Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 648

Chapter 648: Assessment Game 30

Chapter 648 Assessment Game 30

But soon, this idea was rejected by her.

Players will not be weak and stupid like NPCs. If you want to catch someone alive, you have to pry out information, which is not an easy task.

The last three days.

The game gave her only two tasks:

First, survive 15 days

Second, kill all NPCs

Distinguishing the priorities of tasks is the key to the promotion of achievements.

She needs to make sure to kill all NPCs by the end of the fifteenth day. Spending part of the time on catching players will undoubtedly reduce the time spent cleaning up NPCs.

As far as she is concerned, the sooner the remaining NPCs are eliminated, the more initiative she will have.

Thinking of this, Fu Anan no longer rested.

It was pitch black outside, and she wanted to take advantage of the night to search for those fish that slipped through the net.


Fifth floor.

In a dimly lit room.

At Fu Anan's feet lay several warm corpses again. With warm blood splashing onto her face, she was holding a long knife with an expressionless face, like a murderous monster transformed by a game.

After cleaning up the three people who locked the room, Fu Anan searched the rooms one by one on the fifth floor.

The same goes from the fourth floor to the first floor.

Cleaning up in the morning, Fu Anan searched the tulou carpet-like. In the end, the number of NPCs stayed at 29.

The remaining NPCs have become smarter.

They will also investigate in reverse, and move to another place before Fu Anan finds them. When there are fewer people, the harder it is to find them.


I ran around all morning.

The sky has begun to glow slightly.

Tired and thirsty, Fu Anan ran to the kitchen downstairs and scooped up a ladle of water with a ladle made of a gourd.

After drinking, she was going to find a place to rest first.

Fu Anan randomly entered a room, made sure there was no one in it, and planned to rest here temporarily. Every household here has a shrine for worship. She went over, searched carefully on it, and took out the red incense for worship in the bag.

Break it into small pieces.

Choose one section to ignite, and put the rest into the space.

Of course, this is not to worship anyone, but to use it to make the simplest alarm clock. Two fingers held the burning incense in between, and once the incense burnt, it would burn the fingers, stimulating her to wake up immediately.

This can most effectively prevent yourself from sleeping too deeply, and beware of the incident in the morning.

Using this method, Fu Anan slept for a total of three incense sticks, and changed positions eight or nine times in the middle.

Having regained some strength, she continued.

The whole Tulou village is especially quiet nowadays. There were corpses everywhere, and there was a stench of decay. There were even flies flying on some corpses, and some maggots wriggling slowly between the skin and flesh.

Fu Anan continued to search for NPCs, and when he passed the corpses, he suddenly saw something mixed in among a bunch of dead people.

Her footsteps paused, and she walked slowly towards the left not far away.

Step by step, getting closer.

The kitchen knife in his hand reflected the sunlight and projected on the corpse, which was a little abnormal and terrifying. At this moment, a "corpse" on the ground suddenly got up, screaming and running away.

Terrible, really terrible!

This woman has killed many of them, even the children.

She is a demon!josei

Hearing his terrified cry, Fu Anan frowned. Too loud and too easy to attract other people's attention.

Fu Anan turned the audience's kitchen knife, took aim, and flew towards the man, landing right on top of his head.

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