Binding System

Chapter 318 Please Avenge My Family

Chapter 318 Please Avenge My Family

Chapter 318 Please Avenge My Family

Ace was not surprised by Layla's question because he had guessed someone would ask that question after hearing his intention.

When Ace was about to answer Layla's question, Alicia suddenly spoke, "Goddess Teressa had guessed this before. Like Ace, Goddess Teressa also wants to help the children who have lost their families."

"Goddess Teressa?" Layla said in surprise.

"Yes." Alicia responded, "Goddess Teressa wants to build an orphanage under her name in this city if it's allowed."

"Then we need to discuss this with Scarlett first because she is the lord of this city." Ace would build an orphanage immediately if it were under Nightshire City's name.

However, it was a different story if it was under Goddess Teressa's name because he was not the city lord of Nightshire City.

"Alright. We will discuss it once city mistress has regained consciousness." Alicia responded.

After asking Layla to watch over Natalie and Nathan, Ace left to check the city and the citizens again.

'My mansion and restaurant got destroyed again.'

He spent a lot of money to buy his mansion and restaurant, but he could only use it for less than a year.

'It's fine. I will rebuild it again. I will make it bigger and more luxurious than before.'

After checking his mansion and restaurant for about ten minutes, he turned around and left.

As he was strolling around the city, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Ace…" Lexie's charming voice rang out from his right side.

Ace stopped his footsteps and turned his head toward the source of the sound. When he knew the owner of the voice, he rushed toward that figure.

"When did you re-" Before Lexie had finished her question, Ace embraced her.

Her face blossomed into a smile when Ace suddenly hugged her.

They hadn't seen each other for two months, so she was thrilled when she could feel the warmth of his embrace again.

After stopping the hug, Ace inquired, "Lexie, are you injured?"

"No. I'm fine." The happiness within her grew bigger when he cared about her well-being.

"Really?" he uttered.

"I only suffered minor injuries when they attacked us, so my injuries have fully recovered now." She responded, "Did you just come back?"

"Yes." Ace told her that he met Saintess Alicia and the others earlier.

He also said he already knew everything.

He was strolling around the city because he wanted to know more about the condition of their city and the citizens.

"I see." she responded, "So what are you going to do now?"

"After checking the condition of our city and the citizens, I plan to discuss this matter with Colonel Louie and the others." He told her that he wanted to take revenge.

Alselian City had attacked them, so they had to pay the price for their actions.

"No matter what you do, I will always support you, Ace." Lexie uttered.

"Un." He nodded.

Lexie then accompanied him to check the condition of their city. A tiny smile appeared on her pretty face when Ace suddenly held her right hand.

Even though many people saw them holding hands, she did not shake it off or feel shy because her heart and body had already belonged to him.

As the duo walked around the cemetery, a grown man around forty years old suddenly rushed toward Ace.

The mature man ran toward Ace with eyes filled with tears of sadness. Anyone who saw him would know immediately that he was one of the victims of the Alselian city's cruelty.

"Ace…Ace…" the grown man ran while calling Ace's name.

Ace and Lexie were startled, but they did not try to avoid that grown man because they knew he was a citizen of Nightshire City.

After the grown man was in front of Ace, he immediately held his hands and uttered, "Ace, please…please avenge my wife and daughter. Please…"

The grown man lost his wife and daughter when Alselian City attacked them. He begged Ace to avenge his wife and daughter because Ace was the strongest awakener in their city.

"Please…please avenge my wife and daughter." The grown man dropped to his knees as he pleaded.

Tears of sadness fell down his cheeks again.

His daughter and wife were his only family, so his hatred for Aidan and his subordinates was as big as the universe.

Not only him, but everyone in the cemetery also rushed toward him when they caught sight of him.

Like the grown man, they also asked him to avenge their families.

They even went so far as to kneel before Ace because he was the only one who could avenge their families.

They were only ordinary people, so they knew it was impossible for them to avenge their families because their enemies were awakeners.

As the citizens begged Ace to avenge their families, Lexie looked at Ace. Of course, she could understand their feelings because she also lost many of her underlings.


She kept staring at him, waiting to see his reaction.

"Everyone, please stand up." Ace told them that he would avenge their families later.

