Bigshot, Your Wife Is With Her Tarot Cards Again!

Chapter 132 - Mysterious Call

Chapter 132 - Mysterious Call

Chapter 132: Mysterious Call

Yun Qin moved to her previous position again and stretched out her hand. Sure enough, the giant eye seemed to be right in front of her. But at the same time, they were separated by a compressed distance, so she could not touch the eye at all.

Colorful memory fragments flashed across Yun Qin’s eyes. This time, the fragments that she saw in her eyes seemed to progress the story forward.

This time, Yun Qin saw a human face flashing across the memory fragments. She gritted her teeth and took another step forward.

Perhaps it was because Yun Qin’s evil energy was stronger, the restrictions that the giant eye placed on her became weaker.

Finally, after struggling to move a few steps forward, Yun Qin stretched out her hand to touch the eye. Although she didn’t see it, she felt the moment her hand passed through the distance between time and space. Yun Qin did see, however, when her hand passed through a dark memory fragment.

In an instant, she felt pain, sadness, fatigue, worry, and all sorts of complicated emotions surged into her heart. After a period of stiffness, Yun Qin looked at her hand in disbelief.

She just experienced the life of a miner.

From the moment the miner was born to when he grew up and started a family. Then at his prime, he entered the mine to work. Finally, he was killed on the spot during the accident.

The miner’s life flashed through Yun Qin’s mind like a passing lantern. When she regained her consciousness, the only thing left in her mind was what the miner felt as he swallowed his last breath. As for the miner’s life experience, those memories faded from Yun Qin’s mind quickly.

Did she just touch the memories of someone whose soul was trapped in the Soul Bead? Yun Qin was thinking.

Yun Qin stretched out her hand again and watched the memory fragments brush through her fingers. The fragments were so close, yet they also seemed to be tens of thousands of light-years away.

This was a very strange feeling. Yun Qin felt as if she became the Creator, lowering her head to look at the memories of the living beings struggling in the human world.

Finally, a dim memory fragment swam over and smashed into Yun Qin’s palm.

When she came back to her senses, Yun Qin took a deep breath and regained her consciousness.

Just now, she seemed to have turned into a fish, swimming around in a small stream. Her only drive was to fill her stomach and look around for creatures to eat. Occasionally, when she met her kind, she would quickly flick her tail, then, they would go their separate ways.

It wasn’t until her vision suddenly turned dark and the fish struggled for a while before Yun Qin regained her consciousness as a human.

So, the feeling of being a fish was interesting. Yun Qin still felt the confusion and ignorance typical of a low-intellect animal in her heart. She reached out her hand again, wanting to “capture” another piece of memory.

However, just as she reached out her hand, the huge eye moved further and further away from her. Yun Qin also felt that her body was rapidly retreating, then she felt a tearing sensation

Yun Qin sat up in her bed and looked around at her familiar room and the window while the morning light streamed in.

After this experience, Yun Qin spent the past few nights studying the secrets of the huge eye in her dreams. She experienced the memories that were flying around in the giant eye, experiencing the joys and sorrows of other creatures.

During the day, Yun Qin was fully dressed and went to her stall under the overpass to wait for business. In the past few days, other than two ordinary ghosts hauntings, she gained nothing else.

Yun Qin guessed that the memories in the giant eye came from the shocking absorption ability the Soul Bead had back at Black Bear Ridge. When the Soul Bead was activated, it could absorb ghosts and all of the ghost’s memories.

Why did such a dangerous bead exist?

Her intuition told her that more secrets were waiting for her to discover at Black Bear Ridge.

Three days later, a mysterious phone call connected her back to Black Bear Ridge once again.


Yun Qin picked up her personal phone. When she saw that it was an unknown number, she hesitated for a moment before picking it up.

“Hello, I saw the flyer you posted around the Meida residential area. You’re looking for Hu Luo’s family, right?”

On the other end of the phone was the voice of a young woman. josei

Yun Qin felt that this voice was familiar as if she had heard it somewhere before. As she answered the call, she flipped through her contact list to look for another number.

Yun Qin was shocked when she suddenly saw a name. Her phone number was the same one as the call.

It was her?

The person on the other end of the phone continued to speak, “Hu Luo is my grandmother. Who are you? Do you know where she is?”

Yun Qin was surprised because she had seen the woman on the other end of the phone before.

It was the girl Yun Qin met a few days ago when she was manning her stall with her brother. She asked Yun Qin if she knew how to catch ghosts.

At that time, although she did not have any evil energy on her, she gave off a gloomy and cold feeling. Yun Qin had a deep impression of that strange person.

“I met your grandmother. It’s hard to explain. Let’s meet. My surname is Yun.” Yun Qin stared at the name “Miss Hu” on her other phone and didn’t directly answer her question.

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