
Chapter 208 Ghost Hunter

Chapter 208 Ghost Hunter

Lee Seng rushed to the other side, only to see the figure of a male with yellow and orange tails turn to look at him. Books and shelves began to shake. Books spilled onto the floor as the yellow and orange tailed Fox turned and wandered towards the side Keng went into.

'Keng, there's a Fox spirit coming your way! He has yellow and orange tails!' Lee Seng shouted.

'What? What're you talking about?' Keng responded. 'Why's there so much noise on your side?' Books spilled and bookshelves began to topple over Lee Seng. A gravity bubble flew out and smashed books and bookshelves, causing everything to slow into suspension.

"Dammit. Where did he go?" Lee Seng shoved the floating books to the side as he moved. The gravity bubble began to follow him. When he moved out of the way, the Realm's gravity would continue and pull the bookshelves into the ground. Lee Seng quickly maneuvered his way to the middle, popping the bubble and looking around.

"Where did you go?" Lee Seng whispered. The door rattled, drawing his attention. The orange and yellow tails moved left and Lee Seng started to run to the door when Keng rushed over.

"What the hell happened over there?" Keng asked. "Are you mad that–"

"Shut up and follow me!" Lee Seng threw the door open and turned left. The yellow and orange tailed fox man turned right at the end of the hallway. Lee Seng's attempts to clear the distance always resulted in the individual to be ahead of him.

"Slow down!" Keng shouted. "Do you even know where you're going!?!" LEe Seng ignored Keng as he continued to weave through the halls. He eventually found the individual walking through a wall. He quickly came to a stop at the end and looked around.

"It's a dead end but he…" Lee Seng's eyes scanned the walls. Keng's complaints continued as he stopped to catch his breath. Lee Seng pushed Keng aside and continued to scan the walls.

"What're you doing? Are you chasing some sort of ghost?!?" Keng shouted. "You just passed all of those other rooms like it was nothing!" Lee Seng's eyes stopped on a set of peculiar cobblestone. He moved closer and studied the cobblestone brick walls. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Shhh!" Lee Seng shushed him. "I can't concentrate if you're talking."

"Concentrate on what?" Keng asked. Lee Seng lightly pressed his hand on the wall and began to slowly move it from left to right.

'Smooth.' Lee Seng registered. His hand snaked to the next set of cobblestone bricks. 'Still smooth.' He continued this for a while until he felt something rough. 'Here.' His hands stopped.

"It's rough in these spots… So that means…" He pushed the middle block and watched as it caved in. A loud rumble noise from his left was heard. The wall pushed inwards and then slid into the wall. The hallway continued and Keng's mouth was left open.

"Come on." Lee Seng patted Keng. "Let's follow that individual I saw."

"Wh-what individual?" Keng stuttered. He followed Lee Seng through the secret passage. The cobblestone and cobblestone brick walls changed to oddly strange shapes. The walls were made of some sort of orange stone. Lee Seng poked at the stone and strange whispers flooded his mind.

"The two suns…" The whispers echoed. "They're here…"

"Argh." Lee Seng shook his head. He could barely hear anything around him. His hearing was being overtaken by the whispers.

"Venture further… You'll find what you seek…" The whispers spoke. "We await."

Silence. Just as quickly as the whispers flooded his head, silence came. Lee Seng turned to face Keng, who seemingly had the same reaction as him.

"Did you…?" Keng trailed off.

"You heard them, too?" Lee Seng shook his head. Keng nodded. "I guess that means we're on the right track." The wall pulled back into place and closed their only way out.

"Shit." Keng cursed. "I guess we can't really leave until we finish it." Lee Seng, out of habit, looked at his left wrist only to find that his watch wasn't here. He sighed and moved past Keng.

"Come on. Let's go." The orange stone wall made the walls uneven and jagged. Lee Seng noticed these stones didn't have any drawings on them. They followed the single hallway down for a while until they came to a White and yellow door.

"Sanctuary." Keng read aloud. He turned to look at Lee Seng who was already moving forward to open the door. As soon as Lee Seng touched it, a voice called out to them.

