Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 776

Chapter 776: Nierid 11

Chapter 776 Nierid 11

That's... a fish scale.

Inserted vertically on the man's calf.

Wang Xiaoming happened to be sitting next to him, looking at the fish scale, he stretched out his hand and pulled it out violently.

The fish scale was deeper than he had imagined, sinking into his skin at least two centimeters. And it's thin, hard, and sharp. The upper part is in the shape of an ordinary fish scale, and the lower part is a long inverted triangle at least three centimeters.

It's hard to imagine what kind of fish this is with such long scales.

He held the scales and thought about it, when a voice came from beside him, "It's this kind of fish scales again."


Wang Xiaoming looked at the man who saved someone just now.

"A strange fish appeared in this sea area, which likes to attack people. Several pearl divers have been injured by this kind. Their characteristic is that they attack people with their own scales."josei

"Is there such a fish?" Wang Xiaoming was curious while holding the fish scale.

“There were none before, but in the past two months, the government approved a batch of chemically polluted raw materials to be released in this area, and this strange fish appeared right after.

Several people have been injured by this thing. It also has sequelae. After it is cured, those pearl divers dare not continue to go into the sea.

You know the man on the shore who manages the cultured pearls? He was one of us before, and after being injured, he entrusted his relationship and became a steward. "

Wang Xiaoming knows this very well. He was still working there two days ago. However, he was a little skeptical, "What chemical raw materials are so powerful?"

"Who knows what they're pouring."

The man became a little angry when he heard it, and muttered a few words to those in power. After cursing, he told everyone to prepare to go back.

They came back a little later because someone was drowning and delayed.

The pearl collectors have already left, so they can only sell them tomorrow. Because of this reason, Wang Xiaoming had to delay his plan to find a rental house for a day.

Return to the bridge hole, the homeless man is still in place. The food he bought yesterday was gone, and the plastic bags and mineral water bottles were randomly thrown on his sleeping position.

Has he ever woken up?

Wang Xiaoming immediately denied his thoughts, and the position of the homeless man remained unchanged. There are many people in the bridge hole, it is hard to say who ate the food.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help touching the bag of pearls that was hanging on his chest and hidden in his clothes.

Since the money he exchanged for points was stolen, he has been afraid of grass for ten years now.


Carrying a large bag of pearls, Wang Xiaoming dared not sleep soundly. I fell asleep for a while and woke up several times.

Suddenly, he felt someone reaching out to him, thinking that someone was going to steal the pearl, and opened his eyes suddenly.

A sour smell of vomit came over. It was the man who had been in a coma for two days, and he woke up unexpectedly.

Wang Xiaoming was a little surprised, and the next moment he was nervous again.

The little light from the street lamps outside the bridge hole keeps the inside of the bridge hole from being completely dark. Under the light, the man who had just woken up bent his body and approached him.

The homeless man's eyes shone like a beast's green light in the dim environment.

"I'm so thirsty..."

A dry and hoarse voice came out of his mouth, like glass rubbing against fine sand.

"I have money, go buy something to drink."

Wang Xiaoming stood up suddenly, holding ten survival coins, while backing away.

The man didn't answer, and approached him with some deformed steps, "I, I'm so thirsty!"

This is really weird.

Wang Xiaoming frowned, crumpled up the money and threw it on his face, and ran away quickly. Instinctively ran to the outside of the bridge hole, watching his movements from afar.

The man didn't pick up his money, but staggered towards another person who was very close to him.

The man's voice was drowned out by the repeated grunting in the cave—

"I'm so thirsty..."

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