

Chapter 274: reality 8

Chapter 274 Reality 8

The silver sports car is parked under the building.

Fu Anan asked Zhang Yuanyuan to call and call that Li Xiao down.josei

After receiving the call, Li Xiao came out quickly. He chose a remote corner, and then looked at Zhang Yuanyuan with complaints and anger, "Why are you still looking for me? Let's break up."


He made Zhang Yuanyuan laugh angrily, "You cheated before, but now it's my fault?"

"So what?" Li Xiao's tone suddenly became more serious.

"Being with Wang Juan, she can save me from struggling for ten years. What use can you be? You come from an ordinary family. It's fine if you don't see anyone. You can't make a phone call when you have time. I **** treat you as a treasure." …

ah! "

The pitch of Li Xiao's last word suddenly rose.

Afterwards, an oversized garbage bag was placed on his head and hammered at him wildly.

"Is it true that we are talking when we tell you to come down?

Beep beep beep beep beep beep somewhere, the most gossipy old lady at the entrance of our village doesn't talk as much as you. "

As the saying goes, try not to move your mouth when you can do it. Fu Anan pinned Li Xiao to the ground and hammered her. She glanced at Zhang Yuanyuan whose expression changed from sad to shocked.

"What are you doing standing there, come and beat him up!"

Li Xiao thought he was being careless, so he wanted to stand up reluctantly, "Don't go too far, I'm going to hit a woman... ouch!"

With Fu An'an around, neither Li Xiao can stand up.

Zhang Yuanyuan looked at his disgusting face, and rushed up with her bag.

No, eighty thousand!

Zhang Yuanyuan quickly put her bag aside, took off her high-heeled shoes, and took turns hammering hard.

A 1.8 meter man was hammered in a small corner by two 160 girls until he didn't even recognize his mother.

"Have fun."

Fu Anan stepped on Li Xiao's body, and said to Zhang Yuanyuan.

Zhang Yuanyuan was still a little unsatisfied, so she squatted down and slapped Li Xiao twice across the face, "It's cool!"


The colleague who groped over to find someone, took a step back in fear when he saw the fierce look of the two.

Li Xiao clutched his stomach, and weakly shouted at Fu Anan's feet, "Help, help me call the police."

Fu Anan was taken aback when he heard the words, tsk! Unbearable trash.


two hours later

The policeman took the transcript and the injury certificate, looked at the two little girls and the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and silently pouted at Li Xiao in his heart.

He can't even beat two girls, so he has the nerve to be a scumbag.

"Okay." The policeman looked at the three of them. "The result of the appraisal is a minor injury. Li Xiao, you can leave. The other two will be fined 500 yuan and detained for six days."

"This is impossible!"

Li Xiao stood up abruptly upon hearing the words, grinning his teeth in pain from the wound on his body, "I'm already like this, is it still a minor injury?"

The police handed him the injury appraisal certificate, "Everything is based on the legal appraisal results, not on feelings."

Fu Anan shrugged at him triumphantly. She had specially selected the places where she beat people, which only hurt the flesh, not the shins.

It's just that Zhang Yuanyuan has little experience in fighting, which makes him look bruised and swollen.

Looking at Fu Anan, Li Xiao clenched his back teeth.

"Okay, six days of detention, I see if you still want to work."

After speaking, Li Xiao was about to leave.

A man suddenly walked in at the gate of the police station.

Li Xiao stared at this man in a daze, then carefully looked at him several times, and then focused all his eyes on his wrist.

Li Xiao was born in a middle-class, well-to-do family, but he has an extraordinary liking for all kinds of famous watches. If he can't afford them, he reads all kinds of information about famous watches.

And the watch on this man's wrist is worth at least five Marthas.

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