
Chapter 241 The Improved Obsidian Glass

Chapter 241 The Improved Obsidian Glass


Five Days Ago | Lee Seng's Release Day

Ritsuka huffed as he held Obsidian Glass in his hand. The shadow of Black Void spread across the field. He was struggling to maintain it while also holding Obsidian Glass. He rushed forward at the bot and striked it. The bot quickly deflected the attack and went in for an attack. Ritsuka pulled his left hand upwards and watched blades block the attack, shattering on impact.

"Dammit!" Ritsuka cursed as he slid backwards. The bot flew past the blades as they entered the void below. Ritsuka moved to deflect with the sword in his hand and watched as the bot quickly changed and swept him off his feet and slammed a punch straight for his face.

"Victory for the bot!" The AI voice spoke. It pulled away from Ritsuka and moved back to its original spot on the other side of Ritsuka. The punch stung Ritsuka as he released the blade.

'The amount of Dark Matter just to hold Black Void is hard enough with the actual sword in my hand. Can I perfect Black Void?' Ritsuka wondered. Sweat dripped off of him as he tried to catch his breath.

A loud knock came to the door and he weakly turned to face it. The door opened and an older man stepped into the room.

"Ah, you're training too?" The old man chuckled. Ritsuka had seen this man a couple of times before. He slowly sat up and turned his attention to the old man as he closed the door behind him. "How I wish I had as much youthful energy as you, Mr. Yamada." The old man chuckled.

"Ah, don't say that, Doctor. It ended in a failed attempt anyways." Ritsuka sadly responded. The doctor nodded and looked at the bot.

"With failure comes experience. Reflect on what happened during your last fight after you remind yourself of your goals." The old doctor spoke. "If you can do that, you can do anything. You will perfect the sword at some point." Ritsuka nodded and crossed his legs together.

"So what brings you here, Dr. Valentin? I thought you weren't going to see me until next week."

"I said that, but wanted to check on you. I see you're doing better now." Dr. Valentin smiled. "Lee Seng is leaving the facility today and hopefully you can follow suit at the end of the week."

"Oh, that's good." Ritsuka smiled. "It kinda sucks to just do nothing but train or watch TV. I feel like I should be doing more."

"That's what almost a month of quarantine will do to you." Dr. Valentin nodded. "But, Ritsuka, I just wanted to check in and I see you're figuring out something with that sword of yours?"

"Oh yeah." Ritsuka nodded. "I'm trying to perfect the Black Void technique. If I can maximize the space Black Void can move to as well as hold the weapon so I'm not defenseless, it'll be great."

"Ahhh." Dr. Valentin nodded. He moved forward to the soon-to-be young adult and noticed the bruises. He lifted his hand and started to heal the boy. "I'm not supposed to talk to you about the others, but since Lee Seng is leaving, I will make an exception." Dr. Valentin smiled.

"You see, when Lee Seng got his powers, it was a shock for all of us. Nine and Ten were happy for him while I and my daughter, Number Six, along with Three and Four were a bit concerned about Lee Seng." Dr. Valentin began. "Lee Seng hasn't had the easiest life. He's had it rougher than others but because he's so closely tied to the Numbers because he's the Creator's son, he has high expectations placed onto him from a young age. His father and mother both wanted what was best for him, but his father wanted Lee Seng to surpass him and become the heir to his business.

"It's not strange that a parent would want you to follow in their footsteps. Not always the case, but this was the case nonetheless. Dr. Chang was secretly happy for his son when he heard the news. He wanted his son to have the best of everything. Go to the best school in the country. Grow his status as an individual and steer away from what the tabloids say about him."

"What does any of this have to do with me practicing?" Ritsuka asked as Dr. Valentin pulled his hand away from Ritsuka. Dr. Valentin nodded satisfied and looked up.

