
Chapter 154 The Last Class

Chapter 154 The Last Class

Lee Seng and Ritsuka found themselves walking into the locker room to change when Mr. Icarus flagged them down.

"Boys!" The Fighter teacher yelled. Lee Seng and Ritsuka turned to look behind them and watched as Mr. Icarus came to a stop a couple of feet away from them. "I got you right before you went to change."

"Ah, Mr. Icarus." Ritsuka smiled. He gave a small bow and Lee Seng listened as Mr. Icarus cleared his throat before continuing.

"I got your locker numbers right here. They'll unlock if you scan or swipe your student ID." Mr. Icarus told them as he fished out two pieces of paper. He checked the papers and handed them over to the two boys. "Get changed and come out to the gym when you're done, alright? You must be tired from your classes, so this is a good way to end your day."

The two waved as Mr. Icarus went to the gymnasium door and opened it. Lee Seng turned and pulled the locker room door and listened to the sound of young men chatting amongst each other. Lee Seng unfolded his paper and wandered around until he found locker 98. He passed some fighter students who stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

He unlocked his phone screen and went to the Academy app. He clicked on his student ID and turned the phone so the locker could scan it. The locker beeped and flashed a green light before unlocking. The locker clicked and Lee Seng removed his backpack and unzipped his bag. He fished for the neatly folded gym uniform and pulled it out. He zipped up his backpack and hooked it on the hook before pulling his clothes off.

"Ey, look at him." One of the guys tapped another guy. The small group began to watch as Lee Seng pulled his top off and folded it neatly into the locker.

"Holy shit, he's fit." Another guy gasped. Lee Seng pulled his shoes off and unbuttoned his pants. He slipped them off and listened to everyone gasp when the tail easily allowed his pants to come off. He folded his pants together and set his shoes on top of them and set them in the locker. He opened the plastic bag with his gym uniform in it and slipped on the shorts and t-shirt. He grabbed the generic tennis shoes the school had got for him and slipped them on.

'I wonder why they even gave us these tennis shoes. They'll take awhile to get used to. It might be uncomfortable for a bit...' Lee Seng thought. He stood up and grabbed his phone and closed the locker. He slipped the phone in one of the zip compartments and headed to the exit. He passed two rows of locker before he found Ritsuka slipping on his gym t-shirt.

Ritsuka's clothed appearance hid a lot of his 'assets.' Lee Seng found himself gasping at the sight and Ritsuka turning to look at Lee Seng with a cheeky smile.

"Shocked, huh?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng shook his head and moved over to Ritsuka.

"God, you wear black baggy clothing and hide that?!?" Lee Seng shook his head. He squeezed Ritsuka's arms and realized they were actually huge. "Holy crap." He flexed his arm and touched himself. "My arms aren't even that huge."

"Dude you're pretty toned yourself." Ritsuka slapped Lee Seng's abs before motioning to move. Ritsuka snatched the plastic bag up and the two tossed it into the trash bin as they left the locker room. The two moved into the huge gymnasium and a small group of young men and woman were standing in the middle of the gymnasium.

They were all talking amongst each other as Lee Seng and Ritsuka walked in. They turned and noticed the huge white tail slowly swaying side to side behind Lee Seng and continued to stare. The bell rang and the last few students ran in, quickly passing Lee Seng and Ritsuka.

"Alright, everyone! Get in here. Jacob, Lindsay, don't try to be so late like always!" Mr. Icarus shouted. Lee Seng and Ritsuka moved over to the crowd as Mr. Icarus continued. "We have two new students starting with us today. Could you two please come over here?" The crowd separated, letting Lee Seng and Ritsuka move to the front.

"These two will be joining us starting today. Introduce yourselves, please." Mr. Icarus motioned. Lee Seng turned to look at the group of students and cleared his throat.

"Hi my name is Lee Seng Chang. I transferred from Griffyth High. I'm a Fighter/Glass Specialist." Lee Seng introduced himself.

