Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 300

Chapter 300: Breeding and Food 26

Chapter 300 Feeding and Food 26

They talk and push a car out.

Lift up the food stacked in the house one by one.

There are many players hiding in the middle of the food, looking at fewer and fewer obstacles. Everyone held their breath in unison at that moment.

It was the night watchman's turn to be in the most dangerous position, and if he took two or three baskets away, he would be completely unable to hide.

Luckily the cart was full of food.

They left.

The man who had already been stuck on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up to find another place to hide.

Fu Anan pushed open the cabinet door and came out, looked at the shelf in the center of the room, and climbed up with hands and feet.

Two bangs.

The upper cover was knocked open, and there was a large ventilation duct inside!

Fu Anan took the lead in grabbing the edge of the pipe. With a strong arm, he went straight up, and then looked down at Xiao Ai, "Why are you standing still, keep up."

Obviously this is much safer than the warehouse.

Xiao Ai hurriedly followed, and the others who reacted also followed suit.

People went up one by one, and the sound of cart wheels outside became louder and louder.

Eunbu is coming back again!

Those who haven’t climbed up are in a hurry.

Everyone wanted to go up as fast as possible, but the people behind started to pull and step on the people in front, which slowed down the speed of going up.

The pumpkins on the shelf were shaking because of the pulling, and there was a bang.

The pumpkin rolled down from the shelf. Because of the imbalance, the shelf also fell down, just pressing on the remaining three players who hadn't climbed up yet.

The door was opened.

Entering the door and seeing the humans inside, Enbu was surprised at first, and then showed a frightening smile.

The long tentacles stretched out towards the three of them. Compared with Enbu's strength, the strength of human beings is probably about the same as that of chickens and ducks, which is not worth mentioning.

Embu can stun people or even kill them with a single slap, and then summon the mechanical hand to grab them out.

The player who hid in the ventilation duct looked at the scene below and was petrified.

At this time, Enbu stood directly below, helped up the shelf that had been knocked down just now, and put the pumpkins one by one.

Then their heads didn't move, but their golden pupils slowly moved upwards.

The eye sockets gradually become larger as their pupils move, and suddenly their eyes pass through the gap, and they "catch" the person hiding inside.

The person above instantly stood on end.

"Run, run!"

The people behind hurriedly urged, and a group of people moved nervously in the pipeline.

Embu is tall, and he can reach the air vent by stepping on the table. His smooth tentacles extend from the hole, groping inside.

Their "arms" are incredibly long.

Catch up with the last man, wrap his arms around his legs like a snake, and pull.

The player is dragged out vigorously.

The pipes that were originally covered with dust and various footprints were polished brightly, and the screams of the players echoed in the pipes.

It's not over yet!

Embu's arm continued to search inside.

Seeing this, they ran faster.

The ventilation duct was congested, "Hurry up in front, don't drag everyone together if you want to die!"

Fu Anan, who had already run to the front, paused when she heard the words, and looked at two or three meters behind her, Xiao Ai, who was supposed to be behind her, was pressed to the ground, and everyone stepped on her.


Fu Anan squatted against the wall, moved towards her, and dragged her forward.

At this time, their position suddenly changed from the front to the end.


Xiao Ai screamed, her leg was grabbed by Embu, and the strong pulling force made her stagger.

The nails scraped fiercely on the iron sheet, making a screeching sound.

Seeing this, Fu Anan didn't back down, but caught up with him two steps. The big kitchen knife in one hand slashed at the tentacle, and the tentacle suddenly became two pieces.

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