"You two must be the two suns." A male voice spoke in Fox tongue behind them. Lee Seng and Keng whipped backwards and raised their hands.  Yellow and orange tails slowly swayed behind him. His body was spotty in different places and they could barely see his full form. "I've been waiting for you two for hundreds of cycles. You finally come to me. Can't say I didn't see the Fox spirit and its vessel together like this."josei

"Who are you?" Keng asked in Fox tongue. The yellow and orange tail Fox spirit's body shimmered causing Lee Seng and Keng to turn away.

"A Savior." The fox answered. "Not bounded by a physical body and transcended past a Spiritual body. Not as far as the rest of the sect, but I've sworn my oath to the God King that I would wait for the two suns to come and they did."

"What's your name?" Lee Seng asked. The Savior fox turned to look at Lee Seng.

"It's been centuries since I've spoken my own name. The Family would call me Krystofer. You may address me as such. Let me ask you, two suns. What're your names?" Krystofer asked.

"Brother Krystofer." Keng nodded. "My name is Keng and this is Lee Seng. My human vessel." Krystofer nodded and looked back and forth between the two for a while.

"It seems the Family has grown. They've gone to the Realm where the humans reside." Krystofer looked at Lee Seng. "The humans must've changed much in the many cycles since I've ascended and let myself be here."

"Mmm, humans have advanced a lot." Keng nodded. "They've gained their own version of their magical abilities. You can feel it, right?" Krystofer nodded. He could feel the energy radiating from the human vessel called Lee Seng. Lee Seng could feel his chest vibrating and Krystofer must've noticed because he hovered closer.

"Even your Soul orb recognizes us." Krystofer observed. "Come inside. We will talk there." He floated past his younger siblings and entered the room. Lee Seng and Keng turned to follow the ghost inside. Kystofer's body became whole in this room. His physical form and spiritual form merged together. Krystofer had long hair that was in a bun. It reminded Lee Seng of those Korean historical dramas he used to watch back in the day. Krystofer moved some objects off of chairs and set them in the middle of the room where the fox tail sun image sat.

"Sit." Krystofer spoke.

"You speak English as well?" Lee Seng asked. Krystofer turned to look at the human and nodded.

"Just because I'm bound to the Tomb doesn't mean I learned a thing or two about the ever- changing world. Some Family members come to pay respect and I pick up a thing or two. Though, if you prefer, I will just talk like this to you. I can understand what you're saying because I've stayed informed."

"Whatever suits your tastes. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Lee Seng replied in Fox tongue.

"Hmm, you do know how to speak the Fox tongue." Keng nodded as he sat. Lee Seng sat next to him and watched as Krystofer pulled some scrolls from the table and sat in the chair in front of them. He handed the scroll to Keng who took in and opened it.

He began to read it and Lee Seng poked his head over. It was written in Fox's tongue and Lee Seng could easily understand it.

"That's a scroll on the two suns prophecy. Some of the members of the Saviors called them twin souls. The sect spent much of their time wondering what that meant. Could a single Fox wield the power of the two suns and cleanse this cursed forest we've dedicated our lives to curing? Could that Fox purge evil or even heal everything? We've spent much time debating but it was all talk. Who would know what kind of person that Savior would be? Our time would be cut short because we were prophesied to have a 'death' of sorts.

"The Saviors' sect would disappear like flames being put out by water. There would be smoke to tell the Family we were here, but the Family would wonder where we went. Did they die? Did they achieve the highest power they could've? I wandered these halls for many centuries. It's been centuries since the rest of the sect left me. I protected the Tomb and hoped one day, the one who wields the two suns would come, but two came instead.

"You could say I'm shocked by this occurrence. That's why when I saw the vessel in the library, I watched you closely. I didn't think your senses would be sharp enough to detect me, but you saw through my higher form… That's why I tried to bury you under the knowledge those shelves held." Krystofer sighed. "Now I have to put them back up… Ugh."

"Brother Krystofer," Keng looked up from the scroll. "What does it mean when it says, 'the two suns will converge as one. The heavens shall acknowledge the blazing suns and life will begin anew'?"

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