Bigshot, Your Wife Is With Her Tarot Cards Again!

Chapter 56 - A Sarcophagus

Chapter 56 - A Sarcophagus

Chapter 56: A Sarcophagus

At the bottom of the water was a series of traps made of stone and wood, densely packed under the water.

Why were there so many traps at the bottom of an undercurrent river?

Yun Qin instantly felt her hair stand on end. Normally, traps in places with such a long history were either used to hide things or bury the dead.

In short, they were all related to “tombs”.

From the looks of it, the headstone at the entrance of the cave was not a landmark or reminder, but a marker that recorded the identity of the deceased.

However, when Yun Qin turned on her flashlight, the scene in front of her shocked her so much that she almost forgot to breathe.

Unlike the long underground river tunnel, the cave in front of her was incredibly huge. josei

Looking up, the height of the cave seemed to be higher than the distance Yun Qin traveled down the mountain into the valley. She couldn’t see the ceiling even if she was using her flashlight.

She must be at the center of Black Bear Ridge, right?

In the center of the huge cave, there were layers and layers of steps. Behind the steps, there was a row of palace-shaped buildings with no doors or windows.

What gave Yun Qin goosebumps was that on top of the stairs there was a dark gray stone coffin.

She accidentally entered a place that looked like an ancient tomb. Yun Qin regretted coming in here.

If a 1000-year-old zombie suddenly jumped out of the coffin, then Yun Qin could only wait for death.

Zombies were created by gathering the natural energy of heaven and earth. They were a type of spiritual monster. They were different from ghosts because they have physical bodies and were not trapped by karma. They do not belong to the six realms. They were neither gods nor demons, neither immortals nor ghosts. Their existence was not something Yun Qin’s ability could deal with. These creatures were born naturally and lived differently.

Could she deal with something that even Hades could not deal with?

However, after observing for a long time and seeing there was no movement even after the hidden ghost jumped onto the coffin and sniffed around, Yun Qin was slightly relieved and cautiously approached.

However, before she could go up the stairs, the greedy ghost also jumped onto the coffin and began to study it. The small stones in the incense box also became restless and knocked against the wall of the box.

Why was this coffin so exciting to the little ghosts? Why are there no other ghosts attracted to it?

Yun Qin was puzzled. She walked around the coffin several times, but she didn’t see any clues.

The coffin was made of dark gray marble. It felt like it was polished from nearby stones. There were complicated patterns carved on it, such as flowers, plants, and animals.

While investigating the coffin, Yun Qin caught sight of a green jade pendant hiding in an inconspicuous groove on the side and picked it up.

This jade pendant was in the shape of a Pisces. It was lustrous and didn’t contain any flaws. It was a high-quality jade.

Could this be a burial item of the owner of the tomb?

Yun Qin became more confused. She put the jade pendant in her coat pocket and wanted to call the little ghosts back.

However, the little ghosts seemed to be very interested in this coffin. They kept sniffing as if they wanted to drill into it.

Usually, ghosts could pass through solid objects. Only when they encounter restriction spells would they be unable to do so. It seemed that there was a restriction spell on this coffin, prohibiting the little ghosts from passing through.

Seeing that even the hidden ghost, who was usually calm and intelligent, was attracted to the coffin, Yun Qin felt helpless. She thought that the restriction spell she placed in the piano room was similar to this one. Why were the ghosts being so stubborn now? Hence, she advised, “Don’t bother. There’s a restriction spell placed on this coffin. Didn’t you notice?”

However, the little ghosts did not seem to hear her and continued to try to get into the coffin.

Seeing that they were acting abnormally, Yun Qin frowned and probed again, “Hidden ghost, do you want to see Zhang Yuan?”

As expected, the black fur ball did not have any reaction to her words.

This was strange. There must be something special in the coffin that was so attractive to the little ghosts that they lost their minds.

Yun Qin released her evil energy to pick them up. However, she realized that when her evil energy touched the coffin, it was absorbed.

This was interesting. What could absorb her evil energy?

No wonder the evil energy in this huge cave was much weaker than the surrounding. It was because of the strange coffin.

It seemed that she would have to find an opportunity to break the restrictions spell here and investigate.

Yun Qin carefully wrapped her evil energy around the little ghosts and “pulled” them off the coffin. Then, she used her evil energy as a long rope to firmly bound the little ghosts that were out of control before continuing to explore the cave.

Looking at the carved buildings on top of the steps, she felt that the buildings were more eye-catching than the strange coffin.

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