Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Give my Life for You

The helicopter shudders and jolts, and Avery grabs the back of the seat to avoid falling over.

Michelle laughs loudly and meanly. "You and Mr. Howel have left me no choice," she says. "It's all your fault. You cost me my job at the Zuri Hotel, and Evan's men broke my ribs and almost cost me my life. I met Mr. Clifford in the hospital, and he promised me everything. But you saw how he treats me."

Avery shakes her head sadly. Images of the party at Andrew's villa flashed through her mind. She can still see Andrew's bodyguards fucking Michelle on the stage. She can hear the lusty cheers and screams from the crowd as the guards twisted her into every possible position.

"That's right," Michelle says with a nasty sneer. "He broke every promise he ever made to me. He let his bodyguards fuck me and use me as their plaything. I've lost everything—my job, my dignity, my status—and it's all your fault."

"No, you have no one but yourself to blame," Avery says. "You're a conniving bitch, Michelle, and you always have been. You tried to kill me at the Zuri Hotel out of pure jealousy, and I can only imagine what you did to upset Andrew. None of this would have happened if you had just minded your own business and let me live my life."

Michelle's face flushes a bright red, and she jumps to her feet. "That's nonsense!" she hisses. "All of my sufferings is your fault!"

For the first time, Avery notices that Michelle is wearing a parachute on her back. Avery glances around the cabin and sees that the bodyguards and pilots have matching black packs. She bites her tongue and raises her hands in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, Michelle, we can talk about this," Avery says, "I'm sure we can find some way to make it up to you. But do you think we can land first?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so eager to land," Michelle says, an evil edge in her voice. Suddenly, she smiles as if nothing has happened. She opens a mini-bar behind the pilot's seat and removes two small bottles of champagne. "Enough talk of the past," she says. "Let's toast our escape from Misty Mansion!"

The corks loudly pop as Michelle opens the bottles, and a fine white mist of champagne sprays through the air. The liquid lands on the leather seats and table. Avery inhales deeply; the wine smells crisp and slightly fruity. But she doesn't trust Michelle—the other woman could have added anything to the bottles.

The helicopter shakes with turbulence, and Avery watches Michelle. Michelle grabs two crystal champagne flutes and pours the champagne. The woman keeps the glasses far away from each other. She's careful to avoid getting even a single drop of Avery's champagne in her own glass. She passes a glass to Avery.

Avery refuses to take the glass. "Thanks, but pregnant women can't drink," she says.

"A few sips never hurt anyone," Michelle says.

Michelle tries to force the glass into Avery's hand, but Avery refuses. The helicopter wobbles, and some of the liquid sloshed out of the glass and onto the floor. Michelle rolls her eyes with annoyance and waves for her guards. "Fine," she says, "We'll do this the hard way."

Two guards approach Avery and pin her arms to her side. Avery struggles, but their hands are like iron around her wrists. Michelle pinches Avery's nose. Avery tries to hold her breath, but she feels dizzy and light-headed. She opens her mouth for air, and Michelle smiles victoriously before the champagne touches her tongue, the helicopter's communication system crackles.

"Come in, come in," Evan's voice says, "Do you hear me?"

"Well, look who it is," Michelle says with a snarky smile. "He's just in time. Someone get me a transmitter right now—I want to talk to him."

One of the bodyguards lets go of Avery's arm, and the other grabs it roughly. He stands behind her and forces both her arms behind her back. The first bodyguard grabs the transmitter from the cockpit and drags it into the cabin area. A long black cord cuts across the cabin, connecting the device to the dashboard.

"Evan," Avery screams, "Evan, help me!"

The transmitter crackles again. "Avery, is that you?" Evan's voice asks. "I don't know who's piloting that helicopter," he says more loudly, "But whoever it is, you need to land it at once. There's a clear area nearby. You have five minutes to touch down."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Mr. Howel," Michelle says, grabbing the transmitter.

"Who are you?" Evan's voice asks.

"Have you already forgotten me?" Michelle asks in a low and threatening voice. "I'm afraid that was a terrible mistake, Mr. Howel."

"I don't give a damn who you are," Evan says. "The helicopter will land at the designated point in five minutes, or there will be serious consequences."

"You think you're in a position to make demands?" Michelle laughs. "I've kidnapped Mrs. Howel. Right now, both she and her baby are at my mercy, so you're going to listen to me. Got it?"

"What do you want?" Evan asks.

"I want the Howel Group," Michelle says.

Avery tries to scream, but the bodyguard clamps a warm hand over her mouth. Michelle is asking for the impossible. Evan will never give away his family's legacy like that. The transmitter crackles and buzzes.

