Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Deaf

The young man was thin and looked weak, face also not as handsome, but the red eyes looked enchanting. He was the most decent on this group of experts, despite him not giving off any spiritual energy.

He was wearing white robe laced with blue, the cloth was what, an average mortal would wear. This was probably the merchant who had just followed these experts by coincidence. Li Huan felt disappointed but nevertheless, she needed to show her good side.   

"Merchant Lan isn't it?" she said with a sweet and accommodating smile, which 'Merchant Lan' returned as well. 'At last, someone who is really a man' Li Huan thought, because of this, she did not notice that the wine was spilling from the cup.

The wine from the cup messed up the wooden table and some of it flowed towards Gao Lan Mei, who stood up quickly to move away before she could get wet from it.

Due to the sudden action, Li Huan was accidentally pushed back and flopped to the floor, "Ah!" she yelled, the wine jar she was holding also fell and shattered hitting the marble floor.

"Stupid!" Gao Shen was first to call out an insult. The rest did not mind what just happened and just continued enjoying the food.

The servants helped Li Huan to stand up, a part of her robe was wet from wine. "I am sorry." She said looking pitiful as her eyes glistened with impending tears.

"Are you alright?" Merchant Lan asked with an indifferent tone, Li Huan was grateful for the help somehow.

Nodding, "Yes, thank you so much." she gratefully smiled. "Hand me the other jar," she said with the intention to serve the wine again. Truthfully, even if she felt that refusal was to mock her, she will not show how she was affected by it.

She tried to offer wine to the others on the table with Gao Shen, except for the man himself that had already explicitly voiced out his contempt to her presence. 'why is he even here? He is a nuisance' Li Huan thought while keeping her innocent smile in place.

After getting the last refusal, Li Huan did not give up and went to the next table where, Xi Jun was slumped in his seat, still unconscious.

She can feel that she is being made fun of, but still courageous enough to try serving Hai Hai. 

When she came close to him, the stoic man frowned, "No." he said, but it seemed it was ignored by Li Huan. 

Smiling sweetly, "Please Expert Hai, try this wine, it's one of the very best in the entire empire. Surely there is no harm in trying right?"  she said encouragingly, forgetting that this was the same man who had threatened to kill the guards. Whatever she ate earlier might have caused her to act so stupidly. 

"Deaf." Hai Hai answered and shake his head. Someone laughed at this, then another followed until everyone in the room was laughing.josei

Li Huan looked at Chen Yun Ming who she discovered was also laughing, that's when she finally snapped, "You are mocking me, Chen Yun Ming? After all, I did for you?" she shouted, tears running down from her eyes.

Instead of getting mad, as he used to, whenever Li Huan did not show respect, Chen Yun Ming only laughed harder. The laughter got louder and louder until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop!" covering her ears, knees falling to the ground. "Stop laughing!" she screamed in frustration.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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