
Chapter 192 Betting Match (1)

Chapter 192 Betting Match (1)

"Hmm, I thought this would be like a gladiator arena." Lee Seng commented as he held onto the katana tied to the side of his pants. He followed the staff member as he looked back at the student and smiled at him.

"It's nothing like that. The arena's reflect concert stages and the sports stadiums more than a gladiator arena." The staff member told him. "Although, we've taken some inspiration from the Romans and have created stadiums and concert halls similar to this." Lee Seng watched as the staff member waved his hands around.josei

"Are these like those arenas I see on TV?"

"Mmm, exactly like that! Arena alpha has seen some of the biggest celebrities to date! Arena alpha has seen many different fighters in its time."

"Ooooh, that's why these hallways look familiar…"

"Wait til you see the arena stage. You'll recognize it." The staff member told him. Lee Seng was led to his waiting room, close to the arena. "You'll be in here until it's time to go out. Until then, you can use the television, your phone or do whatever things you need to do in order to prepare yourself for the match. If you need anything, there's a speaker next to the door. Hold the button and let the staff know what you need and someone will attend to your needs."

"Alright, thank you…" Lee Seng's eyes squinted as he read the staff member's name. "Gerald. Thanks." Lee Seng smiled as Gerald nodded and excused himself. Lee Seng turned around and examined the room. "This looks exactly like the professional matches! It looks cooler in person than on television…"

Lee Seng pulled the katana off and set it next to the door. He moved over to the couch and leapt over it and bounced on the couch cushion. He patted it and nodded. He grabbed the remote on the coffee table and switched the tv on. The news channel popped up and Lee Seng pulled his phone out as he listened to the news.

"...reports from the walls indicate that the Goblins have been under some 'influence,' becoming stronger than normal. The big three workforces have been continuously making efforts to protect the city from any incoming invasions…"

"The Goblins haven't stopped trying to invade, yet?" Lee Seng was scrolling through pictures. People seemed to be fully invested in their school or work lives.

"The Goblins have been trying to invade us for years and years. This isn't the first time it's been like this. We can say with certainty that this is the first time they've attacked consistently." An Adventurer Association PR person spoke to the news anchors.

"So what makes this one different from the other ones? There's been loads of pictures and talk about the Goblins being under some 'influence' of sorts. Does the Association know anything about that?" A news anchor asked.

"The 'influence' is a strange phenomenon that's been regularly in the invasions. We've been working with Biologists to figure out what this 'influence' is."

"And what have you figured out? Will it aid the Goblins in any way?"

"This 'influencer' won't help much against the forces fighting out there. There are many theories that have been brought up and taken out, but the biologists have been theorizing that this 'influencer' is limited to the monster's capabilities."

"The 'influence' is limited to the monster's capabilities? What if this spreads to other monsters? What would happen then?" Lee Seng quietly listened as the anchor and Adventurer Association PR person continued to talk about the 'influence' running amok within Goblin ranks. He scrolled his phone and eventually heard a set of three knocks on the door behind him.

"Come in." Lee Seng spoke. He reached for the remote and shut it off as someone moved into the room.

"It's almost time for your match. I've been tasked with showing you where you will go from here." The staff member spoke.

"Alrighty." Lee Seng stood up and moved over towards the staff member.

"You will have to leave any personal items that won't be used in the match in one of the lockers over there." The staff member motioned. Lee Seng nodded and pulled his wallet and phone out. He set them in the locker and closed it. The locker beeped and flashed. He put his hand onto the flashing screen and watched as the locker scanned his hand for a while. It made a lock noise.

"Good, you're familiar with this." The staff member nodded pleased as Lee Seng turned back around. "Follow me." Lee Seng grabbed his katana on the way out and strapped it back onto his side. He followed the staff member out into the hallway and was led to a stairway. They descended down and were met with more staff members and security guards. They all acknowledge Lee Seng as he passed them.

The staff member led him to a huge set of wooden doors. The hallways seemed to split left and right, fifteen feet or so before the huge doors. Lee Seng guessed it would circle over to the other side of the arena door.

"Stay here until the doors open. You'll walk into the arena and your fight will begin from there." The staff member told him. Lee Seng nodded and the staff member excused themselves, moving past Lee Seng and heading back the way they came. Lee Seng could hear the crowd above him.

'There's a lot of people…' Lee Seng thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first Betting Match of the year!" The announcer shouted. "Today's match was just decided earlier today! Rumors have circulated the Academy and the city! Who else could it be other than the Creator's son, Lee Seng Chang?!?" The crowd shouted and Lee Seng could hear some boos coming out.

'They're really milking this.' Lee Seng thought. Lee Seng watched as a staff member motioned for him to walk out. The doors opened and Lee Seng quickly moved out into the bright arena. The sounds of students cheering and booing grew louder. He took in the huge arena sights as he slowly made his way towards the middle of the arena.

"And who else would be fighting against someone as big as the Creator's son?!? None other than the life of the party, Tristan Pierce!" The announcer shouted. Lee Seng watched as the other door opened and out came Tristan. "What's up for today's Betting Match? Well, if you've been living under a rock, it's all about the recent invasion that occurred three weeks ago! Many believe the invasion was set up just to get Lee Seng while others believe Lee Seng is behind the invasion itself!

"Today's match is putting up public humiliation! If Lee Seng loses, he has to admit to the rumors on live television!" The crowd shouted loudly as the announcer barely finished the sentence. Lee Seng stopped in the middle of the arena, tail raised up out of curiosity and interest. Tristan came to a stop ten feet in front of him and smiled. "If Tristan loses, Lee Seng gains immunity from any betting matches regarding the rumor!" The crowd started to boo and Tristan's face lit up in a mischievous smile. "Since this is the first match of the year, I'll be explaining to everyone what these two are gonna be doing! This match is a one on one match. The two will fight within the arena. The match does not stop unless one either passes out, concedes, or loses their energy bar. The energy bar system is in place so no one can continuously beat someone one-sidedly."

Lee Seng glanced at one of the large screens and watched as his school picture appeared on the right half of the screen with a blue bar and a 100% next to it.

"With that, let's get started!" The announcer shouted. The crowd went wild and Lee Seng turned his attention back onto Tristan.

"You chose the wrong person to fight, Chang. I'll make sure everyone knows the rumors are true." Tristan smiled. He got into a fighting stance. Lee Seng sighed as he listened to the announcer start counting down.

"3! 2! 1! The match begins!" The announcer shouted.

'Do I hold back or not?' Lee Seng wondered. Tristan sprinted towards Lee Seng, delaying his initial response to block. Lee Seng started to throw his arms up for a block when the energy around Tristan distorted. 'What the–' Tristan's fist slammed into Lee Seng's cheek, forcing him to turn and stumble backwards. Tristan connected another barrage of blows into Lee Seng's chest and forced him backwards.

Lee Seng landed and slid across the floor. The weird distortion effect kept on him. He pushed himself off the ground, not feeling his sense of touch.

'My sight and touch have been distorted?' Lee Seng thought. His ears twitched. The crowd sounded the same to him. He could hear Tristan rushing at him again. 'Maybe part of his ability can distort the senses?'

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