"Oh, he's a Specialist? I guess that tail must be something special then."

"The Creator's son is a Specialist?"

"Isn't he the guy who caused a scene after getting out of the Ruined City?"

"Alright everybody, quiet down. Let's let the other student introduce himself." Mr. Icarus hushed the group of students.

"Hi everyone, my name's Ritsuka Yamada. I transferred from Roger Prep." Ritsuka introduced himself.

"Look at his arms."

"And his legs."

"He was the first one out in the Ruined City event on Saturday."

"Yamada and Chang will be joining us starting today. Chang will be here every other day to train his Fighter capabilities while also training his Glass counterpart as well." Mr. Icarus continued. Mr. Icarus motioned for the boys to move off to the side and clapped his hands together. "Today we'll be continuing with the theme of close combat fights against a ranged user.

"A ranged advantage for the enemy makes it harder for Fighters to move into the battle and sweep the battle into our favor. We've been practicing different ways we can fight ranged with the different support items. Remember, these situations are based on being alone and not having backup. This week, we're going to be looking at the other side of this situation.

"What if you didn't have a support ranged weapon or item on you? How would you handle reaching the ranged user? We will be running simulations with the track stages. There will be ten different lanes you can run down. Your goal is to get to the end as quick and efficiently as possible. There will be a dummy shooting you with a plastic pellets.


"To make this even more fun, we'll be doing a competition of sorts. There are thirty students in this class, so find yourself a group of three and see which team can get the furthest. Each distance will be counted and quickly averaged out between the three of you. Extra credit will be given to the team with the highest average and the student with the highest distance." Mr. Icarus explained.

Students began to get into their groups, the chatter of students growing with excitement. Lee Seng looked at Ritsuka and pointed back and forth at the two of them.

"Sure." Ritsuka nodded. "We just need to find a third." The two of them looked around. Groups were already forming and the last few students grouped together. Lee Seng wandered over to a dark skinned guy looking around. He was lanky with short curly hair. His green eyes moved over to Lee Seng and the usual stares began.

"Hey, you need a team? I need one more person if you wanna join." Lee Seng pointed back at Ritsuka. The lanky guy blinked a couple of times before starting to quickly nod.

"Uh, yeah, yeah!" The lanky guy agreed.

​ "Cool. I'm Lee Seng if you didn't catch my name earlier from the... introduction." Lee Seng stuck his hand out. The lanky man looked at Lee Seng's hand and then shook it, looking back up at Lee Seng.

"Oh, I'm Xavier. Xavier Garcia. Most people just call me Garcia." Garcia introduced himself.

"Cool. Nice to meet you, Garcia. Our other partner is Ritsuka, the other new student."

"Ah, okay. Y-you guys sure you want me on your team? I-I'm not that great..." Garcia glanced down.

"That's fine. Just try your best. I'm quite new to all of this so you might do better than me." Lee Seng smiled.

"Oh, this our third?" Ritsuka asked.

"Mmm, Garcia this is Ritsuka Yamada. Ritsuka this is Xavier Garcia." Lee Seng introduced the two.

"Hiya, nice to meet ya." Ritsuka stuck his hand hout.

"Nice to m-meet you, too." Garcia shook Ritsuka's hand.

"Good, seems like everyone got into their groups. If you could all move my right, that would be great. Allow me to set up the gym for today's lesson." Mr. Icarus spoke. The students started to move to the left side of the gym. They all stood against the wall near their groups, all chatting away.

"S-so, I've been hearing a lot about you guys." Garcia started the conversation. He was a bit nervous, but was genuinely trying to get to know his new classmates. "Y-you two did pretty well on the Solo exams, right?"

"Mmm, we did." Ritsuka nodded.

"So you guys must be really confident in your abilities?"

"I'm pretty confident with mine."

"I just got my powers a month ago, so I can only do basic things with it, though." Lee Seng answered. Mr. Icarus tapped away on a tablet screen and then watched as the gym started to shift and change.

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