Binding System

Chapter 290 I Don’t Care

Chapter 290 I Don’t Care

Chapter 290 I Don’t Care




The sound of Colonel Louie fighting against the white panda fiercely reverberated throughout the area.

Nova, who was in a human form and standing on a tree branch, looked at Colonel Louie's subordinates and the citizens.

'What should I do?'

He still wavered whether he should help the citizens or not.

Ace was his acquaintance, and Ace was also the reason why he could explore the Luvrela region.

However, he had no relationship with the citizens, so he wavered whether he should help them or not.

'I will help them!'

After thinking for several seconds, Nova decided to help the citizens.

Ace was his acquaintance, and these citizens were Ace's friends. This was the reason why he decided to help them.


Actually, Ace was the second reason why he decided to help the citizens.

The first reason was none other than food.

Yes, food!

The food given by Ace yesterday was delicious.

He wanted to eat that food again, so he decided to help them because Ace would not give him food anymore if the citizens died.

"Haha." The bear laughed happily when Colonel Louie's subordinates were lying helplessly on the ground.


An evil smile appeared on his face when his gaze fell on the citizens. josei

'I will kill them first.'

With that idea in mind, the bear rushed toward the citizens.

"Stop!" Colonel Louie rushed toward the bear, trying to protect the citizens.

However, the distance between him and the bear was far, so he could not stop the bear.

Terror overtook their faces when the citizens saw the bear running toward them.

'Are…are we going to die?'

They were trembling in fear as the bear dashed toward them.


The sound of their tools falling to the ground echoed in the entire area.

Some of them could not suppress their fear, causing them to be unable to hold their tools properly.

The smirk on the bear's face grew bigger when he saw the frightened expressions of the citizens.

He was happy.

He was delighted because he could show them the consequences of offending him.

'This is your punishment for cutting down my trees.'

The bear was sure the citizens would die at his hands because they were only ordinary people.

However, something unexpected happened before he could kill the citizens.

Nova suddenly appeared in front of him!

Not only that, but Nova also attacked him with his tail.

Nova decided to use his true form because he was more comfortable fighting in his real form.


The bear was thrown several meters after getting hit by Nova's tail.


The entire area turned into a dead silence when Nova suddenly appeared and attacked the bear.

Even the white panda and Colonel Louie stopped fighting because they did not expect something like that to happen.

"Th…that magical wolf is helping us?"

"He…he protects us?"

"He attacked the bear."

Of course, they knew who Nova was because they had met him before.

They just did not expect Nova to protect them because they were humans while he was a magical beast.

They had never heard of magical beasts helping or protecting humans before because, usually, magical beasts always saw humans as enemies or food.

This was the reason why they were stunned because something like this had never happened to them before.

The bear rose to his feet and yelled at Nova. "You! Why did you attack me?"

He did not get it.

Nova was a magical beast like him, so he was supposed to help him.

But instead of helping him, Nova attacked him.

Nova even attacked him really hard earlier.

It was as if Nova wanted to kill him.

"They are under my protection. Leave this place now." Novaa said in a domineering tone.

"You!" the bear was even angrier after hearing Nova's words. "Have you forgotten that you are a magical beast like me? Why are you protecting them?"

"Because I want to." Nova answered casually.

"Because you want to?" the bear found it hard to believe what he was hearing.

Even though they were not friends or family, but they were from the same race, a magical beast.

When they faced humans, they should cooperate, not attack each other.

So why?

Why did Nova want to protect these humans?

"Wolf, we are from the same race. Aren't you supposed to help us?" the white panda spoke abruptly.

"I don't care about the race." Nova only cared about himself, and from his point of view, delicious food was more important than that bear and white panda.

"You!" the bear roared angrily.

"I will repeat my words one last time." Nova spoke and paused for a second before he continued, "Leave this place now, or else I will kill you."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" the bear did not want to leave because he wanted to kill the citizens.

"Then I will kill you now." after saying that, Nova revealed his 4-star aura.

The white panda and the bear instantly trembled in fear.

"You…you are already at 4-star?" they thought Nova was only at 3-star like them, but now they finally knew they were wrong.

"It's already too late for you to change your mind." after saying that, Nova attacked the white panda and the bear.

The white panda and the bear instantly ran away.

Even though they were powerful magical beasts, they were only at 3-star.

If they chose to fight Nova, death was the only outcome.

That was why they chose to run away because there was no way they could defeat Nova, a 4-star magical beast.

'We have to leave this place immediately.'

They ran as quickly as possible.

However, Nova was much faster than them, so they failed to escape.

"No. You can't kill us. We are from the same ra-" before the white panda and the bear could finish their words, their heads rolled on the ground.

Nova looked at the citizens after killing the white panda and the bear.

'I have done my job. I hope you will give me delicious food again.'

He did not say anything and left that place.

The citizens were stunned again.

'He left just like that?'

These were the words that appeared in their minds.

When Colonel Louie came to his senses, he immediately ran toward his subordinates. "Are you alright?"

The citizens helped Colonel Louie treat his subordinates.

Even though Nova was the one who killed the white panda and the bear, but they would have died if these city guards had not protected them earlier.

That was why they immediately helped Colonel Louie treat their injuries because they wanted to return the favor.

At the same time, Ace was talking with Aurelia.

They were alone this time because she wanted to say something important to him.

"Do you have something to say to me, lady Aurelia?" Ace asked curiously.

"Ace, I want my disciple to soak in the rainbow pool too. Can you help me talk about this to the city mistress?" Aurelia knew the benefit of the rainbow pool, so she wanted her disciple to soak in the magical pool too.

"You only want to ask this?" Ace uttered.

"Yes." Aurelia wanted her disciple to become a powerful awakener, and she knew the rainbow pool could help her disciple get stronger faster.

"Huft. I thought you wanted to say something else earlier." Ace let out a sigh of relief.

Previously, he thought Aurelia wanted to say something related to his relationship with Evelyn, such as giving conditions to be Evelyn's lover or something along these lines.

That was why he let out a sigh of relief after hearing her words because she did not try to separate him from Evelyn.

"Hmm? I don't get your words." Aurelia uttered.

"Nothing." Ace did not tell her what he previously thought. "Don't worry. Evely can soak in the pool too."

"Really?" Aurelia said happily.

"Yes." Ace nodded his head.

"Thank you, young man." Aurelia thanked him.

As the duo was talking about Evelyn and Rainbow Pool, the green-haired man rushed toward them.

"Ace…Ace…" the green-haired man ran as he called Ace.

Aurelia and Ace turned their heads toward the green-haired man.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked curiously.

"Colonel Louie, magical beasts, help." The green-haired man could not form words properly because he was also panicking.

But even so, Ace could understand it.

"Lady Aurelia, I have to help them." After saying that, Ace flew toward where Colonel Louie and the others were.

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