Binding System

Chapter 355 Aya And Her Subordinates Join The War

Chapter 355 Aya And Her Subordinates Join The War

Ace turned his head toward the source of the sound.


He was startled when he saw Aya in the sky.

Aya was currently standing on a huge bird with her trusted subordinate. Even though she was in human form, she did not hide her nine tails.

It was as if she wanted to tell everyone that she was from the nine-tailed fox.

'Why is she here? Did she change her mind?'

Even though many questions appeared in his mind, Ace was pleased with her arrival.

Unlike Ace, Ariel and Michael were unhappy with her arrival.

Previously, Nova suddenly appeared with one hundred thousand slaves, and now, Aya came with many subordinates.

And from the looks of it, her subordinates numbered around one hundred and fifty thousand.

"Damn it!" Ariel was furious, especially when he knew how strong Aya was.

"He gets another reinforcement? Just how many reinforcements did he have?" Michael did not expect Ace to get another reinforcement.

'Damn it!'

He cursed venomously in his heart.

After Aya's mount floated next to him, Ace asked, "Why are you here? Did you change your mind?"

"I suddenly thought that having a kingdom for us would not be a bad idea." Aya answered instantly, "So, why have you still not won the war yet?"

"They have four people at 5-star." Ace told her the reason why he still had not won the war. "And one of them is incarnation, so it takes more time to win the war."

"Hmm? Incarnation?" of course, Aya knew what incarnation was because there were some magical beasts that made contracts with divine beings. "So, what type of blessing does he have?"

"It's a defensive type." Ace gave a short explanation about Finley's blessing and how to stop it.

"I see." Aya then shifted her gaze to Finley. "Even though his blessing is good, but it's not impossible to kill them."

Finley's subordinates did not turn into invincible people after he shared his blessing with them.

They would still die if their heads were cut off or their hearts crushed.

It just took more effort to kill them because they had powerful armor and recovery ability now.

"You are right." Ace responded, "But it's better to stop him from using his blessing because with this, we will win the war easier and faster."

"I agree with you." After saying that, Aya looked at her trusted subordinate. "Nina, lead the others and kill their subordinates."

Aya had two trusted subordinates: Zara Marsh and Nina Baxter.

Like Zara, Nina was at 4-star, too.

However, she was not from the peafowl race like Zara because Nina was from the butterfly race.

"Understood, my queen." Right after Nina jumped down from the bird, a pair of beautiful blue butterfly wings appeared on her back.

Nina was a gorgeous lady, so she looked like a goddess when a pair of beautiful blue wings appeared on her back.

"Ice dragon, I don't want to fight ugly old humans, so I will leave them to you." After saying that, Aya ordered her mount to fly toward Finley.

"Stop!" Ariel roared when he saw Aya's mount flying toward his son.

"Where are you going, beast?" Michael shouted before finally trying to stop her.

The duo failed to stop her because Ace suddenly appeared before them.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Hey, why do you want to chase her? Let's play like before again." Ace would not let them chase Aya because she wanted to kill Finley.

"Tch!" Ariel gritted his teeth. "Jalen, have you still not killed them yet?"

"Jalen, hurry up and kill them! We need your help now." Michael roared.

"Damn it! Why are they still standing?" Jalen was enraged because he still could not kill his opponents.

Jalen was currently fighting against Hyzi, Fyre, Calne, and Adra. Calne and Adra joined the fight when they caught sight of Hyzi and Fyre.lightsnovel

Even though they were not as crazy as Hyzi and Fyre, but they loved fighting too.

This was the reason why they left their groups because fighting against powerful enemy was exciting.

"Damn beasts, move!" Jalen tried to run toward Ariel and Michael again.

However, Hyzi and the others stopped him again.

Whenever he tried to move to their side, Fyre and the others blocked his path.

'Damn it, damn it, damn it!'

Actually, he still found it hard to believe what was going on.

Even though Fyre and the others were ganging up on him, it should be easy for him to kill them because they were only at 4-star.

However, everything was different from what he thought.

No matter how many times he beat them up, none of them died.

They even stood up and laughed after they got hit and crashed on the ground as if they did not feel any pain.

"The four of you are already heavily injured. Why do you still want to fight me?" Jalen did not know where their fighting spirit came from.

Normally, magical beasts would run away when they were heavily injured or in a situation where they could lose their lives, but Fyre and the others were different.

Instead of running away, they kept attacking him as if they were tired of living.

"Ah, you are right. You did a number on me just now. My chest and arms still hurt, you know?" Fyre admitted that he got beaten up by Jalen.

"My arms hurt too." Calne added. "Look! There is even blood on the corners of my lips."

"I admit you are strong, old man." Adra stated.

"That's why you guys should move away and heal your injuries immediately." Jalen looked like a kind person at this moment.

Of course, he did not care about their lives.

He said something like that because he wanted to help Ariel and Michael face Ace.

"Old human, fighting against a powerful opponent is exciting, so there is no way we will run away." Hyzi responded, "We will fight you to the death, so stop saying useless things. It's either you or us who dies today."

"Damn right!" Fyre added.

"Crazy beasts!" Jalen smoldered with resentment upon hearing their stupid words.

He wanted to kill them, but at the same time, he had to help Michael and Ariel.

Of course, he believed he could kill Fyre and the others, but he needed a lot of time to kill them.

He was afraid that Ace would have killed Ariel and Michael before he could finish them off.

"Old human, let's stop the chit-chat and fight again." After saying that, Calne rushed toward Jalen.

"I agreed." Fyre dashed toward Jalen, too.

"Damn it! I will kill you!" Jalen roared.

As they were fighting, Ace was beating up Ariel and Michael.josei

It was two versus one now, so he had the upper hand in the fight.

"Cough…Cough…Cough…" Michael coughed up blood after rising to his feet. "Damn it, Jalen. What the fuck are you doing? Why haven't you killed them yet? Does your strength weaken as you get older?"

"Shut up!" Jalen roared.

"Your opponents are only at 4-star, so why haven't you killed them yet?" Michael uttered.

"I said shut up!" Jalen repeated his words. "Shut the fuck up!"

The corner of Ace's lips twitched when he saw them.

'What the fuck are they doing?'

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