Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 758

Chapter 758: Reality-Crisis 13

Chapter 758 Reality-Crisis 13

Going downstairs with supplies, Fu Anan suddenly remembered that he hadn't bought them for himself when he felt the chilly breath.

I used so many points before I bought it for myself!

The points are spent like running water.

She has more than 2,000 points, and she feels nervous. Not to mention those who have only a few hundred points, or even 5 points.

Thinking of this, she sighed, then with a smile on her face, she knocked on the door of her grandparents.


It was Grandpa Fu who opened the door.

Grandma Fu sat cross-legged on the clay kang, and when she heard the sound, she wiped her tears with her sleeves.

Looking at the large amount of supplies in Fu An'an's arms, they were stunned.

"An'an, where did you get these things?"

They saw with their own eyes that the strange light took everything away, leaving only this house.

Thinking of this, they touched it specially. The soil is mixed with grass, which is no different from the old house they lived in decades ago.

After taking the clothes from his granddaughter, the cold temperature was blocked from the clothes.

The old man saw that Fu Anan was still wearing the thin coat, so he picked up the extra one and put it on for her.

"You child, you don't wear more yourself, you know how to let others wear it."

Then he asked again, "Is Xiao Fu and the others, and Yuanyuan and the others there?"

"They'll exchange it for themselves."

Now the situation is quite special, everyone's plan is to first appease each other's family members, explain to them and let them accept the current game.

Fu Anan handed the exchanged lunch box to the two old people, and explained to them the general idea and meaning of the game in the most understandable way.

"So points are equivalent to money, and games are equivalent to work.

Only when you work can you have money to buy supplies.

It’s actually not much different from the previous life. "

She looked at her grandparents standing in the room, hunched over holding a lunch box, and then opened the points mall.

The simple small wooden table and three stools appeared out of thin air.josei

There are also cotton shoes for anti-freezing feet.

Seeing a transparent picture pop up in front of Fu An'an, and get out the things in the picture like magic, the old couple would be lying if they said they were not surprised.

"How did you get this credits mall? Do you have one with your grandma?"

While the old couple was scared because of the unknown of the game, they were also full of curiosity.

The voice just fell.

A transparent control panel also appeared in front of them, and Fu Anan saw the points 5 displayed in the upper right corner, which was the points given out every month.

Look at what is displayed above.

With the 5 points in the hands of the two elderly people, they can only buy the cheapest things.

"This table actually requires 10 points!"

"Our package requires 12 points!"

"An'an, how many points do you have to spend for these?"

As the two old people who have suffered, they have a keen sense of money and property.

Although I feel poor, I can't let her grandparents worry about not having points. "Don't worry, you two. I have played this game before and accumulated a lot of points."

"That's it."

The two old men nodded, thinking that playing games was similar to what young people played on the computer, "Then shall we also play this game later?"

You can earn points by playing games. The two old people think of Xiao Xiao Le and Angry Birds they used to play at home, and feel that they can do it again.

I thought that no matter how badly I played, I should still get some points.

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