Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 774

Chapter 774: Nierid 9

Chapter 774 Nierid 9

Although it was to comfort him, William was a little awkward.

Beta Fu's "brother is good" look is slightly different from the glamorous and cold dream lover in his impression.


The entire Pearl Island is divided into north and south sides.

The south is a paradise for tourists, and the north is an area for pearl hunters.

All the poor people gather here, either as cheap labor for the boss who cultures pearls; or swim to deeper seas, hoping to find high-quality pearls and get rid of poverty and become rich.

Old wooden boat.

All kinds of huts made of plastic and iron sheets.

There are bamboo poles on the beach, which are covered with old clothes and dried salted fish. Walking on the road, the smell of sweat and dried salted fish mixed with the pavement.

Wang Xiaoming carefully avoided the clothes blown to the ground by the wind, and walked towards the recruitment office in front.

Just yesterday, the Survival Coins he exchanged were stolen along with his backpack. The game exchange channel has been closed, so he has to find other ways to make money.

The administrator who recruited the pearl workers glanced at him, "The basic salary is 10 yuan a day, and the diving equipment is free to use. The pearls collected are weighed, and 20 yuan per catty."

As an outsider who just came here and is not familiar with the place where he was born, all Wang Xiaoming can get is black-hearted prices.

But he nodded in agreement.

Because he had no choice but to agree.

Bring good tools, go into the sea unfamiliarly, and look for pearls in clam shells according to what others have said.

The temperature of the sea water in the morning is very cool. Inferior diving goggles kept pouring into sea water, causing indescribable pain to the eyes. In the process of picking pearls, the fingers and soles of the feet were constantly stabbed by sharp shells. After working for two or three hours, the shells collected are not enough for a catty.

"I just made so much in the morning?"

He was disgusted by the manager when he came up, and Wang Xiaoming felt depressed, but he still had to go in the afternoon.

After a whole day of work, he finally got started, but he earned a total of 60 yuan in the whole day.

He almost froze to earn the sixty yuan. After eating a hot meal with the money, he still didn't dare to put it in his pocket when he still had more than forty left. He took off his shoes and stuffed all the money into his socks.


Late night

He didn't go back to the subway where he slept before, but found a bridge hole nearby.

Many people have slept here, most of them are pearl divers who are as poor as him. Wang Xiaoming looked around, only to find a location full of **** in the end. There was a homeless man dumped next to the trash, obviously this was a bad position that no one in front wanted to stay in.

But there is no other choice.

Tired all day, Wang Xiaoming moved the garbage away, glanced at the homeless man next to him, and fell asleep leaning against the wall.


Game Day 3

The money is still in his socks. But if you want to survive in the game, these dozens of dollars are definitely not enough.

Wang Xiaoming got up early in the morning and went straight to the bay for pearl fishing. Finding pearls is easier today than yesterday, and he earned 160.

Excluding the necessary living expenses, there is a total of 182 yuan left. Every day like this, Wang Xiaoming feels that his life is becoming more and more hopeful.

After working for a day, return to the bridge hole.

The homeless man is still there, lying on the ground in the same posture as when he left in the morning.

Wang Xiaoming, who was in a relaxed mood, looked at the homeless man, reached out and patted his back,

"Big Brother? Big Brother?"

Tramp did not respond.

Seeing this, he slightly exerted force on his palm and turned the person over.

A sour smell came over the surface.

The tramp snorted weakly twice, "Wow", and vomited out a large puddle of yellowish liquid.

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