Bigshot, Your Wife Is With Her Tarot Cards Again!

Chapter 111 - Miss Ji

Chapter 111 - Miss Ji

Chapter 111: Miss Ji

Yun Qin nodded. Since it was Old Master Song who discovered that she went to Zhao family village, he would probably help her settle everything over there. This made her feel much more at ease.

“You have business to attend to?” Yun Qin asked as she looked at Song Yin’s attire.

“Yes, press conference. Grandpa is there too. You should accompany him.”

After contemplating for a bit, Yun Qin thought that since she had nothing to do, it would be good for her to see the world, so she agreed.

After waiting for Yun Qin to change into one of the other gowns that she picked out previously, the two of them rushed to the press conference.

The Song family’s businesses spread throughout the capital. Yun Qin and Song Yin arrived at the center of the capital, a bustling commercial building.

As soon as they arrived, Yun Qin saw a crowd of reporters gathered at the bottom of the building.

Song Yin looked calm as if he was already used to such a scene. He got out of the car first and waited on the side of the car.

Yun Qin knew that he was waiting for her, but she had never seen such a scene before, so she hesitated. She whispered, “I don’t have to go with you…”

“It’s okay. You’ll have to face it sooner or later.”

Yun Qin gritted her teeth and rubbed her belly. She thought to herself, ‘For the sake of my child, I’ll go for it!”

Therefore, Yun Qin put her hand on Song Yin’s and tried her best to get out of the car elegantly and demurely.

As soon as her feet landed on the ground, she heard shutter clicks around her. There were even flashes of light shining on her.

Yun Qin thought to herself, ‘No way! Was the Song family always this ostentatious?’

As the two of them walked hand in hand into the building, not far behind, another luxury car parked in front of the building.

A woman in a red gown got out of the car. She put on her sunglasses and looked around.

A bodyguard quickly followed behind her and said hesitantly, “Miss, Ninth Master Song…” josei

The woman in the red gown interrupted the bodyguard and said impatiently, “I know. I saw the Song family’s car.”

Seeing that the lady was already chasing after Ninth Master Song, the bodyguard stomped his feet anxiously. “It’s over. Miss Ji is going to embarrass herself and I’m going to be punished again.”

Yun Qin concentrated on walking along with Song Yin while responding to the media’s questions with tactful smiles. Song Yin, on the other hand, had an ice-cold expression, so the questions were directed to Yun Qin.

Suddenly, they heard a delicate female voice call out behind them, “Brother Yin!”

Both of them instinctively turned their heads and saw a woman wearing S brand’s newest red grown with high heels running towards them.

Yun Qin felt that this person’s face was familiar as if she had seen it in a magazine before.

This woman saw Yun Qin, who was also wearing a full-length gown from S brand that revealed the curves of her body, standing next to Song Yin. There was a hollow cut-out at her waist that accentuated her sexiness. Yun Qin’s long hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and she looked both charming and elegant.

This woman was alarmed. When she saw that they were holding hands, she became even angrier. She immediately asked aggressively, “Who are you?”

Everyone was silent for a second before Yun Qin realized that this woman was talking to her. However, Yun Qin was not as good-tempered as she was with ghosts. She only smiled at this woman and did not answer.

When Ji Xiao saw her smile, she immediately felt provoked and was so angry that her face turned red.

The media on the side immediately exploded and started to jeer.

“Miss Ji, did she steal your lover?”

“Miss Ji, don’t you know the lady standing next to Mr. Song?”

“Miss Ji, do you know that Ninth Master Song is getting married?”

Yun Qin was speechless. Song Yin gave the media a cold glance, and the room fell silent.

“Xiao Xiao [Ji Xiao’s nickname], let’s head in first,” Song Yin reminded Ji Xiao, who looked excited.

Yun Qin then remembered that the woman in front of her was Ji Xiao, the daughter of the Ji family, one of the four wealthiest families in the capital.

As one of the most respected women in the capital, no wonder Yun Qin always saw her in all kinds of fashion magazines and news.

After thinking for a while, Yun Qin suddenly realized something. Wait a minute…Song Yin called her by such an intimate nickname as “Xiao Xiao”?

Ji Xiao was unconvinced. She caught up to Song Yin in two steps and said angrily, “Brother Yin, I came to look for you as soon as I came back from abroad. How could you let me down like this?”

Her words implied that Song Yin was a heartbreaker and Yun Qin was someone who stole her boyfriend.

Song Yin’s face immediately turned cold as he said, “Don’t speak nonsense in front of my fiancée.”

Ji Xiao’s eyes widened as if she found it extremely difficult to accept the information she just received. She watched in a daze as Song Yin embraced Yun Qin and guided her towards the elevator.

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