Binding System

Chapter 301 Did You Mate With Him?

Chapter 301 Did You Mate With Him?

"You are right. I'm trying to seduce you now. So, how is it? Do you want me to visit your tent tonight?" Ace was alone, so Layla thought it was a good opportunity to carry out her plans.

Instead of answering her questions, Ace teased her. "It seems like you really like me."

"That's right. I like you. I really do." Layla could still act normally, as if she did not confess her love to him. "So, what is your answer?"

"How are you going to comfort me?" he asked curiously.

"I will say good things and warm your body." She gave an honest answer.

"Warm my body?" he was shocked by her honest answer. "I suddenly have dirty mind after hearing you answer."

"We can also do lewd things if you want to." Like before, she could still act normally despite saying lewd words. "I'm willing to warm your body with mine. I mean, I'm willing to warm your bed."

"You are really a straight forward lady!" he stated.

'But I like it.'

He added in his mind.

"So, what is your answer? Do you want me to visit your tent tonight?" she repeated her questions.

"I wou-" before Ace had finished his words, Nova walked toward them.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nova asked curiously.

"I'm trying to seduce him." Layla said as she pointed her right index finger at Ace.

"What?!" Nova said in surprise. "Damn! You are a pervert woman too."

The corner of Ace's lips twitched.

'Layla, you are really something!'

He did not expect her to give an honest answer.

"I like Ace, so it's normal for me to try to seduce him." Layla did not feel shy, as if loving Ace was something to be proud of.

lightsnοvεl Nova was at a loss for words.

'I want a woman too! No, I mean, I want a female wolf!'

He shouted in his head.


When the sun was setting, they set up their tents. Like what she had planned before, Layla visited Ace's tent at night.

However, something unexpected happened when she was in front of Ace's tent.

She saw Evelyn!

Like her, Evelyn also wanted to visit Ace's tent.

But unlike Layla, Evelyn did not have a dirty mind.

She visited Ace's tent because she wanted to spend time alone with him. She could not talk from heart to heart when they had dinner together, so she decided to visit his tent.

"Evelyn? You also want to visit Ace's tent?" Layla said in surprise.

Like Layla, Evelyn was also startled.

'Ace is so popular.'

She knew Ace was destined to be popular because he was perfect as a human being.

But even so, he was more popular than she thought.

'What should I do now?'

She wavered whether she should return to her tent or not.

Because Layla knew how close Evelyn was to Ace, she immediately grabbed Evelyn's right hand and uttered, "Let's visit Ace's tent together."

Evelyn was shocked by Layla's words and actions.

But even so, she did not stop Layla because the desire to spend time with Ace was huge, and she could not control it.

For this reason, she did not fight back when Layla dragged her to Ace's tent.

As Layla and Evelyn were heading to his tent, Ace was thinking about Nightshire City. He suddenly had an uneasy feeling earlier, so he kept thinking about it.

'I hope nothing bad happen to them.'

He could not return to Nightshire City because he had promised to accompany Aurelia to Roshia's Place.

"Ace, we have come." Layla entered Ace's tent as if it was hers.

Ace, who was lying on a folding bed, instantly looked at her.


He was not surprised when he saw Layla because he knew she would come to his tent at night.

He was surprised because she said 'we have come, not 'I have come'.

"Ace…" Evelyn suddenly felt nervous after entering his tent.

"Evelyn?" the expression of deep shock blossomed on his face.

'Why did Layla come with Evelyn? Did they plan this before?'

He did not expect Evelyn to visit his tent too.

"Evelyn, let's lie beside him and comfort him. Look! He is sad, so we have to comfort him immediately." after saying that, Layla lay on Ace's right side.

Not only that, but she immediately held his right arm as if they had officially become a couple.

Unlike Layla, Evelyn remained in her place. 

'I'm feeling nervous.'

She suddenly felt nervous again.

'Should I go back to my tent?'

Due to how nervous she was, she suddenly wanted to go back to her tent.

'No. I have come this far. I should not back down.'josei

With that idea in mind, she lay on Ace's left side. 

