
Chapter 32

Chapter 32: ~Caught.~

“The effects of mana on living beings are without a doubt a two-edged sword. First we have to note that someone with a high amount of inner mana lives longer. A commoner without magical ability lives up to a hundred years. Average magicians can easily reach an age of two to three hundred years. Some exceptional individuals are reported to have lived until the age of about five hundred years.

However, not many magicians reach an age over two hundred years. Our dangerous lifestyle and the many wars tend to end someone's life before she is able to die of old age.

While a high amount of mana increases someone's lifespan, there are also some not so desirable effects on the body. A person who is continuously exposed to high amounts of mana has to deal with physical changes and deformations. At first those changes are subtle, but with time they get more and more bothersome while they get out of control. There are reports of a Siorda clan head who was very gifted and reached an age of four hundred years. She grew a pair of wings and the scales which normally cover only a woman's tail started to grow over her entire body.

But those changes occurred slowly and over a long time. There are also cases like they can be observed on black magicians. If someone is exposed to higher amounts of mana than his body can handle, the changes occur faster and are more problematic. We studied the bodies of some black magicians who drained other people of their mana to increase their own strength. In all cases we can confirm heavily mutated bodies, sometimes the researchers even voiced doubts about the race of the individual.” josei

-Papyri magicae.

***Free City States of Nict, Tri***



The noisy room quiets down instantly. “That's much better.” I let my gaze wander over everyone at the big, round table. Since there was an attack on one of our family members we decided to have a little meeting in order to get everyone up to date.

And since it was a great chance to meet with our new friends I invited the Gejene over to my mansion. My husband Yoran is sitting to my right, then there is Valeria and Quarma. My sister Jade and her husband Daylen are next. Next to them is Azir with his girlfriend Stella. Then we have Stella's older sister, Sola Gejene. The circle is closed by Helen Gejene to my left. Unfortunately her husband Lucas is still in the southern borderlands.

After confirming that I and Helen have the full attention of the assembled lot, I smile and nod to Helen. “They are all yours.”

Helen leans forward and starts her speech. “You've already heard about the attack on Azir and we gave you a short briefing on the summoning incident at the university a while ago. Luckily the surviving assassin pointed us in the right direction.”

She takes a deep breath and continues. “We managed to capture several of the perpetrators. The military got valuable information from them. Unfortunately not as much as we would've liked. First, the instigators behind the black magician incidents are from outside the country. That's for sure.  They operate by hiring specialists from far away countries. This is the reason why we are still in the dark about their identity. According to the caught people they got hired in their home country. Then they were taught on how to open a portal within our borders.”

She leans back again. “I am preparing to share all of this with the other clans, together with the clues which give us a hint that this is a long prepared operation. The attack on Azir was just a miscalculation by said hired guns. They messed up the summoning ritual and weren't paid. That's why they acted without orders and with bad information in the hope of redeeming themselves.”

I snort. “So the unknown employer operated on the assumption that his operation will be uncovered at some point. Is there a chance for us to get our hands on him?”

Helen shrugs her shoulders. “Our captives were interrogated and it doesn't look like backtracking their path will bring us any fast results. I sent some spies through the portal. They'll have to play the role of mercenaries and hope to get hired by the people we seek. We can't expect fast results from that. If I was in charge of the operation I would stop hiring people from that country and simply hire them from somewhere else. According to our captives the portal can be opened anywhere you want.”

Azir raises his hand. “Did you find out how they hid themselves so well? It was very annoying to fight them. I suspect that spell to be a risk to national security.”

Helen raises an eyebrow. “We got that information. Like you said the spell shouldn't fall into the wrong hands. So I won't allow it to be taught outside of the military. But be assured that there is a countermeasure. It looks like the spell relies on a fragile spacial rift. The user shifts himself partially to another plane. The spell falls apart as soon as something foreign enters the user's space at a slightly higher speed. A small burst of mana in all directions does the trick too. Once you know the countermeasure the spell isn't that great any more.”

