
Chapter 190 Glass Exam

Chapter 190 Glass Exam

Lee Seng found that four people were currently fighting the bot. They were all leading their bots to random colored points. Chloe crackled with red energy. There was another red energy point and she quickly blinked to it and pushed red energy into the bot. The bot flew forward and landed into the yellow square quadrant.josei

'Ms. Winters said the exam would be exactly like the bot chase scenario… I practiced enough to get a good grasp on holding someone, so I should be able to use that here.' Lee Seng watched as the red square quadrant lit up shortly after Chloe had finished. They moved off to the side as the blue quadrant was being pummeled into their quadrant. The siren blared as the green quadrant managed to put their bot in their quadrant.

"Alright, Blue failed. The rest passed. Next group, please." Ms. Winters said loudly. Lee Seng moved over to Ms. Winters and saw the previous group move over. "Come on, Jones, we've been practicing this for a while now. You need to think outside the box and capture your target and not get pinned into your zone with it. I expect more work from you, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am…" Jones sighed.

"As for the rest of you, you did well. Nice form Chloe. You used your blink technique well. Your rifts are getting more consistent. Continue to work on that. Drake, you were lagging behind early on but you managed to turn the situation into your favor. You used your wits and intuition to push through. Continue to work on what we talked about so you're able to consistently stay ahead, alright? Last but not least, Yasmine, you had a very strong start, but where did it all go? You were so close to getting it in the first four minutes but it slipped and the bot quickly overpowered you. You managed to rope it back in at the last minute but you need to work harder to close that gap, alright? I'll be sending you more in depth feedback but wanted to go through with some initial feedback." Ms. Winters told the group. They nodded and saluted her and moved off.

Chloe noticed Lee Seng and waved at him. Lee Seng waved as Ms. Winters turned around.

"Ah, Mr. Chang, you're back. I hope you've recovered well." Ms. Winters nodded at him.

"A good recovery, ma'am. I finished my Fighter exam so I'm here now." Lee Seng told her.

"Good, good. Are you feeling alright for the next match after this one?"

"Yes, I can go anytime."

"Good. I'll run down what we're doing here. The close combat exercise is what we've been working on for a while now. We've done different scenarios of it and basically the check-up exam will be testing you on this scenario. I want to know who has a great understanding of it, strategy and practice wise. There's four different quadrants and you'll be set onto one based on the order I call you. Your goal is to put your bot in the colored quadrant of the square, alright?"

"Sounds easy to me."

"Good, good. Just watch this group as they go so you get a better understanding." Ms. Winters motioned. Lee Seng nodded and moved off to the side as Ms. Winters started up the next group of testers. Lee Seng wandered over to Chloe and waved at her again.

"Feeling better?" Chloe asked.

"Mmmhm," Lee Seng nodded. He could feel his nerves coursing through his body, again. He thought he'd be used to Chloe by now, but he kept staring too long and the butterflies never went away. He moved over and leaned against the wall next to her.

"I keep hearing things about you and the invasion. I hope it isn't true."

"I was just one of the many groups who decided to use the sewers to get out instead of the North tunnels to the mansion… Doesn't help my group got ambushed either."

"How's Liz? Is she doing well?"

"Liz is one of the two that were up according to the doctor who told me about their conditions. They have to stay for another two or three weeks to make sure the toxins are out of their bodies."

"Awh, that sucks. It's good to see you, though. Everybody's been talking about you and the others. The rumors are swirling too crazily and then I hear about a betting match happening between you and some Tristan guy."

"Oh…" Lee Seng's voice trailed off. "Yeah, that kinda happened."

"It's true?" Chloe turned to face Lee Seng. Lee Seng looked at her and nodded before hearing the siren go off. He watched as the four students began to move around their quadrants like Ms. Winters had described. A male student quickly got the upperhand and whipped the bot into the wall, missing the blue square quadrant.

"It's true. I kinda got pinned into that situation. It's apparently the best scenario out of what could've happened." Lee Seng told her.

"The best scenario?" Chloe asked.

"Mmmhm. Talking facts and evidence doesn't help. You have to have that evidence in front of them to stump them all." Lee Seng told her. Chloe looked at him with curiosity.