Layla shifted her gaze from Evelyn to Ace. "Ace, are you still sad now?"lightsnovel

"I'm not sad. Why do you keep saying I'm sad?" he inquired.

"You don't need to lie." Layla responded, "Ace, there are two beauties in your tent now. What are you going to do to them? Are you going to have your way with them?"

Evelyn was startled by Layla's words.


Even though she had a special feeling for him, she was still not ready to have sex with him.

And even if she was ready, she wanted her first time to be just alone with him because she wanted her first time to be memorable.

"Layla, you are making Evelyn uncomfortable." Ace would eat Layla immediately if Evelyn were not with them.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable, Evelyn?" Layla inquired.

"No." even though she felt a little uncomfortable, Evelyn did not say it. 

Layla returned her attention to Ace. "Did you hear that?"

Ace could only sigh.

'Can't you tell she is lying?'

He said in his head.

"Why are you sighing? It seems like you are really sad." Layla uttered, "Should I take off my clothes and comfort you with my body?"

Evelyn widened her eyes in surprise.

'What?! Comfort him with her body?'

At this moment, she was suddenly jealous of Layla because Layla could say whatever she wanted without feeling shy.

She would die from embarrassment if she said what Layla said. 

She even needed great courage before going to Ace's tent because she did not have the same personality as Layla.

"Sure." Actually, Ace only teased her because Layla kept seducing him since earlier.

However, Layla took his words seriously.

For this reason, she grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and was ready to take it off. "Then I will warm your body now."

Before Layla could take her T-shirt off, Evelyn stopped her. "Stop!"

Layla instantly looked at Evelyn. "Why did you stop me? Didn't you come to his tent to comfort him with your body too?"

She thought Evelyn also wanted to have sex with Ace because Evelyn had a special feeling for Ace.

That was why Layla did whatever she wanted because they loved the same man.

"I only want to talk to him, nothing more than that." Evelyn responded, "Can't we just chat and enjoy the night together?"

"Sure." after saying that, Layla lay on Ace's right side again. "Then let's just chat tonight."

And like that, they chatted in his tent before finally sleeping together.


"Huft… I did not know sleeping in a tent was comfortable." After saying that, Nova got out of his tent. "What a beautiful morning!" 

His face broke into a smile when he saw a beautiful morning.

However, his smile instantly froze when his gaze fell on Ace's tent because Layla and Evelyn came out of the tent with Ace.

'What?! They slept in the same tent?'

He believed he saw Layla and Evelyn heading to their tents last night.

'Did they mate in his tent?'

Nova walked toward them because he could not hold back the curiosity in his heart.

"Oh, Nova. You are already awake?" Layla said when she caught sight of Nova.

Nova did not answer her question because he wanted to know what they had done in Ace's tent. "Did you mate with Ace last night?"

Black lines formed on Ace's forehead.

'This wolf! Why is he asking such a question in the morning?'

He could only sigh.

"Mate? Ah, do you mean sex?" it took Layla a few seconds to understand Nova's words.

"Yes. Did you mate with him?" Nova was a magical beast, so he did not say sex.

Before Layla could answer Nova's question, Ace dragged Nova away from them. He didn't want Nova to keep asking vulgar questions, so he dragged Nova away from them.

"Damn wolf, you can't ask something like that. That's private thing." Ace told Nova that his question was sensitive. 

"Private? But we are friends." In Nova's view, there was nothing wrong with his question.

Ace sighed again. "You still can't ask that question."

"Humans are weird." Nova stated.

As Nova was talking with Ace, Layla chatted with Evelyn.

"Evelyn, should we visit his tent again tonight and mate with him?" Layla inquired.

"I will return to my tent." Evelyn avoided Layla's question and headed to her tent.

Layla did not stop Evelyn.

'Should I try seducing him again tonight?'


Ace and the others were currently heading to Roshia's Place. They did not use a carriage this time because there was no road for the carriage.

But even so, they did not mind it. 

They also enjoyed walking because they were not alone.

After traveling for more than two weeks, they finally reached Roshia's Place.

"We have arrived. That bamboo house is hers." Nova said as he pointed his right index finger at the bamboo house in front of him. "Let's go."

"Un." Ace and the others nodded their heads.

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