I smirk at Helen. “It's still troublesome. You can't walk around while giving off bursts of mana all the time. I guess the country is already researching other countermeasures?”

Helen nods. “Of course. We can't have someone take a walk inside the palace's archives.”

***Free City States of Nict, Tri***


“I could help with that. Give me the specifications of that spell and you'll have a countermeasure within the week.” Azir smiles at me.

“It'll be fine. My researchers already promised me fast results. The spell isn't out of their understanding.”

It looks like my daughter found herself a guy who is far too capable. Not only is he a powerful magician despite his gender, he also has outstanding skills and knowledge according to his university records.

On top he is an exceptional fighter. Despite being ambushed he fought off several assassins and turned the situation around, killing most of them until the rest decided to flee.

I wish I could place Stella in the position of the next clan head instead of Sola. With such a powerful asset at her side she would have no problems with keeping the country together. My oldest daughter isn't ideal for the job. Maybe I can convince Stella to assist her sister. Unfortunately the both of them could become a destabilizing factor in the future. I hope it doesn't come to that.

My husband will come back soon. I need his opinion on this situation. Lucas is always able to find a way to turn a situation in our favour. Gehehehe... his eyes will pop out of his head when he learns that our little black sheep spread her wings and turned the situation he worried so much about to our advantage.

He was really disturbed by the Zait's recent rise in power. It looked like the situation would get to the point where they are able to challenge our position as the country's leading clan. He tried to arrange an alliance by having Sola marry Azir.

But Valda refused all attempts at opening negotiations by saying that Azir is too young. It began to look like they already had a secret arrangement for him. An alliance with one of the other candidates could've enabled them to oppose us. Luckily our fears were wrong.

After getting to know them a little better I doubt that this noisy bunch is interested in something like a confrontation with anyone.

Returning back to reality I realize that I am still the focus of attention. “Well. It seems I lost myself in thoughts. You can focus on your studies Azir. Everything is taken care of.”

***Free City States of Nict, Tri***


“I see. Too bad, but it can't be helped.” I smile and give up on my curiosity. Pestering the head of the country for more information is probably not a good idea.

She already gave me a solid hint on the spell anyway. I have an idea on how this spell works. Her hints have reduced the possibilities to a mere handful. It's easy to replicate a technology once you know how it is achieved.

Build a nuke and tell someone of sufficient expertise that the boom is achieved by splitting atoms. Even if he had no idea of the concept beforehand, you can be sure that he can build nukes within a month. Given that he has the need for them.

I bend over to Stella. “Do you know why your mother looked at me like that? Her expression was strange.”

Stella shrugs her shoulders. “Don't think too much of it. She often looses herself in her own little world when she starts scheming something. And before you say that that's a problem, my mother is always buried in plans and conspiracies. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

We keep listening to the ongoing talks, but nothing new is said. In the end Helen assures us that the confirmed results of this investigation will be shared with all clans. The level of alertness will be raised too. Otherwise we can only hope that the military's spies can dig something up.

After a short silence my aunt Jade stands up. “Since we talked for so long about disturbing stuff, I have a happy announcement to make.” Then she pulls her husband into a hug. “We finally did it! Soon there'll be a new family member.”

Yoran jumps up and runs over to them. He hugs Daylen from the other side. “I knew that you can do it my friend! After such a long time I started to believe that you might swing the other way!”

Daylen's forced smile turns cold and he elbows my father without holding back.

“Congratulations.” My mother hugs her sister and the rest of us follow suit.

“Since when were they married?” Stella asks, whispering into my ear.

I shrug my shoulders. “A little over ten years. It was just a small party within the family because they had a big one when they were engaged. And my aunt doesn't like assemblies with many people. Though I don't understand what took them so long.” Of course, as magicians they are in no rush to get children, but such a long time seems odd.

“For some people it takes a little longer.” Stella mumbles.

