
Chapter 97

Chapter 97: ~Power Game.~

“Mana streams, or ley lines, are energy veins of exceptional magical power, consisting of pure mana. They are created by the energies and magnetic fields inside a planet and normally flow only deep down in the planet's core.

In rare cases though, a mana stream can be pushed close to the surface. This can happen due to a dramatic event inside the planet or rare fluctuations in the magnetic field.

But no matter the circumstances, a mana stream which reaches close to the surface is always something highly valuable. It enables magicians to recover their mana faster as it saturates the area with power.

It can also be used to directly fuel magical devices and highly demanding spells.

There should be no question about how much of a strategic asset such a limitless source of power provides.”

-Magicae Codex XVI

***Second Continent, Jont-Capital***


“Hahahahaha!” Serenzar is laughing like mad while sitting on his throne with me on his lap. We just had a happy time, cuddling with each other, when one of his priests barged into the room.

Those guys surely know how to destroy the mood. They always interrupt us when I am about to manipulate Serenzar into doing something meaningful for a change. His ambitions are getting a little troublesome from time to time. There is only world domination and controlling the masses in his brain.

Though I admit that he is trying to govern his acquisitions properly, the ways he is trying to acquire them shocks even me sometimes.

The priest who is prostrating himself on the floor in front of us is watching me with lecherous eyes. I know those fellows. They are acting innocent and loyal, but dare to turn your back on them and the party is on.

Though the story he told us was admittedly quite interesting.

“So this Azir is the leading force which is responsible for our setbacks.” He absent-mindedly strokes my thighs while I am hugging him from the side. josei

Normally I would kill someone for the attempt alone, but my hubby has a free pass on doing anything he wants. After all he saved me from a life of slavery. Some might think that my fixation on him isn't appropriate. After all he is far older than me.

But what point is there in nagging about age differences when the persons in question could live for thousands of years. It was quite clear to me that if I ever had to choose a partner in crime, it had to be someone who equals me.

Serenzar is more than fulfilling those criteria. If it just wasn't for his strange idea of having a harem. But he is always nice to me and even taught me magic. So I fell in love with him.

It took me a long time to ~convince~ my fellow harem members to escape and try their luck somewhere else. Now I just have to make Serenzar realize that I am his fated person and not just an object of lust.

“That's true!” The priest bows. “We think that his appearance is linked to a certain incident years ago. You sent one of your apprentices to Nict. He should have performed a summoning ritual for a demon in order to stop Nict's increasing ambitions.

Apparently the ritual didn't fail as we originally thought.”

Serenzar purses his lips. “Explain that point further. How do you link this talented fellow to the summoning ritual.”

“It's one of the rare cases in which we got first hand information because our own men were involved in the operation. The person in question clearly stated his ambition to use one of Nict's clan heads as a sacrifice in order to summon a particularly powerful demon.” The priest takes a deep breath.

“We don't know how the events played out afterwards, but the files which we got from our spies clearly show that the Zait clan head indeed went missing for a short while. A little later they announced that they had a heir to their family.”

“I still don't get it.” I urge the priest to go on while balancing myself on top of Serenzar. The priest ignores me, avoiding my eyes carefully.

It's only after Serenzar signals him to go on that he proceeds. I try to swallow down my anger. Who does this guy think I am. Could anyone sit on their god's lap? They should pay me some respect too.

“Our spies got a glimpse at their documents. Nict is keeping very good track of their bloodlines. The family register of the Zait is definitely strange. One might say it's a forgery.” The priest pulls a set of papers from his documents. “Looking at the register of the Zait alone indicates that everything is normal, but taking the logs of other clans into account Azir simply popped into existence at the age of approximately one year. It's a very subtle detail and can't be used as hard evidence. The other clans might have shrugged it off as a case of very good secrecy from the Zait's side. But together with our knowledge about the summoning incident there are-”

“So he could be the demon in question. Though hasn't he a family and children? His wife is the second princess on top. No, he is certainly the real deal. So did he obtain the demon's knowledge? That could be the explanation. If so, we shouldn't underestimate him. His actions so far show that he isn't bound to common sense.” Serenzar starts mumbling.

He drops the report about Azir to the ground and starts chuckling upon reading the next one. Then he breaks into a mad laughter, even worse than before. “HAHAHAHAHA!”

I strain my neck to take a look at the first line of the report. What I find there shocks even me. “Jeremiah? Isn't that your brother?”

“Yes. They threw him into prison for crimes against the royal family. I can't take it any longer. The irony! His own descendants who followed him, praising him as their great ancestor, locked him up in a dark, stinking cell!” Serenzar shakes his head. “I thought he had them under a blood oath. Well, apparently his offspring got smarter than him in the subsequent generations.”

The priest nods. “It just shows how vastly superior you are to your kin. Not even someone who shares your potentials could rise to your heights.” His eyes turn towards me. “Though it would be probably better if you don't give your consort so much free leash.” His eyes wander to the smaller thrones to our left and right which were intended for Serenzar's mistresses. “The consort of a god should know her place as a-”

That I can't forgive! Pointing my finger at the priest, the floor starts moving under his feet, enclosing them in stone. Before anyone can act I imagine those stone cuffs moving apart, pulling him into doing a perfect split.

A high pitched scream escapes his lips. The tendons in his old legs rip and something important to him gets smashed hard on the stone floor at the same time. The priest says nothing, He simply reaches for his private place like having lost something of great value.

Serenzar winces. “Wow. That was mean. Though isn't he right? You have your own throne directly at my side.”

I ignore the man who is pulling himself towards the exit of the throne room, still not able to even scream. Two other priests come running his way to remove him from our sight.

Those priests are getting bolder and more fanatical in exercising their cult. Since I am the only mistress by now they are under the impression that it might be the right time to influence Serenzar themselves. I won't allow that.

So I raise both eyebrows and smile at the man in my arms. “Do you really care what those old men in their saggy robes are thinking? You really want your woman to sit on this cold chair at your side instead of comforting you from close up?”

“We could put cushions on them? To be honest my feet are falling asleep.” His eyes wander to the chairs which are a little smaller than his and in lowered positions.

That's another reason why I am not going to sit on one of those chairs. I want to be his equal, so putting myself into a position of lower status is out of the question.

“Someone who commands an entire continent shouldn't let himself be bound to the thoughts of others. Besides... you are very comfortable and I couldn't do this if I were to sit on that cold, hard chair.” I bite into his earlobe and use my ultimate skill on him. Persuasion through proper stimulation.

“Oooh... go on. That's a very good reason to have you here.”


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