
Chapter 130 Horde Invasion

Chapter 130 Horde Invasion: Called In

Lee Seng woke up to a loud noise and Ritsuka hovering above him. Ritsuka shook Lee SEng and Lee Seng grabbed his phone and checked the time.


Lee Seng hit the notification and noticed the notification came from the Academy app. He cleared the notification and quickly got out of bed. Ritsuka rounded the twin bed and started to slip on his shoes while Lee Seng pulled his leather jacket on.

"Three hours of waiting...?" Lee Seng groggily stood up and slipped his shoes on.

"Yup. Evan told me they're being called too." Ritsuka answered. Lee Seng grabbed the katana leaning against his nightstand and the two boys exited the room.

"Mmm, we gotta meet in the Portal building, right?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be a long run." Ritsuka sighed as he turned left. Lee Seng grabbed Ritsuka and motioned at the elevator.

"We can use the telepad on the top floor to get to the Portal building." Lee Seng mentioned.

"Ah, you know how to use it?"

"Mmm, let's take the elevator." Lee Seng removed his grasp on Ritsuka and moved over to the elevator, hitting the button. The elevator doors opened and the two boys filtered into the half-filled elevator. Lee Seng hit the top floor button. The doors closed and the elevator went up.

Lee Seng nervously tapped his foot to a random beat as he waited for the elevator to slowly make its way to the top. Two stops later, Lee Seng lead Ritsuka towards the telepad room. Lee Seng and Ritsuka saw the group of transfer students huddling in the telepad room. They all seemed lost on what to do. Lee Seng opened the door and everyone's stares looked up at him.

"Do you know how to work this thing? I was taught by Liz but I can't seem to get it right." Olivia spoke. Lee Seng moved over to stand on the telepad and Ritsuka parked himself right besides Lee Seng. Lee Seng took his phone out and pulled the Academy app up. He moved his phone to show the others.

"You pull the app up on your phone or you input your destination on that screen." Lee Seng quickly explained. "You go to the telepad area and then set your to and from point from there. The GPS should know which telepad you're at currently, but double check it." He hit the from spot and double-checked the telepad and moved onto the TO destination.

FROM: Third Year Dormitory Telepad

TO: Capitol City Number's Academy Portal Building

Lee Seng nodded and glanced at the screen in front of them. When he was sure he had inputted all of the correct information, he hit send. The familiar white bright light enveloped the grooup in an instant and the next thing they knew, they were in a large telepad room. Lee Seng stepped off and moved to the exit with Ritsuka on his heels.

The group popped out of a telepad room and Lee Seng followed the signs towards the lobby. The group took in the Portal building. Everything was neat and proper like Lee Seng had observed coming with the Numbers. They stepped out on the right side of the wing and into the lobby. The front entrance was on the right side and there stood Akali and Akio, patiently waiting.  Lee Seng moved over to Akali and the group of transfer students split into their assigned groups.

"Ahh, there they are!" Akio waved. "I see you guys learned how to use the telepads."

"Enough small talk, Akio. We gotta go." Akali interjected. She looked at both groups before her eyes set onto her group. "Remember, we're helping with the invasion in any form we can. I hope you guys are ready for what's to come. From this point on, listen to us carefully and do what is expected of you. Stick close, 3B."

"Alright, 3A, let's go!" Akio shouted. Lee Seng, Ritsuka, Jason and Felicia followed after Akali. She moved to the middle three wings where a lot of the people were filtering into. She moved past the front rooms and walked towards the back. She opened the last door on the left and motioned at the group to go in.

"3B, get in." She instructed. Lee Seng and the group filtered into the similar looking telepad room. It was a large white room with a raised telepad platform in the middle. The telepads in the Portal building took up most of the room. Lee Seng stood in the middle with Ritsuka next to his right and Felicia to his left with Jason next to her. Akali faced the group and clicked her watch. The room immediately started to hum and she didn't bother to turn to check the destination. She glanced at her watch and nodded and looked at the group.

"From here on out, it's gonna get a bit chaotic. We'll be popping out in one of the forest buildings maintained by the Adventurers Association. We just need to wait for their response back before teleporting." Akali explained. Her watch beeped and she nodded. "Alright, we're cleared. Let's go." She tapped at her watch and the room lit up.

In an instant, 3B was transported into a dim room. Lee Seng couldn't hear much outside the walls. Nobody seemed to be around and Akali turned around like it was normal.

"Follow me." She commanded. She moved to exit the large telepad room and stepped into the somewhat lit hallway. An adventurer at the end of the noticed Akali and came running. Her eyes settled on Lee Seng and then snapped out of it.

"Number 9, you're here!" The female adventurer saluted. Akali nodded and looked past her.josei

"Where's the rest of the adventurers that're supposed to be stationed here?" Akali asked. The female adventurer's face kept composed. She continued to look at Akali and swallowed.

"There's been a strange incident. The goblins brought reinforcements. It's bigger than any horde we've been hit with!"

"Explain while we walk. You guys keep up and listen too." Akali instructed. The female adventurer moved to stand next to Akali and everyone began walking.

"The scouts saw a large force of goblins coming from the usual three points. The only difference is they somehow mobilized from N2, SW12, SE32, and NW4 as well. SW1, SW4, and SW6 are where the big hordes are currently coming from." The female adventurer explained. They curved left and continued down the hall.

"Adventurer's Association has been working with the military and police force have responded saying the goblins have some sort of strange black veins. Some of the goblins have red eyes. The Direwolf Riders, Blue and red goblins are still the same too, but we aren't sure of the strange phenomenon they're talking about. Some adventurers on the field have reported red eyed, black-veined goblins from the SW points as well."

"Hmmm, what about their ranking then? Has anything changed about these black-veined goblins?" Akali asked as they turned right and stopped in front of a set of doors. Adventurers stood at point, watching the exit.

"Reports are saying they're ranging from mid C-rank to low B-rank."

"Mid C to low B?" Akali repeated surprised. She shook her head and made the familiar thinking face when she was trying to think of a solution. "Fine, we'll have to deal with it."

"Yes, ma'am. That's all from me." The female adventurer saluted. Akali saluted her and the adventurer turned to look at the group of Academy students and gave everyone a nod before moving back into the heart of the building.

"Alright," Akali turned to look at the group. "I know two of you have fought C ranks and one of you has fought a B-rank and barely lived, but we're going to stick to the plan. We're going to aid in the Southwest points. We're moving to SW point 4. Stick close while we move. Don't go out of your way to hunt stragglers. We got eyes and people to do that. Everyone understand?"

"Yes, Number 9!" The group shouted. Akali turned and pushed through the exits. The adventurers saluted at her as the group passed. The smell of the forest enveloped Lee Seng's nose. He could spot more adventurers standing guard around the forest building.

'This must be one of the big points safe points for the AA.' Lee Seng thought. People paid them no mind as they started to pick up their pace into a jog.

"Follow quick and clear what's ahead of you! Don't go out of your way to clear anything else!" Akali commanded. The group started to pick up their pace into a run, moving diagonally right into the forest. Lee Seng's ears could hear their footsteps as they blazed through the forest. They moved for awhile until the smell of blood filled the air.

The sounds of fighting echoed around them. He continued to follow Akali when she threw her hand up and the group slid to a stop. She turned her head slightly and put her finger to her lips. Lee Seng's ruby and sapphire eyes scanned the area around him. He clutched the katana with his right hand, not seeing a thing.

A low unfamiliar noise caught his ears. He turned his head towards the right, noticing Akali was watching something in front of them. Lee Seng started to hear more unfamiliar noises. They sounded like goblins, but they were... distorted.

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