
Chapter 249 The Twin Gods, Rox'su & Vox'su

Chapter 249 The Twin Gods, Rox'su & Vox'su

"Rox'su, we were told not to interfere!" The silver-haired young man spoke. Rox'su, the golden-haired man ignored his brother and took a step closer.

"This one interests me a lot." Rox'su told his brother. He slowly circled around Lee Seng, checking him out. "He reflects me so well, don't you think, Vox'su?" The silver-haired twin, Vox'su, flared his nose and took a look at Lee Seng.

"He doesn't hold that much of a trace of me! Don't you think that's a disgrace to me?" Vox'su had taken one look and was already complaining. Lee Seng was confused as to what was happening as Rox'su finished his circle and stood next to his brother.

"Small traces of you. I bet his other half took your energy." Rox'su had guessed right.

"How?" Lee seng managed to let out after confusingly staring at the twins. He managed to lift his fingers, confusion and curiosity outweighing every other feeling he was feeling. "What the hell is happening here?"

"He cursed!" Vox'su pointed at Lee Seng and turned at Rox'su. "He dares curse in front of gods? Why did you choose such a vulgar one?"

"W-what…?" Lee seng quietly asked. He cleared his throat and Vox'su turned to look at Lee Seng. "What's going on here? I'm not in the Spirit World and I'm definitely not… in… the Realm of Life… Who are you?"

"He doesn't even know us!" Vox'su complained. "That's why I said we should've waited and chosen a better one!"

"Father said they would come and they did, correct?" Rox'su took a step forward and extended his hand out to Lee Seng. "Lee Seng Chang. Human from the Human Realm, Earth. Chosen by our Father, the God King, to walk a path not many to walk. You've been graced with the attention of both myself and my brother. Not many get that."

"And you two are… Rox'su and Vox'su?" Lee Seng lifted his right hand and shook the god's hand. Rox'su smiled and nodded. They pulled their hands away.

"Correct. Rox'su and Vox'su, gods of the Suns & Paths."

"We shouldn't interfere. This is destiny we're talking about! He has to choose the path, Rox'su!" Vox'su stomped over to his brother and turned him away from Lee Seng. "Father said not to interfere early on! He and his Spirit just became Saviors! They have to figure this out for themselves!"

"But you feel it, too, don't you?" Rox'su looked at Lee Seng. "This one is entangled with many different things. Even now, his mind and body are living different lives. He has to choose which one he wants at some point."

"And we should let him choose for himself. That's the whole point of our godhood!"

"To light the way and to lay out paths? It's so mundane. Can't we just interfere as we please? Father walks among his children just fine. Why can't we do the same?"

"Because we're literal light!" Vox'su cursed at his brother and Rox'su simply shook his head and turned his attention back onto Lee Seng.

"Look, you have three choices behind us. You need to choose one. For the sake of my younger brother, I won't go into heavy detail, but it already looks like you have a path in mind." Rox'su smiled. Rox'su and Vox'su radiated different kinds of warmth to Lee Seng. Rox'su seemed to have that kind and pure warmth towards Lee Seng while Vox'su radiated a little bit of hostility with his cold personality towards Lee Seng.

"Keng and I represent you two?" Lee Seng asked. Rox'su nodded.

"You're not supposed to–" Vox'su began when Rox'su cut him off.

"Not supposed to tell him about the paths. Which I'm not. Father didn't say we could answer other questions that don't pertain to those commands." Rox'su had already found loopholes and persuaded Lee Seng to continue with a hand gesture.

"So if Keng and I represent you, then technically we're God King's creation but were given your power?" Lee Seng asked, confused.

"Yup. You got it right so far." Rox'su nodded.

"So does that mean the other sects have different gods or…?"

"Not all of the different sects have different gods that bless them with their path." Vox'su finally turned and answered Lee Seng. "Our brothers and sisters do what they want under Father's orders. That's how it works. Some Father is at the top and we all have our positions underneath him. The God King is absolute and we follow his wishes."

"But you act separate from him here because…?" Lee Seng looked at Vox'su and Rox'su.