'It seems like he knows a lot about this kinda thing.' Chloe thought.

"If you don't have that, you have to prove it. In this case, it would be better to just give them the facts and evidence, but they didn't want that. People hate me simply because I drag down the Creator's name. I'm a failure given a second chance at achieving my dreams, but they don't see that." The red quadrant square lit up as the girl happily clapped. Lee Seng sighed and folded his arms together.

"That's why I'm going to win today." Lee Seng softly smiled.

"You're confident about that?" Chloe asked.

"Mmm, I don't know much about Tristan's powers other than he manipulates the aura around him. He's a Fighter on top of it, so it should be an interesting time. From his social media posts, he doesn't seem like the type to take this kinda thing seriously." The green quadrant lit up and the male student punched the air. The other two quadrants were being overpowered.

"Rasmey's gonna spark." Chloe pointed to the blue quadrant. Lee Seng turned his attention to Ramsey in the blue quadrant. His arms connected with the bot and electricity flew outwards. Ramsey flipped the bot and stood up and connected the bot with his electricity and sent him flying into the blue square.

"Electricity seems to be one of the more common powers." Lee Seng observed.

"Mmm. Fire, water, earth, air, electricity and metal are common powers." Chloe nodded. "Electricity and fire usually manifest as Glass or Fighter users while Water is an Observer or Glass type power. Earth manifests itself in Fighter and Tank categories while Wind is useful wherever."

"Callas seems to be a special case for a Glass."

"Mmm, Poseidon is one of the rare exceptions. He's a Glass that has the ability to both create and manipulate water. That's what makes him scary." The last quadrant lit up and a siren blew.

"Alright, the next group is Kara, Felix, Jessica and Lee Seng!" Ms. Winters shouted.

"Well, I guess you're next. Good luck." Chloe waved.

"Mmm, hopefully it doesn't end up like the first day." Lee Seng chuckled. Ms. Winters began her quick feedback session with the group as Lee Seng and the others moved into their quadrants. Lee Seng had the fourth quadrant, which was the green quadrant. Felix was in the quadrant in front of him and snickered at him as he passed.

"Hope you don't pass out, again loser." Felix commented as Lee Seng stretched.

"I'll be fine, douchebag." Lee Seng cracked his back and turned.

"Wanna see who gets it in first? I bet I can get it in faster than you can." He raised his eyebrows at Lee Seng who shrugged.

"What's in it for me?"

"Bragging rights."

"Okay." Lee Seng nodded. "You're going to regret this then."

"I should be saying that to you, loser."

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Ms. Winters asked.

"Yes." The four students shouted.

"Good. Remember, your goal is to put the bot into the colored square quadrant of your quadrant! With that, let's start!" A countdown went down and blared. The bot behind Lee Seng lit up and rushed at him. Lee Seng lifted his hand up and grasped at the bot. In an instant, the bot stopped in place.

'Adjust the weight and throw him into the colored zone.' Lee Seng thought. He felt the bot's heavy weight slowly adjust as he lifted it up into the air and tossed the bot into the green square. The green square and quadrant around him lit up and he turned to watch as Felix shove the bot away from him. 'He's a wind user.' Lee Seng could see the slight disturbances in the air as Felix continued to barrage the bot with wind attacks. Lee Seng glanced at the scoreboard and noticed 'GREEN' had about 9 seconds on the board.

'Could've been faster if I wasn't too careful.' Lee Seng sighed as he watched red come up on the board. He turned to look at Felix, but noticed it was Kara, the girl next to Felix. '35 seconds on the board. I should've paid more attention to the others.' He stood there, eyes moving back and forth between Felix and Jessica before another quadrant lit up. Felix managed to whirlwind and shove the bot into his blue quadrant in 2 minutes, 57 seconds. In quick succession, Jessica managed to use the darkness around her to swarm the bot and shove it into the yellow square in 2 minutes, 59 seconds.

"Alright, next group!" Ms. Winters shouted. Lee Seng moved towards Felix and smiled.

"You should've not taken the bet." Lee Seng smiled. "You're going up against someone who can manipulate gravity."

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