Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 392

Chapter 392: In This World I Only Love Her

"Evan. Evan. Evan," Rebecca called him three times gently. Whenever Rebecca dreamt of him, she called him gently.

Rebecca knew him from very young, but she never showed her love to him. She had many fancy dreams about him.

At this moment, they were lying on the same bed and held each other, just like a couple.

Rebecca was so excited that she couldn't help trembling. Then she gently gave a bite to the center of the man's chest.

The man got a little pain and snorted. Then he turned around and pressed Rebecca under his body.

All of a sudden. A scream sounded—


"Robert! Why are you here? Get out! Get out!"

Rebecca pushed Robert away in panic. She suddenly realized that Robert wore Evan's clothes and cried aloud.

Evan was standing against a wall near Rebecca. His phone screen turned on. He was playing his phone and constantly turning his phone around and making it into a circle.

Robert immediately got away from the bed and put on his clothes. According to Evan's command, Robert had to cooperate with Rebecca. Rebecca touched his chest, and he almost laughed out.

To do an excellent job, Robert even took off his trousers. Robert was worried that if Rebecca didn't find it was him and had sex with him. How could he undertake the consequences? Luckily, he turned around in time, and Rebecca found the truth.

Robert put on his clothes, hurriedly, saying, "Princess, I'm sorry."

Then Robert ran to Evan with one hand holding shorts.

"If any media report comes, send the video to them," Evan handed the phone to Robert.

"No—" Rebecca immediately came to hold Evan, asking, "Please, Evan. Please. We have known each other for many years. Please don't do that to me. It is cruel. The reason I did is that I love you so much."

"The way you express your love is disgusting," Evan dumped her on the bed.

"Evan, how could you understand? I love you so much and try my best to make you happy, but you don't love me and love another woman. Do you know how I feel? How many pains did I suffer?"

"In this world, I only love her."

Hearing Evan's answer, Rebecca cried, kneeled on the bed and cried. As soon as Molly listened to the voice, she immediately rushed into the lounge with a group of people. It was the plan.

Molly wanted to make everybody be the witness.

But when she came in, she found Rebecca was crying on the bed alone. Evan and Robert dressed up and stood near her.

Seeing people entering the lounge, Rebecca hurriedly grabbed the quilt and covered her body.

"Baby, what's going on? Did Evan do something wrong?"

Rebecca had been crying. She was so sad that she couldn't say a word. The wife of government managers came in with Molly. When she saw Rebecca, she understood to a degree.

"Princess. What's going on? Who does dare to do something bad to you?" Molly and the woman turned to Evan in unison and stared at him angrily.

"All of you get out! Mom, let them go out!"

"They are your witnesses. Evan should take responsibility."

"No, mom. Nothing happened. Please take them to get out of here now."

"Nothing happened?" Molly couldn't believe it.

"Princess. Don't be afraid. Tell us the truth. We are with you."

"It is true. Nothing happened. Please leave now," Rebecca said while she was shaking her head constantly while she was crying.

"Impossible!" Rebecca glanced at the bad and checked the trash can at the bedside.

There was a condom package.

Molly did that in advance.

Seeing that, many women started to talk.

"As you can see, there is a condom package."

"That's right. Since it happened, does Evan refuse to take responsibility?"

Molly took a piece of paper and wiped tears for Rebecca, saying, "My daughter, don't be worried. Evan's father loves you the most. He will help you."

"What do you want?" Evan asked coldly.

"Rebecca is the princess. Her fame is important. You need to get married to her."

Evan sneered. He now knew Molly wanted him to marry Rebecca.

"What if I refuse?"

Molly felt being offended and stood up from the bed. But she tried to calm down, saying, "I will show you the monitor video. I believe your fame is also important."josei

Evan had a glance at Rebecca, saying, "Yes? But I think even if I want to get married to the princess, princess won't get married to me."

Hearing what Evan said, Rebecca trembled a little. She knew she had no choice because Evan got the video record.

Evan was trying to remind her not to do something wrong.

Thus, Rebecca bit her lips and said, "Yes, mom. I don't want to get married to him."

Molly gave Rebecca a hard pinch, which made Rebecca hurt. Rebecca knew Molly couldn't understand her now.

So, Rebecca whispered to Molly a few words. Molly heard that and calmed down immediately. Then Molly deliberately asked aloud, "You said that nothing happened?"

Rebecca knew Molly tried to help her, so she nodded.

"Well. Forget about that."

The women were not satisfied with the result. They saw Evan, Robert, and Rebecca in the same room. Evan and Rebecca must sleep together.

Evan was still there. The women turned to Evan.

Evan was still standing against the wall with two hands in his pockets. Then he said coldly, "I don't think it is over."

"What? Mr. Howel, what do you want?" Molly never expected that.

As soon as Evan whispered to Robert, Robert immediately took out a clean A4 paper and pen from a file folder and put them on the bed.

"Princess needs to write a letter of guarantee, claiming that you won't get married to me for life."


Hearing what Evan said, Rebecca was desperate and looked pale. She held the quilt tight as if she wanted to destroy it.

"Evan Howel! Who do you think you are? You aren't the only one choice for Rebecca," Molly was angry. She never thought Evan was so arrogant.

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