Maybe Daylen just didn't want kids? His behaviour is a little odd. There are men who simply don't want to be a dad. “Probably. I'll excuse myself to take a leak.” And hell! Now that I think about it I can understand him! How old is he? Somewhere between forty and fifty? And he'll be in perfect health until he is a hundred years old. Why the hell would he want to start making bothersome children right now. He could enjoy his lovely wife for a few more decades without little pests running through the house and disturbing them while they are trying to do it!

I leave the big room which is used for gatherings and walk down the corridor. There is a restroom at the last door to the right. A few unhurried steps take me there and I enter. Then I take my time doing my business. Hopefully Stella isn't too focused on kids. I want to continue our life like it is right now.

When I am done I open the door and try to step outside, but I am pushed back inside by someone familiar. Sola closes the door behind her and locks it, grinning at me with an expression that's probably intended to look lustful.

“Is there something you need?” I take a step backwards.

“~There is something I want.~” She steps closer and unbuttons the chest-piece of her blue dress.

Oh, no. Nonono. Not that tour! Annice was bad enough to evade. Not her. She is the fucking heir of a clan. Not to mention that they rule the fucking country! I try to find the proper words while I think about possible solutions. “Eeee...”

“That's what most men say once they see and touch them.” She walks up to me and presses her chest against mine.

I can't hit her like Olivia. She is Stella's sister... and pushing her away from me is probably also troublesome. Will she scream if I don't react to her advances? Whom will they believe if she says that I attempted to do something to her? I can imagine her doing something like that.

“I am sorry, but I love Stella.” I try to walk past her, but she trips me with her tail and I fall on my ass.

Without waiting for me to get up, she sits on top of me with a smug grin. “Where is the big warrior who defeated seven assassins? Are you afraid of being rough with a future clan head?” She traces a finger down my chest while her tail is playing with my ear. “Come on. Nobody will know. I can show you some new things you can try with Stella later. I just want a child who is a mage like me. And you offer the best chances for that.”

The fuck? “I'll know. And there are tests! Furthermore I don't trust you. So get off!” I try to keep my eyes away from her chest.

“Oho? But I have the power to change the results of something like a small test. Come on... it's just a short duty.” She reaches down to my trousers and attempts to unbutton them, but I grab her hands and pull them away.

“I am serious!” If she doesn't stop I might really have to get rough.

“Sure. All men are serious.” She starts moving her hips in a swaying motion back and forth. “But that's only until you find their fetish and flip their switch.”

Unfortunately I feel my manhood betraying me between my legs, which earns me a smug grin from Sola. Just when I decide to push her off the door to the restroom explodes inwards and Sola and I are covered in splinters.

Something flashes into the room and I feel Sola's weight disappearing from me. A hole opens up in the wall to my right while Sola penetrates it like a bullet.

Then I realize that Stella is standing above me. “Shi... erm... This isn't how...”

Stella's expression is a smiling mask. “Let me guess. She forced herself upon you?”


“And you told her that you don't want to, but she didn't listen.”


“Why didn't you hit her like all the others? You had no problems with hitting a woman.”

“But she is your sister! And the future head of the country! You have no problems with me hitting her?”

Stella bends down and strokes my head. “Hit her, maim her. I don't care. Today I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since I know her. But tonight you can sleep with Ghost, just for your information.”

No way! I am denied our together time? I am without fault! And sleeping with Ghost? He'll eat me! But then I hear coughing from the hole in the wall and Sola steps back into the room.

Stella points at the broken door. “I am sorry honey, but I need to talk with my sister.”

I nod and hurry outside. Then I get away from the entrance and slide down the wall of the corridor. From the restroom I hear the roars of two fighting dragons who use a little more than words to settle their dispute. God, how do I explain this to Stella? I close my eyes and try to think of a possibility to prove my innocence.

When I open my eyes I find Valeria in front of me. She is pulling on her lower lip and smirks at me. “How is it brother? Being fought over... is it exciting? And how about saying thanks for me keeping an eye on you?”


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