"Right, thank you for reminding me. I tend to run on tangents. The point is, I saw Lee Seng work very hard in that short amount of time so he could try his best during the entrance exam. He would get frustrated. He would cry because of it but he always came back to the basics. He grew up learning martial arts from Nine and Ten. Lee Seng has a tough mindset. It was hammered into him at a young age by his parents and furthered by his older siblings, Akali and Akio. Without them constantly pushing him in the direction he wanted to go into, he would've crumbled hard after his mother passed. Akali and Akio were his rocks. They were the reason why he could train for so long and continue to theorize about the sort of moves he could potentially do.

"He knows his weaknesses better than anyone. You know your weaknesses better than anyone. And you also know your strengths. From what I've read from your file, you're exceptional as a Fighter because you have your two weapons." Dr. Valnetin pointed at Ritsuka's heart. "Your soul weapons are high tier weapons, but you must constantly push and theorize what the weapons' fullest capabilities are. They may be set in a specific way but you can carve your path if you continue to push forward if youtube time to reflect on its capabilities. Don't rush these sort of things, alright? It will come. You put in the effort, you'll get results eventually. I bring up Lee Seng because he's a great example of it." Dr. Valentin smiled.

"So how does Lee Seng even live up to all of that expectation put on him? I would crumble under all that pressure. I feel like it would hinder me from even trying to craft these complicated moves within the weapons moveset, too." Ritsuka looked up at the doctor.

"Your experiences and your mind make up for what you will do. You need to reflect on that to push you. Lee Seng retaliated because he felt stuck . That's why he gets such a bad reputation. He does what he wants to despite all of the pressure. He doesn't allow for that pressure to stack onto him. Or at least that's what I think. The practicing you're doing, will come to fruition. I think this is almost there. You need to reign yourself back in and remember the expectations you put onto yourself. Is it too high and you're missing it so you're more disappointed in yourself? Or are the expectations too low and you can't think about what you should be doing? These are questions we must always ask ourselves and answer as Biohumans – no, humans."

Those words refueled Ritsuka. After much debate, he realized what he was lacking in his journey of a perfected Black Void.

The sword's energy erupted around him. Shadows began to crawl and move around his body. The shadows ripped from the ground beneath him and covered the entire space in mere milliseconds. Lee Seng gasped as blades began to shoot outwards.

'This is all the hard work I put into that moment. All the doubts and questions finally answered with this perfected Black Void!' Ritsuka smiled. The blades flew straight into the shadows foot, legs, arms and head with ease. The shadows ripped and pulled back as more blades flew straight for the torso. The shadow began to bob and weave, dodging the attacks. Obsidian Glass pierced itself into the torso, releasing a scream and a rancid odor from the shadow.

"The torso!" Ritsuka shouted. The shadow pulled backwards, slamming into the side of the house. It couldn't break itself out because of Complete Black Void. Lee Seng peered straight at the torso and realized black energy gripping at a pink energy.

"Something's binding another energy in the stomach!" Lee Seng pointed. Keng flew forward and cleared the distance. The swords made way for him as the shadow bounced off the wall and shifted its form. Nasty dark liquid and solid objects began to leak out of the pierced torso. Keng extended his fingers, nails growing and slashed at the torso. Silver light erupted from the attack, igniting the shadow in flames.

The shadow monster screeched in pain as it threw a kick straight for Keng's face. The kick connected, sending Keng slamming into the door, breaking the door open and bouncing in the dirt of the floral forest.

Light poured in as Lee Seng gripped at his sword. He smiled and blurred from his spot, instantly striking diagonally across the shadow monster's torso.

"ARGH!!!" A distorted voice screamed. Dark liquid and garbage poured out of the torso. The shadows were pulling into the torso trying to keep itself together. "No! Not this!" The voice was becoming higher and less distorted.

Lee Seng slashed another time and watched as the shadows began to erupt.

"No!" A high female voice shrieked. "NOOO!" The shadows in the whole room pulled into a tiny humanoid hovered in the air.

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