Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 785 - Call Me by Your Name

Chapter 785 - Call Me by Your Name

Chapter 785: Call Me by Your Name

Qin Feng left in such a carefree manner that it grated on Fu Tingyu’s nerves.

With a belly-full of resentment and an expression as black as night, Fu Tingyu slammed the door shut. What secrets dwelled within the document bag in his wife’s hands? He felt a strong urge to rip it open and examine its contents for himself.

Qin Shu, for that matter, was puzzled by Qin Feng’s sudden gift. Had there been a speech bubble over her head, it would have marked her confusion with several question marks. What did Qin Feng promise her on Mount Qi? An earnest curiosity welled up in her chest.

Fu Tingyu stalked over to her, his eyes never straying from the offending document bag. “Babe, open it and see what is inside.”

Qin Shu pretended not to hear Fu Tingyu. Instead, she gathered up the bag and her laptop, making for the adjoining room.

Fu Tingyu was one step behind, failing to react in time. Just as he reached the door leading out of the sitting room, it swung shut, barring him entry with a soft click of a lock.

If he had not been half a step away from the door, he would have slammed face-first into it, breaking his nose in the process.

A series of thumps resounded for a moment before everything returned to normal.

Fu Tingyu stared at the door helplessly.

Qin Shu had not spoken a word to him since the previous night, and it irked him in a way he did not know how to express.

Yet, he could not blame her. She was still terribly upset with him. Had he known it would lead to such a turn of events, he would have told her the truth much earlier on.

He would have told her all about Mount Qi and explained everything that had taken place back then. Now it was too late for regret. The only thing he could do was pick up the pieces of his mistake, doing everything in his power to make up for it.

If he could turn back the clock, he would not have lied to Han Xiao or others.

However, there exists no medicine to cure regrets. Though it was a bitter pill to swallow, Fu Tingyu knew he had no other choice but to soldier on.

He stood outside the door, keeping a penitent vigil, but seeing that it was pointless, he decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air.

Ye Luo had been waiting outside the entire time.

When he saw the young master exiting the hotel, he quickly opened the car’s door, awaiting instructions.

Once Fu Tingyu was seated, Ye Luo closed the door and hopped into the driver’s seat.

“Go to my mother’s place.” Fu Tingyu said as he stared out the window.

His mother had instructed him to return with information on his wife’s whereabouts when he found her.

Ye Luo grunted his assent, starting the engine and stepping on the gas pedal. It seemed it was time to return to The Grand Kaya.

Ten minutes later…

Fu Tingyu stood in front of the guest room in his suit. He did not want to go in. The mere thought of having to meet his stony-faced was a massive put-off. That man gave the word impassive a whole new meaning.

Hesitantly, he knocked on the door twice, his knuckles making a crisp sound against the hardwood.

A few seconds later, the door was opened by none other than his stolid father. It was well within his expectations.

“Hello, Father.”

“Come in.”

Fu Beichen only said those two words by way of a greeting before spinning on his heel and returning to his mother’s side.

Fu Tingyu was already used to his father’s taciturn responses – he was not too bothered by it. He followed his father into the room, closing the door behind him.

His mother, Mu Shengwan, was lounging on the sofa, eating some fruits while watching television. Upon noticing her son’s arrival, she waved at him and said, “Son, come and sit.”

“Okay, Mother.” Fu Tingyu did as instructed, obediently sitting down beside his mother. The show being played was the Titanic, an old classic.

Fu Beichen sat down on his mother’s other side, his expression solemn and unforgiving. Initially, he had planned to accompany his wife in companionable silence as they watched the film, only for his son to ruin the whole occasion by making his presence known. Stiffly, he picked up the newspaper and began reading, his fingers gripping the loose sheets so hard that they almost tore.

Mu Shengwan gave her son a once-over. Immediately, she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and asked, “Son, it looks like you haven’t slept well these past few nights. You’re about to become a panda!”

Facing his mother’s concern, Fu Tingyu decided to tell her the truth. “Yeah, I’ve been staring at her these past few days. I didn’t dare to sleep in case she disappeared again.”

Mu Shengwan felt both anger and heartache on her son’s behalf. If she had known this would happen, why would she have revealed Qin Shu’s location in the first place?