The citizens were delighted and stood up one by one.

As Ace was talking with the citizens, Lara was chatting with Aidan. She told him that Ace had returned to Nightshire City.

Aidan was panicked after receiving the bad news.

Ace was already at the Grandmaster rank. Coupled with Alicia and her subordinates, it was not impossible for them to destroy his city.

After discussing with Lara and his other subordinates, they decided to put up a barrier to protect their city.

Of course, their decision caused an uproar.

They set up a barrier out of the blue, so the residents were curious about what was going on.

Some of them even felt afraid because Aidan would not put up a barrier if they were not facing a big problem.

'God, please protect us.'

Many citizens prayed to God.


Nightshire City, Meeting Tent.

Nine people were sitting on the wooden chairs.

Their names were Ace, Colonel Louie, Captain Noah, Captain Lia, Lieutenant Alex, Lexie, Aron, Melissa, and Alvaro.

Ace asked Colonel Louie to invite people from the three big families to their meeting because they were also citizens of Nightshire City.

He believed the people from the three big families also wanted to seek revenge, so he decided to include them in the meeting.

"Colonel Louie, how many troops are ready to attack Alselian city?" Ace inquired.

"Many of them are still injured, so only five thousand troops are ready to attack Alselian City." Colonel Louie did not want to force the injured city guards to attack Alselian City with them.

"Ace, I have five hundred people ready to support us." Lexie spoke abruptly.

"We also have five hundred people ready to help us destroy Alselian City." Melissa and her husband said in unison.

"I have six hundred subordinates in good condition." Aron added. "But I think our strength is not enough to destroy Alselian City."

"I hate to admit it, but Mister Aron is right." Melissa uttered,

"After being forced to retreat by saintess Alicia, Alselian City still has around sixteen thousand troops. Unless we ask saintess Alicia to help us, our chance of killing them is less than fifty percent."

Captain Noah and the others nodded their heads, giving a sign that they agreed with their words.

"No. It's more than enough." Ace said confidently.

"What do you mean by that, Ace? Do you have a method to kill Aidan and his subordinates?" Alvaro asked curiously. josei

But instead of answering his question, Ace said something else. "You said the strongest among them is only at the Grandmaster rank, right?"

"That's right." Alvaro still did not understand anything.

"They only have one awakener at the Grandmaster rank and four at the Master rank, right?" Ace uttered.

"That's right." Alvaro responded again.

"Then our strength is more than enough to destroy them." Ace repeated his previous words.

"Ace, we still don't understand your words." Aron uttered, "Can you explain it to us?"

"I'm already at the Exalted rank, so we can still destroy them even without the help of Saintess Alicia." After saying that, Ace released his aura, showing everyone that he was not lying.

Everyone was shocked when they felt his powerful aura.

At this moment, Lexie smiled softly at Ace.

'I forgot that he had broken through to the Exalted rank.'

She suddenly remembered what she had done with him in an underground cave.

As Lexie was remembering her hot time with Ace in the pool, Captain Noah and the others clenched their fists in excitement.

With Ace's help, their chances of destroying Alselian City were more than fifty percent.


The possibility of them destroying Alselian City was one hundred percent because their strongest awakener was only at the Grandmaster rank.

"Good! With this, we can avenge our brothers and sisters." Captain Noah said happily.

"Yes. We can finally make them pay the price for their actions." Melissa added.

"So, when are we going to attack them?" Aron could not wait to attack Alselian City because they had killed many citizens.

"How about we attack them tomorrow?" like Aron, Ace also wanted to attack them as soon as possible.

Colonel Louie and the others nodded their heads.

"Alright. Let's prepare everything now." Ace uttered.

"Alright." Aron and the others responded in unison.

And shortly after that, they left the meeting tent to prepare everything.


The following morning, Ace and the others stood in front of Nightshire City. There were six thousand and six hundred people in front of him.

These people were a combination of the city guards and subordinates of the three big families.

Ace, who was on his horse, looked at them and uttered, "Let's go to Alselian City. Let's make them pay the price for injuring and killing our brothers and sisters."

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

One by one, they shouted in unison.

"Let's go now." Ace uttered.

And with that, Ace led them to destroy Alselian City.

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