"Because my brother is an idiot with a free-spirit personality!" Vox'su shouldered his brother. Rox'su chuckled as he easily swung back and lightly bumped Vox'su. It seemed to Lee Seng, Rox'su and Vox'su were perfect siblings. Rox'su liked to bother his brother.

'The most usual thing to do with siblings.' Lee Seng let out a smile.

"I guess you can relate to having a sibling who's like this?" Rox'su asked. Lee seng raised his eyebrows in surprise. "How did I read your mind? I can't. You just had that look about you that said, 'I can relate.'"

"Mmm, they're technically not my siblings through blood or marriage but they're siblings nonetheless. Usually I'm the one annoying them." Lee Seng pointed at Vox'su who immediately got defensive.

"I'm annoying?!?" Vox'su's nostrils flared as light started to radiate off of him.

"That's not what he meant, Vox'su." Rox'su turned and shielded Lee Seng from Vox'su's light. He forced his brother into a hug which Vox'su didn't like at all and began to try to pummel his brother.


"Let me go, Rox'su. I will teach this one a lesson!" Vox'su shouted.

"Calm down, Vox'su. We don't have much time left. He has to make a choice soon. Don't take it personally." Rox'su tried to shush his brother. He squeezed his brother hard and then let go. Vox'su light had completely died down. Lee Seng could tell Rox'su had a well-defined body. His back muscles were nice to look at and the huge long sword strapped to his back told Lee Seng Rox'su must be an experienced swordsman.

"We don't have much time left with you. You were pulled in here to make a choice and we are here to observe. Choose well." Rox'su told Lee Seng.

"You can't tell me more about that? I'm just supposed to go off by, what, feelings?" Lee Seng tried to fish for hints but Rox'su immediately shook his head.

"We can't say more. I would love to say more, but Vox'su is right about Father telling us not to intervene. I'm already risking too much by talking to you, Lee Seng."

"So choose wisely!" Vox'su spoke. Lee Seng nodded and watched as the twins split from each other.

Three paths laid out before him. The leftmost path, the middle path and the rightmost path. The initial feelings he had were gone. They all looked similar to one another, too. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before slowly looking at each one. He could see from the corner of his right side that Vox'su was getting impatient. Lee Seng turned to the right and moved down the right path.

He began to walk and the two twin gods started to follow him.

"The right path." Vox'su spoke. "You would go down the path that made you nervous, at first?"

"What he feels doesn't define what will happen." Rox'su told Vox'su.

"And what if it does? What will you do?"

"He doesn't have to answer that. You don't have to."

"It may feel bad at first, but all the bad stuff disappears right? Just like how when it storms, it might get ugly but there's always the sun shining after it." Lee Seng answered. Rox'su looked at Vox'su, who seemed pleased by the answer.

"Well, that's our cue." Rox'su elbowed his brother. Vox'su nodded.

,m "Wish we could talk more." Vox'su spoke.

"And you didn't wanna talk to him." Rox'su poked at his brother. Vox'su's eye twitched as he cleared his throat.

"You've chosen your path, Lee Seng Chang. Let's see where it takes you." Vox'su spoke. The twin gods flashed into pure light, covering everything around Lee Seng and blinding him.

The sea of hair wrapped around Lee Seng as it continued to shove him backwards. His body grew blacker as the cackling of the witch echoed throughout the forest. Florabelle had watched the ghost witch destroy everything in her path including her newly made offering hut.

"I JUST MADE THAT!" She complained as she bobbed and weaved through the hairs. The hairs had tried to snatch at her and she spent much of her time dodging with ease. The witch had left her alone after a while and put all of her effort into Lee Seng and the others, so Florabelle had concocted a strange plan.

She flew high up into the sky and looked at the twin suns. The suns gave her comfort and she could feel something was about to happen. Her instincts had told her to wait for her to execute her plan. She turned her attention towards where Lee Seng went.

"Something's definitely wrong about him, but I must listen to my instincts and wait this out." Florbelle quietly told herself. The sea of hair pulled Le Seng about and began to pull back towards the witch. Lee Seng's body was turning completely black yet his lifeless eyes still stayed the same. There was some 'life' in them that the witch wouldn't notice.

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