
Chapter 210 The Mark Of Two Suns

Chapter 210 The Mark Of Two Suns

The sky began to shift between day and night. The clouds flickered and rose. Lee Seng and Keng watched as the clouds pulled towards them. Lady Freya and Lord B'haru vanished from their sight. The blue sky flickered between sky blue to midnight blue. Lee Seng and Keng's chest began to glow, matching what was happening around them.

The clouds soaked the two foxlings in their light. Water clung onto them as they lifted into the air. The two suns and huge moon continued to flicker above them as they rose higher. They skyrocketed towards the two suns and moon, quickly coming to a stop thousands of feet in the air.

Lee Seng absorbed the scenery all around him. Night and day blended together and created some sort of fusion between the two. Two suns hung between the large moon in the same sky. The clouds and sky were mixed with different shades of time. Sky blue, orange, purples, reds, yellows, and midnight blue hung throughout the sky.

"A new generation of Saviors have appeared before me." The God King's voice boomed. Lee Seng and Keng immediately looked straight at the two suns and moon. The ethereal voice of the God King seemed to be coming from above them. "A new generation starts with two who are binded as one. Twin souls who both compliment and contrast each other. Binded with infinite possibilities  and bounded by one path. The twin souls shall wield the blaze of two suns and light up a new path for our Family."

Large arms and hands broke through the sky. They surrounded Lee Seng and Keng while the two suns were plucked from the sky. They moved straight towards Lee Seng and Keng, instantly putting Lee Seng and Keng into a sweat.

"Bear the two suns on your body and soul." God King Dathro's ethereal voice spoke. The two suns connected with Lee Seng and Keng, who both immediately screamed in pain. Their flesh began to disintegrate and in an instant, they were back to kneeling in front of Lady Freya.

Their screeches alerted Lady Freya and Lord B'haru to move to the twin foxlings. Lee Seng clutched at his left chest while Keng clutched at his right chest.

"What's wrong?" Lady Freya asked in concern. She kneeled down and tried to remove Lee Seng's hand. Lady Freya noticed Lee Seng was sweating profusely and smoke was billowing where his hand was. "Foxling, show me."

Lee Seng slowly removed his hand. The silk outfit was perfectly fine but smoke continued to billow out. Lady Freya slowly moved over and pulled the silk outfit off, revealing his bare chest and shoulder. Two suns were intertwined with each other like a venn diagram. Colors of the sky were weaved in the thick black ink and the marking sizzled.

"He bears the mark on his right chest." B'haru told Lady Freya. The Lady turned to look at the Lord and noticed Keng was in the same state. They were both wheezing for air while their bodies were covered in sweat and smoke billowed from their new marks.

"The God King must've spoken, then." Lady Freya stepped away from Lee Seng. The twin foxlings pulled the silk outfit back over their shoulders. Lee Seng started to stand when he felt his legs buckle. He fell onto the ground as flashes of his room came into view. He could feel his physical body in pain as well.

'This is what… they meant when my spiritual body…' Lee Seng grunted and decided to just sit on the ground.

"Lady! Lord!" A female voice called out. A small fox woman ran to them and noticed Lady Freya and Lord B'haru had guests. They stopped, unsure if they should continue or not.

"Speak, Belle." Lord B'haru motioned. The small fox woman continued over and stopped ten or so feet away from the two nine-tailed foxes. Belle's hair were laced with black and white. She wore the same metal armor outfit as the two nine-tailed foxes and began to stare at Lee Seng and Keng.

"Belle, report." Lady Freya spoke. Belle shook off and nodded.josei

"Lord Tyrus and his men are back!" Belle told them. Lord B'haru and Lady Freya looked at each other and then back to Belle.

"They're back? They weren't supposed to come back for another few months." Lord B'haru spoke. "Why're they back?"

"The Lord insisted he had to come back. Something about a disturbance by the God King, himself. He–"

"Well, well, well. I guess my gut was right about this." A small shadowy fox man spoke. Lee Seng and the others turned their attention to the shadowy fox. The humanoid fox stood around four to five feet tall. His body was covered in shadows and nine shadowy tails flew behind them. The shadows pulled and a pale Fox spirit with a scar running down from the right eyebrow through his eye and ending at his cheek.

