Binding System

Chapter 321 Returning to Nightshire City

Chapter 321 Returning to Nightshire City

321  Returning to Nightshire City

"Ace, what should we do to the citizens?" Colonel Louie treated Ace as if Ace was the lord of Nightshire City.

Upon hearing Colonel Louie's question, Lexie and the others shifted their gaze to Ace, waiting for his answer.

Like Colonel Louie, they already treated him like Ace was their lord. Actually, they did not see Ace as their lord.

Ace had saved and helped Nightshire City many times, so their behavior toward him was a sign that they respected him as a Hero.

And Ace was also the strongest awakener in their city, so it made their respect toward him grow bigger.

"They have nothing to do with this, so don't kill them if it's not necessary." Ace did not want to kill the citizens because their enemies were only Aidan and his subordinates. Colonel Louie and the others exchanged glances before finally nodding their heads. "Alright. We will spare their lives."

"Colonel Louie, tie this man up." after saying that, Ace gave Aidan to Colonel Louie. Even though Ace did not say anything, Colonel Louie knew what he wanted to do to Aidan. 'I'm sure the citizens will be happy later.' He could not wait to see the citizens torture Aidan to death.

"Do any of you have a speaker?" Ace inquired. "I have a speaker." The blue-haired man retrieved a speaker from his space ring and gave it to Ace.

After taking the speaker, Ace uttered, "Citizens of Alselian City, we have killed all the city guards, and your lord is in my hands. I will give you one hour to leave this place because this place belongs to Nightshire City now."

He then continued, "I don't want to kill you because our enemies are only your lord and his subordinates. But if you refuse to leave this place, don't blame me for being cruel because this place is ours now."

Many citizens were furious upon hearing his words, but they did not dare to fight Ace and the others. Aidan brought sixteen thousand troops with him, yet he still lost against Ace, so they knew what would happen if they fought him.

For this reason, they left their city one by one because they had no other choice.

"Let's leave this city."

"I don't want to die. I will leave this place."

"Demon. He is a demon."

"Ssttt! Do you want to get killed?"

"But he is taking our city."

"Shut up! If you want to die, go die by yourself. Don't drag us into it because we still want to live."

"Don't say anything. He can hear us."

The citizens looked at Ace and the others when they walked past them.

Half of them were shaking in fear, while the rest were staring at them angrily. Alselian City was theirs, but Ace snatched it and kicked them out of their home.

Ace did not try to hide or cover his face when they saw him.

He would not have done anything cruel if Aidan had not attacked his city, so they should blame Aidan for everything because he was the reason why they were driven out of their city. "He is a demon!"

"He is evil."

"His appearance is like an angel, but his attitude is as bad as a devil."

"That's right. He is a devil in disguise."

Several citizens spoke ill of Ace because he took their hometown.

"How dare you say something like that! Ace, they are speaking ill of you. Let's just kill them." the blue-haired man was enraged when he heard their words because Ace was a hero, not a devil. "I agreed." The red-haired man added. "We have spared their lives, but they still dare to speak ill of you. Let's just kill them. They do not deserve our sympathy or mercy."

All citizens trembled in fear after hearing their words. Some of them even fell to the ground because several city guards raised their weapons.

"Stop." Ace stopped the city guards from killing them.

Actually, Ace also had a hard time.

He did not know whether his decision to spare their lives was right or not.

He wanted to kill them, but they were innocent people. They did not attack his city, so they were not his enemies. But at the same time, they were the citizens of Alselian City. There was still a possibility of them taking revenge in the future. josei

However, they were innocent people now, so he did not have the heart to kill them.

'I hope I won't regret my decision later.'

He said in his head.

"You are lucky!" the city guards kept staring at them because they did not want the citizens to speak ill of Ace again.

After the citizens left their city, Ace uttered, "Everyone, let's take all the space rings on these corpses and the wealth in this city. We will use it to build our city and share it with the victims." "Understood." Colonel Louie and the others responded in unison.


Nightshire City, Entrance Gate.

"It's Ace!"

"Ace and the others have returned."

"They have returned."

"Did they succeed in avenging our brothers and sisters?" "Hey, look at the person in front of Colonel Louie! It's that bastard lord."

"Ah, right! It's that bastard lord."

"They managed to capture him."

"Does that mean they succeeded in avenging our brothers and sisters?" "It seems so."

"Of course! After all, they are led by Ace."

"Ace never lets us down." "You are right."

One by one, the citizens followed Ace from behind.

Even though they wanted to kill Aidan so badly, they did not attack him and followed Ace from behind.

Ace let them torture Henry several months ago, so they believed he would let them torture Aidan later.

Otherwise, he would not capture Aidan alive.

After reaching the Times Square, Ace and the others stopped. Ace dragged Aidan to the wooden platform and stood there.

The residents immediately stood before him and waited for him to deliver his speech. "Everyone, I have a few things to inform you." Ace spoke and paused for a second before he continued, "First, I and the others have avenged our brothers and sisters."

The citizens were thrilled after hearing the good news. Some of them even cried in happiness because they finally avenged their families.

"Second, we have destroyed Alselian City. There is no longer Alselian City in this world now. Third, we have taken all their wealth after killing them. We will use the money to rebuild our city and houses." Ace also said he would give all the victims the spoils of war later.

The citizens shouted in happiness again. They lost money, houses, and many other things when magical beasts attacked them. They used their last money to rebuild their houses, but it was destroyed by Aidan and his subordinates.

That was why they were happy when Ace said he would give the victims the spoils of war because, with this, they could continue to live.

"And last…" Ace kicked Aidan's back to the point that he fell on his face first. "I have captured their lord. You can do whatever you want to him later." "Kill him!

"Kill him!"

"I want to kill him!"

"I want to cut off his arms."

"I want to cut off his legs."

The citizens voiced out their desire to kill Aidan.

Aidan trembled in fear upon hearing their words. He knew the citizens would not give him an easy death, so the feeling of deep fear suddenly arose within him.

'God, please save me.'

He prayed to God when he saw their angry faces. However, God did not grant his wish because the citizens immediately tied him to an X-shaped wooden pole and began to torture him.

After giving Aidan to the citizens, Ace went to Scarlett's house.

"Ace!" Layla rushed toward him when she saw him.

"How are they?" Ace inquired.

"They are still in a coma." Layla wore a sad face. "Where is Saintess Alicia?" he threw another question at her.

"She went out for a walk around the city." Layla answered. "I will look for her now." he had something to say to her, so he wanted to find her.

To his surprise, he saw saintess Alicia when he was on the terrace.

"You have returned?" Alicia uttered.

After they sat on the wooden chairs, he uttered, "Yes. I just came back. Saintess, I have something to say to you." "What is it?" she asked curiously.


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