
Chapter 100

Chapter 100: ~Theism.~

“And so our family escaped to this land called Nict. At first we feared for the worst in doing so, but it somehow worked out. Placing our trust in the word of the government from which we hid for so long was a hard thing to do. But unexpectedly they didn't lie and we could safely relocate to Nict. josei

Revealing our family of twenty people as mages was a hard thing to do, but it was an action of last resort. There is no way to tell for how long we would manage to stay in hiding and it is a wonder that we kept going like this for generations.

When we first arrived in Nict it struck me as a cold and strange place. But that was only the first impression. By now I know that they are just very strict people and by no means bad in their hearts. They like it when everything has its place. So their society is as neat and orderly as their city design.

We had to speak in front of a committee of seven people and tell them our life stories as well as our abilities. Then we had to prove that we are magicians by touching a small marble made out of glass. They knew so many spells which they asked us to perform, but of course we failed miserably without training. Only my wife managed to cast a small light globe which caused affirmative grumbling among the members of the committee.

When I revealed our family's ability by bending a metal pen they went nuts though, fighting among themselves on who would get us. Not understanding, I already feared for the worst. Our ability didn't seem like anything special compared to their telekinesis, fireballs, light globes and strength enhancement buffs. It's just the ability to control magnetic fields and influence certain metals by doing so.

In the end a clan called Eddin won the fierce argument and the committee member who had 'acquired' us looked like he just found a diamond. We were told that we were now a branch family of the Eddin and he pressed a very heavy book into my hands. It was just rules about what is socially acceptable and what not. Then we were relocated to Penta where we got a whole mansion for ourselves. Of course we didn't get it for free and we have to work hard to fulfil the Eddin's expectations. But now we don't have to live in fear of being discovered.”

-Random Refugee

***Second Continent, Jont-Capital***

***Serenzar Draco***

The throne room is full of priests and guards who watch me in awe. Coloured windows shed a dim light, obscuring the view of the rainy weather outside. So the room has to be lighted by the magical lights which are filling the ceiling.

I yawn and listen to the problems of the minor townsfolk. One of the new priests brought a very dire situation to my attention. He found out that several rural villages are badly supplied with the necessities of life. There aren't enough resources for them to grow as I want them to.

The money to employ the needed teachers for the children is missing and the schools are breaking down because they can't be maintained.

In addition many of the healers left those villages since the support of needed medicaments was lacking. It isn't possible to send a healing magician to every little village, so relying on trained healers who deal with the small ailments is necessary.

I am a person who thinks in long terms. Therefore the basis for the growth of a society is the most important to me. Maybe it's because I've already lived for a very long time? “Hahaha.” The first thing I do is to invest in healthcare and education. There is no person on this continent who lacks medical treatment or schooling. At least I thought so until now.

There seem to be places where people have to travel for over a day to reach a medical centre. Something which shouldn't be. “So. How could this happen?” I look down on the ten old priests who are kneeling in front of me.

“We had to redistribute some resources in order to finance your fleet.” One of the elder priests says, not looking up. “And the streets which supply the major harbours were in bad shape. We needed funds to repair them. It was a necessary formality.”

“So, why didn't you ask me for my opinion in this matter? I am sure that we could've taken the funds from somewhere else?” I ask, looking out of the window. “Why take those funds from the healthcare and educational sector? Why not from the economic or services sector? I am sure that they can carry the extra load and the pay off from the better education and longer life expectancy will resolve the problem once the next generation takes over. I don't understand it.”

“If you take from healthcare and education, the effects aren't immediately seen?” The captain of my guards offers with a questioning voice.

“Hahaha.” That's why I chose him as the captain of my guard. He is a smart one. “Yes. In other words it looks extremely suspicious since they tried to hide the flow of money. They took it from the departments which looked like people are the least likely to complain. Who cares about some rural villages which existed for years without any of those benefits. Shutting down a minor school in that region isn't an issue, they are just farmers living there anyway. Tell me, which journey took that money until it arrived back at my military?”

“It was never our intention to hide something from the god!” One of the ten priests calls out and prostrates himself.

Nodding, I gesture at the amulet around my neck. “So since you know what your god is capable of you should have no problem with explaining the situation in its entirety. I am very eager to listen to your story.”

The silence in the room is profound and when one of the priests attempts to speak, one of the others silences him forcefully with a hand over his mouth. So he was one of the instigators of this event?

Another priest clenches his fists. “My cousin is a building contractor and we redistributed that money to push some contracts to his company.”

“They don't give cheap offers and their work is progressing slowly since they always take more contracts than they can handle. I took money to tamper with the documents in order to make it look like the deal is okay.” Another priest spills the beans.

“My family has a company for cloth manufacture and we funnelled the taxes through them to create uniforms for the army.” Yet another one hurries to admit his actions.

Supposedly those uniforms weren't exactly fair priced. I massage my temples. Honestly. Why is it that people in power tend to lose the sight of their responsibilities? And it always gets worse with each generation, so I am forced to do a little house cleaning every eighty or ninety years. “Captain, tell me what's this situation called again?”

“Corruption?” The captain offers, looking at me with questioning eyes.

Surveying the throne room, my attention wander to the moody weather outside. “It's such a sad day to deal with issues like this and I hate rain. Throw them into prison.”

“Thank you!” “Our god is truly merciful!” “Pray for the one true god.”

“Wait for a nice, sunny day. Then hold a public execution for them and make sure that their crimes are known. There is no need for your men to get wet and the watchers shouldn't catch a cold while learning how scum has to be dealt with.” I wave my hand to dismiss them.

The captain bows deeply. “His Holiness is truly a nice god to think about the well being of his followers.”

***Second Continent, Jont-Capital***


I sneak up to the young priest who stayed behind in the throne room after everybody else left. “How did it work out?”

My ability of teleporting through shadows is very helpful in getting around without Serenzar's knowledge. It's also how I got the other harem members out of the palace. Shadow step is my personal little secret which not even Serenzar knows about.

The priest bows. “I did as you instructed me to. Everything went as you prophesied it. The incriminating documents were exactly where you said they would be. I just had to connect the dots to prove my point to the god. With this the way for a new group of leading priests is free. I can't thank you enough.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to pay enough respect to me in future.” I gesture dismissively. “Don't forget that the one who brought you into your new position of power can dethrone you as easily as you were placed there. I know more than you might think.” Hmm. Maybe I should throw in a certain piece of knowledge as a bonus. “And stop inviting those people into the palace. The moans can be heard through the walls of your chambers.”

The priest gasps and bows hastily. “Of course. The disturbance won't occur again.” He turns around and scuttles away.

I watch him until he is gone and use shadow step to return to my quarters.


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