Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: The love of youth

From where he got the guts to approach the Wei Prince while he was next to a beast hound larger than the prince himself, made everyone wonder.

He was just so upset and wanted someone to pay for that. So his avenue for venting his anger was to focus all of it on Wei Jiayi. The man's presence alone was enough for him to stay angry for the entire day. Adding more to the fact that Prince Wei barged into his territory like he owned the damn place.

Feeling offended and disrespected, it was all that he could think of, so, he failed to notice Hai Hai calling Wei Jiayi master and the experts silently observing with a nervous stance.

If he was in a better frame of mind he would've immediately noticed the strange atmosphere that the experts with Xi Jun were feeling. He probably would've felt the same tension which was almost tangible in the air.

Well, Gao Shen never counted as who only wanted to be a good uncle at the moment and wanted to inspect his niece future husband, which his brother only have good praises for. That was highly suspicious, as no doting father will want his daughter to be married off to someone else if possible.

Anyways, he had decided to inspect so he did not even hide how he narrowed his eyes at Wei Jiayi and looked at the man from head to toe.

Yin Fu and Yen Bai were also not included with the experts who t were scared of Wei Jiayi. They just stood close together to hide Gao Lan Mei at their back who was trying to make her presence as little as possible.

It was just amusing to see a very confident and indifferent being to move back, while hiding tail between her legs. Not that she has a tail, it was just an expression. In addition, Yin Fu personally felt that her brain seemed to be not functioning properly, trying to figure out how to hide from the prince.

'Ah. The love of youth. The more you resist the more you fall.' Yin Fu thought, judging by experience which made him miss his own wife after reminiscing his own chase during his younger days.

Chen Yun Ming was not thinking properly at the moment, he did not even consider that the hound will try to attack him when he approached, "Grrrrrr!" the hound moved in front of Wei Jiayi and tried to snap its big mouth with sharp teeth on Chen Yun Ming.josei

He could still remember the smell of the hound's breath when he had almost bitten his head off. Shocked by his near-death experience, his knees shook not able to support him so he fell on the ground.

It was fortunate for Chen Yun Ming that the hound leash was being held by Wei Jiayi so before its head could come near enough to hurt, Wei Jiayi halted the action.

"You... You... You are trying to kill me!" He accused forgetting the fact that he was the one who made the first move.

With a snort, "Chen Yun Ming you are as noisy as ever." Wei Jiayi commented. Adding, "you would not have even realized if I wanted to kill you." He said with a shrug like they were talking about the weather.

Chen Yun Ming knew that what Prince Wei said was true. The man was so strong that his father couldn't even fathom. That was also the reason why, regardless of what Wei Jiayi wanted the current emperor did not refuse.

Wei Jiayi is also known as barbaric. The women who desire to be his wife could only dream about it as the man never liked a woman. What type of woman will be like? Some even assumed that he was a broken sleeve.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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