Binding System

Chapter 288 Meeting Nova Again

Chapter 288 Meeting Nova Again

Chapter 288 Meeting Nova Again

"I did not expect to meet you again, pervert human." Nova still remembered Ace vividly because Ace dared to kiss Scarlett passionately in front of him.

Ace even kept hugging Scarlett as he talked to him, as if Ace wanted to show off his beautiful, sexy lover.

"Oh, is that you, giant wolf?" Ace also did not expect to meet Nova in the forest. "So, you took my advice and left that place, huh?"

"I was bored, so I decided to leave that place." After saying that, Nova transformed into a human form. "What are you doing in this place?"

"The citizens told me a magical wolf appeared earlier, so I wanted to check it." Ace gave an honest answer.

"Oh, these humans?" of course, Nova knew Ace was talking about Colonel Louie and the others.

Ace sat on the ground before finally throwing a question at Nova. "What are you doing in this forest?"

"Nothing. I kept walking and ended up in this forest." Nova gave an honest answer.

As they were chatting, Nova's stomach growled, indicating that he was hungry. josei

"Hmm? Are you hungry?" Ace inquired.

"It can't be helped." Nova admitted it. "The delicious aroma of the food reaches this place, so it makes me hungry."

"Then why don't you look for food?" Ace threw another question at Nova.

Instead of answering his question, Nova inquired, "Pervert human, can you give me human food?"

"What?! You want to eat human food?" Ace said in surprise.

He thought Nova would eat other magical beasts because he had never seen magical beasts eat human food before.

'Do magical beasts also eat human food?'

He finally realized that there were still many things he did not know in this world.

"You can't blame me for this because the delicious aroma of the food reaches this place." Nova responded, "And it has been a long time since the last time I ate human food, so I want to try it again."

"Hmm? You have eaten human food before?" Ace spoke.

"Of course." Nova had eaten human food a few times in the past.

"Alright. Wait here. I will bring food for you." After saying that, Ace rose to his feet.

Nova's eyes shone brightly. "Pervert human, I will wait here."

'I can finally eat human food again.'

He smiled happily.

Shortly after that, Ace returned with food and drink in his hands.

"Here, eat it." Ace gave the food and drink to Nova.

"I did not expect you to be so kind, pervert human." Nova could not hide the happiness within him because he also liked human food.

But when he was about to take the food, Ace stopped him.

"Why did you stop me, pervert human?" Nova inquired.

"Stop calling me a pervert human, or else I won't give this food to you." Ace told Nova the reason why he suddenly stopped him from taking the food.

"But you are a pervert human." Nova called Ace a pervert human because Ace kissed Scarlett in front of him. "If I don't call you a pervert human, then how should I address you?"

"Just call me Ace." Ace did not want Nova to keep calling him a pervert human because it would ruin his good reputation.

"Fine." Nova agreed instantly because he could not wait to taste human food. "Let me eat now."

Ace let Nova eat the food.

"By the way, where is your lover?" Nova asked as he consumed his food.

"Which one?" Ace had more than one girlfriend, so he did not know who he was referring to.

"Which one? Just how many women do you have now?" of course, Nova was referring to Scarlett because Ace was with Scarlett when they met.

"Well, I have two girlfriends now. But I also have close relationships with three other women." Ace gave an honest answer. "Their names are Lexie, Layla and Evelyn."

"Five women? Damn! You are indeed a perverted human." Nova stated.

"What about you? Didn't you say you have many women? Why are you alone?" Ace inquired.

"Ehm!" Nova pretended to clear his throat. "I like traveling alone, so I told them not to follow me."

"You don't have a lover, right?" Ace teased Nova.

"What are you talking about? I'm from the white wolf tribe. Of course, I have a lover. I even have ten women. Twice the number of your girlfriends."

"Hehe." Ace knew Nova was lying, so he laughed. "By the way, I want to confirm something. Was it you who appeared in front of the citizens earlier?"

"Yes." Nova gave an honest answer, "I told them to be quiet because I wanted to sleep."

"Just for information. You are eating their food, so don't attack them." Ace revealed the reason he met Nova.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of attacking them." Nova responded, "I only want to explore this area, nothing more than that."

"Promise?" Ace uttered.

"I promise." Nova answered, "But can you give me food again tomorrow?"

"Sure." Ace agreed instantly.

After talking for several minutes, Ace returned.


Ace and the others were currently sitting on long logs. Like usual, they had dinner together in front of a big bonfire.

It had become their daily routine, so they always had dinner together.

As Ace was chatting with Layla and the others, some citizens danced happily around the bonfire.

They forgot their problems when they were together.

All that could be seen on their faces were happy smiles or laughter.

It was as if they had no problem in their lives because they danced and laughed happily.


"Delan, come and dance with us!"

"Hey, don't be shy. Let's dance with us."

"Move your body more."

"Haha. Dance…Dance…"

"Come and join us. Dancing will make you happy."

"Damn right."

"Dance more, dance more."


More people joined them dancing around the bonfire.

Ace, who saw them, smiled softly.

'They look so happy.'

He did not dance with them because he preferred to chat with his woman.


He caught sight of Evelyn.

When Evelyn sat close to him, Ace immediately asked, "How is your master's condition?"

He did not know Aurelia's condition because he had not seen her since he returned.

"She is fine. She is sleeping in our tent now." Evelyn set up a tent not far from Scarlett's tent.

"Are there any signs that her illness is recovering?" He threw another question at her.

"I don't know." Evelyn shook her head. "I will ask it tomorrow."

"I see." Ace uttered.

'I hope the rainbow pool can cure Aurelia's disease.'

He hoped the rainbow pool could cure Aurelia's disease because he did not want to see Evelyn sad anymore.

After talking for more than an hour, Ace headed to Scarlett's tent. Unlike yesterday, he had sex with Scarlett and Valeria this time.


Yes, they had a threesome!

Scarlett was horny when she saw him having sex with Valeria, so she decided to join them because she was also his woman.

After having sex for more than an hour, they finally stopped.

"Ace, what are you going to do with fairy Evelyn?" Scarlett inquired.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" Ace did not understand her question.

"I mean, when are you going confess your love to her?" Scarlett asked.

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