Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Just Hurry

"What are you waiting for?" Gao Lan Mei asked softly as Wei Jiayi is still dumbfounded. "I cannot remove it." 

Ma Fei Hong insisted. "Try..." She was initially against the idea of placing a prism in Gao Lan Mei's storage ring as she was aware that her body was only that of a weak mortal who could not feel any spiritual energy, especially after what happened to her recently. Thus, there was no way for the bearer to have access to it. 

Who would have thought that the prisms would be controlled from another form of space? They had tried hard to get it away from the ritual circle but, in the end, their effort was pointless. 

"Try it! Help is waiting outside! We just need to destroy the boundary spell that they set." Wei Jiayi explained. 

Ma Fei Hong could not help but fear that the beings that were supposed to save them were traitors as well. "Help? Who did they send?"  She asked cautiously, feeling much better. 

"Justice Affairs special unit." Wei Jiayi said and explained how Ma Wang Shu helped them. josei

"You said there is a boundary spell?" Gao Lan Mei questioned sounding tired. They were unable to guess thoughts since she still looked half-conscious with her eyes half-open. 

Zhao Liwei answered since Wei Jiayi was still dazed, "Yes. We need to remove it. We already have a plan, but the timing must be spot on." 

"That's correct. So you need to try hard." Wei Jiayi noted. 

Shaking her head after a heavy sigh, "I can't."Gao Lan Mei then hooked her arms around Wei Jiayi's neck. "Carry me towards the nearest protection wall." 

"What are you planning to do?"Yen Mingjue asked. 

"Just trust me." Gao Lan Mei looked at Wei Jiayi with eyes pleading, "Please, hurry." She said, her eyes darting around making him even more confused. 

Wei Jiayi wanted to say something but held back. He could only anxiously look at her face, then at her hand that was now black.


He gave up talking her out of it, so he just carefully carried her, bridal style, towards the nearest bright wall. They were not far from it. Thus, the rest stayed to help Ma Fei Hong, just in case. 

They were not that far yet when bright rays of lights in different colors appeared from every direction. At the same time, tiny fireballs of various colors also appeared all over the place.

They were moving frantically like the fireballs dancing in harmony towards a specific direction. There were also fireballs on Wei Jiayi's path. Though they were not mainly aiming at him, they just seemed to coincidentally pass through his way. 

He did not care though, at that moment, he only wanted to destroy the boundary spell so they could get out of the Shizi Empire. 

Wei Jiayi tried to use his hand to block a fireball, but Gao Lan Mei grabbed his wrist stopping him. 

"A... Avoid the fireballs." She muttered with difficulty, clearly knowing what the fireballs were and what they were for. Wei Jiayi listened without speaking, but his face was dark with anger. His eyes looked at his path with murder intent. 

She could feel his frustration and anger as Gao Lan Mei tightly held onto him. Her chest ached as if someone was squeezing her heart, making her unable to breathe properly.  She could only bite her lower lip to suppress any sound of pain that would make Wei Jiayi further aggravated. 

Gao Lan Mei could feel half her body turning numb and also felt like she was suffocating, even speaking was a struggle. 

Of course, Wei Jiayi wouldn't miss these signs as even though he was in a terrible mood, he was still paying close attention to her. 

"What now? What is wrong with you now?" He questioned rudely, with concern written on his face. 

Gao Lan Mei smiled with assurance, "Don't mind me. I am alright. Just hurry. " 

When they finally reached the nearest purification wall, Gao Lan Mei reached for it using her working hand. She then proceeded to chant with her eyes closed, 

"I, with name unknown, reach out to the High Blessed Order. 

Here, our spirits and energies offered to beg for your protection. 

Listen! Listen! Show your power to those who believe!" 

Gao Lan Mei shouted her chant and continuously repeated it as she held a part of the purification wall. 

To Wei Jiayi's disbelief, instead of her plea being granted, the entire wall which was stopping the impure smoke had now wholly vanished!


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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