“How are things between you and Qin Shu?”

“I’ve already told her the truth.” Fu Tingyu replied.

“Then, what about you now?” Mu Shengwan could infer many things from her son’s expression, none of which seemed promising.

Fu Tingyu pursed his lips dejectedly. “I won’t let her leave me.”

“It’s normal for her to be angry. Admit to your mistakes. Don’t make her angry, and don’t antagonise her.” Mu Shengwan huddled closer to her son as she spoke. “Did she kick you out?”

“…” Fu Tingyu. “I slept on the sofa last night.” josei

Mu Shengwan nodded thoughtfully, seemingly understanding a great many things from that outcome alone. As she stared at the television screen with a plate of fruits in her hands, she sighed, “If the female lead hadn’t gotten on the boat, the male lead might have had a chance to survive. Not just anyone will sacrifice themselves for another for the sake of love.”

True love reveals itself in times of adversity – or so the saying goes – and it holds whether it is romantic love, familial love, or in the ties of friendship.

Fu Beichen put down his newspaper and wrapped his wife in a tight hug.

Mu Shengwan nestled in her husband’s arms, smiling lovingly.

The two of them had overcome hell and high water in the many years they had been together. There was no need for sentimental words between them; they understood each other almost instinctually. A glance, a smile, even the smallest of actions was enough to convey their thoughts and feelings to each other.

Such was the strength of their bond.

Fu Tingyu watched the whole movie with his mother. The male lead died, leaving his life to the female lead.

With the chance given to her by the male lead, the female lead managed to survive, whistling for help upon the cold sea.

Fu Tingyu was not overcome by emotion seeing the male lead’s end. To him, protecting the person he loved was worth it, no matter the cost.

Turning his attention to his parents, Fu Tingyu watched as his mother burrowed like a small bird in his father’s arms.

It was a scene he grew up with, a scene entrenched in his mind, something he would never forget.

Qin Shu sat on her bed, sizing up the document bag. Carefully, she opened it and retrieved the contents it carried. Only then did she realise it was a transfer letter.

At the top was a small card with the words:

[ I said I would prepare a gold mountain, a manor, and a horse farm for you…

The blank cheque weighed heavily on my shoulders. I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to meet your expectations.

That is why I didn’t dare to look for you all these years.

Only when I managed to do as I promised you did I realise that finding you was more difficult than earning money.

To you who gave me my surname,

— Qin Feng ]

Qin Shu was deeply moved by the card’s contents. Back then, she did not know why Qin Feng handed her a blank cheque.

What caught her eye, however, was the way he signed off. Was she the reason his surname was Qin?

Qin Feng?

Qin Shu read the transfer letters one by one. One of them was for the gold mine in North Lake Scenic Area.

Even the turnover of the North Lake Scenic Area had been signed over to her.

Qin Feng’s greeting gift was too big!

Master Feng was reputed to be an iron rooster. It was out of character for someone so well known to be a scrooge.

Contemplating her course of action, she decided to phone Qin Feng’s number.

The call went through almost instantly.

Qin Feng was stunned by the stream of words that followed. “Qin Feng, your greeting gift is too great. I can’t accept it.”

“Why can’t you accept it? If it weren’t for the promise I made you then, I would never have achieved all that I have today.” Qin Feng’s voice carried a hint of pride.

Qin Shu decided a compromise was necessary, seeing as Qin Feng wouldn’t budge. “Fine, I’ll take the horse farm. As for the rest, you should take them back.”

“Ling Bao, you don’t have to be so polite with me. You said that a man’s word is worth its weight in gold. If I take them back, wouldn’t that mean that I’ve gone back on my word?” Before Qin Shu could insert a word of her own, Qin Feng carried on cheerfully, “Moreover, with my wealth, not even Fu Tingyu can compete with me.”

Qin Feng ended his impassioned speech by reassuring her, “Don’t worry. I’m hardly a pauper with or without what I have given you.”

Qin Shu burst into a fit of giggles. Although she could not remember what happened between them, she could feel Qin Feng’s sincerity in his words. Their relationship could not have been bad.

Since Qin Feng was so insistent, it would not be polite of her not to accept his gift. Changing the topic, she asked, “What do you mean by your last sentence, using my surname?”

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