Evan's voice breaks the static, "Okay, I can give that to you. Just land the helicopter, and we can discuss the details."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Michelle asks. "Once this helicopter lands, your men will be busting open the doors. No, I need a guarantee of some sort. You need to transfer ownership and ensure my personal safety before I even think about landing."

"I'll prepare a signed and sealed transfer agreement immediately," Evan says. "In exchange, you need to lower your altitude and open the cabin door. One of my men will parachute down and toss you the agreement. He only has one shot at getting it to you, so you have to follow my instructions exactly."

"Fine," Michelle agrees.

A bodyguard opens the heavy door. The whirring sound of the helicopter's blades is almost deafening. Avery squints into the gloom outside and bites her lip nervously. Michelle's not going to let me go, she thinks. She probably asked for the Howel Group because she thought he'd refuse. She's going to try to kill me no matter what he gives her.

"Sir, you can't give her the Howel Group," Robert says.

"You heard me, Robert," Evan says, "Draw up an agreement now and include the licensing information and the articles of incorporation."

Evan rubbed his temples as Robert begins to work at the helicopter's mobile business station. He knows there's no guarantee that Michelle will keep her word. The woman has already tried to kill Avery once. Evan remembers finding Avery lying in a puddle of cold water and her own blood. He thinks about how pale she looked and how slow her breathing was, and he wants to strap on a parachute and jumped down to herself.josei

Evan looks out the window and sees Michelle's helicopter lower into position. He signs and seals the papers Robert gives him without a second glance. Then he folds them neatly and slides them into a weighted envelope. The pilot announces the wind speed and direction, and the bodyguards open the door. The damp night air rushes into the cabin.

Evan's senior bodyguard checks the straps on his parachute and jumps. Though he's a former special ops agent, the jump is incredibly dangerous. He has to get close enough to the helicopter to make the throw without getting sliced to death by its blades. Evan watched him disappear into the darkness of the night and waits. His heart hammers in his chest, and he feels as if he's the one plummeting through the cold night air.

The envelope clips Avery's shoulder as it flies through the door. She wants to rub the aching joint, but her arms are still bent behind her back. Except for the rustling paper, the helicopter is silent as Michelle reads the agreement.

"Well, you're looking at the new owner of the Howel Group," Michelle says. "I'm surprised, and honestly a little disappointed. Evan has such a reputation—everyone says he's one of the fiercest negotiators out there, but it seems he's gone a little soft. You see, he's given me everything I've asked for, and now I have no reason to hold up my end of the bargain." 

Avery squirms and shouts against the bodyguard's hand, tasting the salty sweat of his palm. Michelle nods curtly, and the man releases his grip on Avery's face. "You won't get away with this," Avery says.

"You've caught me in a generous mood, Avery," Michelle says, holding the transmitter to Avery's mouth. "I'll let you say goodbye to your beloved husband if you want."

"What the hell, Evan!" Avery says into the transmitter. "Why would you give her the Howel group?"

The transmitter crackles, "It's just a business—I'd give my life for you."

Avery can feel the tears forming in her eyes. Michelle smiles as if she's never seen anything so entertaining in her life. She's enjoying this, Avery thinks, But I refuse to give her that kind of satisfaction. Avery presses her lips together and squares her shoulders defiantly.

"Don't be afraid," Evan's voice says, "I'm here."

A long silence fills the cabin. Avery's eyes burn, and her throat aches. Even though the crackly transmitter, Evan's voice sounds warm and soothing. She imagines him whispering the words against her ear as he folds her into a tight, protective hug.

"Avery? Please say something." Evan says. His voice sounds lows and urgent, "I know that you're angry with me, and I understand. This is all my fault. I accused you of some terrible things when I should have trusted you. But I need you back. You can punish me however you like, and I'll happily accept it—just talk to me."

Tears stream down Avery's face, leaving warm spots on her cheeks. She shakes her head silently. I don't care if Michelle hears every word, she thinks. I don't care. I just have to tell him goodbye. She opens her mouth to speak, but Michelle throws the transmitter onto the floor.

"I gave you a chance to say goodbye, but I'm getting bored," Michelle says. "See you never, Avery!"

As if on some silent cue, one of the bodyguards shoves Avery aside. She stumbles and falls to the floor, feeling her leg crumple painfully underneath her. Then the bodyguards, Michelle, and the pilot jumped out of the open door and into the night. The helicopter shudders and tilts sharply. Avery screams and slides across the floor, desperately clutching at the bottoms of the seats.

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