Bigshot, Your Wife Is With Her Tarot Cards Again!

Chapter 64 - Mysterious Laughter

Chapter 64 - Mysterious Laughter

Chapter 64: Mysterious Laughter

How did she get here?

Yun Qin felt a headache coming on. She had no choice but to choose a direction where there weren’t too many trees blocking her way. josei

She had to be wary of the predators lurking in this forest. The little ghosts didn’t have to be afraid. But for her, who had a mortal body, even though her abilities made it hard to kill her, she was not spared from physical pain.

She did not want to see Song Yin with a body that was torn to pieces by a black bear.

After walking for about ten minutes away from the footprint, Yun Qin stopped under a big tree and instructed the black furball to go look for the two hidden ghosts.

Yun Qin, on the other hand, looked at the big tree that was wide enough for two people to hug and decided that it was safest to climb up.

Black bears don’t how to climb trees, right?

Just as Yun Qin sat down on a thick tree branch and adjusted into a comfortable position, she suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from the top of her head.

However, when Yun Qin looked up, she only saw trees above her head. It seemed that the sound of leaves brushing against each other was making a sound similar to laughter.

It was probably because she was in the hidden ghosts’ territory. Their abilities covered the forest. Yun Qin could only detect an area about one meter from her.

Yun Qin kept quiet and pretended not to hear anything. She lowered her head and took something from her backpack.

When she moved her backpack from her back to her front, she heard laughter coming from above her head again.

The laughter was thin and sharp, like a child’s laughter.

What kind of ghost would dare to make fun of her under her nose…

Yun Qin did not make any big movements. She continued to do her own thing. She took out some packaged food, tore open the packaging, and ate it one bite at a time.

But in her mind, she tried hard to match this laughter with ghosts that she knew of.

Was it some kind of beast ghost? Perhaps it was a monkey or a baboon that would cause such malicious mischief.

She could catch the ghost behind the scenes if she wanted to. However, if she made too big of a commotion, she would probably scare away the usually timid and cautious hidden ghost clan.

Since she was in other people’s territory, it was better to keep a low profile. For now, she would just wait and see.

However, since the laughter just now, there was no more movement.

When Yun Qin finished her bread and gave some of her evil energy to the greedy ghost, she heard the laughter above her head again as she was putting her backpack behind her.

This time, Yun Qin did not hesitate. She quickly stabbed a beam of evil energy in the direction of the sound above her head.


However, she heard a strange cry. She obviously hit whatever was laughing. But when Yun Qin raised her head again, all she saw was a few fallen leaves, nothing else.

She was getting irritated by this entity’s provocative and flirtatious behavior. Yun Qin did not care about being in someone else’s territory anymore. She released her evil energy, wanting to blast out whatever was hiding behind the scene.

“If you continue to play tricks behind my back, I’ll take you down!”

Yun Qin gave a final warning. She decided that no matter how stubborn this little ghost was if it didn’t stop, she would send it to reincarnate right now.

This threat was effective. A voice immediately responded around Yun Qin, “Don’t, don’t.”

“Hurry up and show yourself! Why are you hiding!”

Yun Qin looked around vigilantly. This ability that prevented her from detecting its evil energy was very similar to the ability of a hidden ghost.

Could it be that some hidden ghost playing a prank?

Just as Yun Qin began to suspect the “ghost characteristics” of the hidden ghost clan, the voice that seemed to be right in front of her said, “I’m not hiding.”


Yun Qin probed again, but there was still no movement.

Feeling that she was played, Yun Qin immediately felt irritated. She released a large amount of evil energy and prepared to sweep her surroundings.

“Don’t be agitated! Turn around and take a look.”

Yun Qin immediately turned her head, only to see a patch of shrubs and weeds under the tree, as well as a few large trees with luxuriant branches not far away.

“Hey! I’m under you! You’re sitting on my armpit, haven’t you noticed?”

Under what? The only thing under her was the tree!

Just as Yun Qin thought of something, she suddenly noticed a strange-shaped beside her.

It was a human-like face made of tree bark that grew on the trunk beside her.

Seeing that Yun Qin was paying attention to it, the face grinned so hard that some of the tree bark fell off. Then, a voice that was pretending to be a ghost immediately came out of its mouth, “You finally saw me, phew.”

Even though she was used to seeing strange-looking ghosts, Yun Qin was still shocked when she saw this abstract and weird thing. She almost fell off the tree trunk.

“Hahahahaha, don’t move, hey!”

The human-like face seemed to be amused. A burst of laughter came from the top of Yun Qin’s head again.

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