The small nine-tailed fox wore leather armor with embellishments of similar colored metals from what Lady Freya and Lord B'haru were wearing.

"Tyrus, I thought you weren't reporting back for another few months." Lady Freya repeated her sentence. "Why are you back?"

"I felt a disturbance and decided to come back. I guess my intuition was correct 'cause Krystofer is in this plane of existence and those two are here." Tyrus pointed at Lee Seng and Keng. Lee Seng slowly stood up and staggered around a bit before finding his balance. Tyrus moved forward and looked up at Lee Seng and nodded. He passed him and circled around Keng, who was on one knee.

"You've anticipated two people to show up?" Lord B'haru asked.

"I anticipated someone to show up. Not two." Lord Tyrus answered. He finished his circling and stood between Lady Freya and Lord B'haru. Tyrus folded his arms together and tapped his arm.

"You pulled all of your Saints to come back to the Angelic field?" Lady Freya asked.

"I did." Tyrus nodded. "They would be sad to not see their final brother ascending to the Angelic field, no?"

"I guess that's fine. Nothing piqued your interest while you traversed the Realms?"

"The humans are having problems, but nothing too great that we had to interfere." Tyrus spoke.

"Yo-you've gone to my Realm?" Lee Seng stuttered. Tyrus' eyes locked onto Lee Seng's eyes.

"Mmm, my troops travel the Realms and exterminates anything malicious." Tyrus turns his attention back to B'haru and Freya. "God King really did bind a Fox spirit to this human?"

"They're both foxlings now." Freya nodded. She pointed at Lee Seng and then looked down at Tyrus. "Both souls combined like normal but the vessel's soul was strong enough and adapted to the transformation. That's why there's two of them."

"So if I kill one…" Tyrus' voice trailed.

"The other one might die." Freya finished his theory. "But don't test it. They've gone through too much already."

"We still have yet to figure out why the roots of Sanctuary brought them here." Lord B'haru reminded them. The three leaders turned to look at the twin foxlings.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Freya asked. Lee Seng and Keng shook their heads.

"I don't know why it brought us here, but…" Lee Seng winced.

"The God King spoke to us…" Keng finished his sentence.

"What did he say?" Tyrus asked.

"The new generation… starts with us. We're twin souls who complement…" Keng started.

"And contrast each other. Infinite possibilities and bounded by one path…" Lee Seng continued.

"Twin souls shall wield the blaze of two suns… and light up a new path for the Family." They both finished together.

"Whatever that means." Lee Seng ended and sucked in air through his teeth. He could feel the heat of the suns on him. They scorched him. They destroyed him yet he was still alive. More flashes of his room appeared in his head. He clutched his head.

"Lee?" Keng stumbled over and peeked a look at Lee Seng's face. "What's wrong?"

"I keep seeing my room." Lee Seng groaned.

"Your physical body is elsewhere?" Freya asked.

"I thought that was apparent, Freya." B'haru answered. Freya looked at B'haru, wondering if she should punch him or not. B'haru pointed at Lee Seng. "I couldn't feel anything physical with him. Only Keng has both physical and spiritual bodies together. The vessel only has his spirit."

"Spiritual body damage can cause the physical body to react." Tyrus reminded them. "He should go back before it's too late."

"Too late for what?" Keng asked. "I-I don't even know if we've finished our business here or not. Krystofer said to follow the root to the end and this doesn't look like the end."

"Mmm, he's right." Lee Seng groaned. He supported himself with Keng, both of them turning so Lee Seng could keep his eyes on the leaders. "We can't leave until we finish… This'll pass."

"If you two really wanna continue and not go back for his safety," Tyrus pointed at Lee Seng. "Then call upon the Sanctuary to guide you. It'll take you to where you need to go. But be careful. If the vessel takes more damage in his spiritual form, you could do serious damage to both of you. Got it?" Keng and Lee Seng nodded.

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